My wish is quite straight forward really. Oh Corrie Powers That Be, can we please not have another Plattination Street in 2016? Honestly, it feels like we're never out of David and Kylie's front room these days.
2015 has been the year of the Platt family. Or should I say, yet another year of the Platt family. The Callum saga has dragged on and on and on and now has so many different off shoots it shows no signs of slowing down. The man has been dead and buried since September but it still feels like he is stalking the streets of Weatherfield. I really didn't like the character of Callum and yes I know we weren't supposed to, but I just found him completely over the top and overrated.
Corrie has a history of dragging certain stories out for unbelievable lengths of time (Callum; anything Carla or Tracy related) while others (Emily's imminent departure) begin and end over the course of a few episodes. I understand that David and Kylie are popular, well acted characters and that Corrie bosses are desperate to attract and hold onto the younger viewer (despite the fact younger people are watching telly less and less, but that's a whole other blog). I just wish the whole Platt clan could be rested for a few months.
I think David and Kylie are cracking characters, don't get me wrong. Jack P Shepherd has worked wonders since he starting playing David 15 years ago and Paula Lane is an absolute star. Tina O'Brien put in a terrific performance in the live episode in September but I still don't care for the character of Sarah. And while it has taken me a considerable amount of time, I'm actually beginning to warm to Bethany. I continue to have a soft spot for Nick (yes, I know) and Gail and Audrey are Corrie legends but please, let's shift the focus.
There are plenty of other Corrie characters that deserve and indeed are crying out for more screen time. The Nazir family have come on leaps and bounds in 2015 and I enjoy each and every one of them now. Although the Alya storyline was a bit tedious, it showed them as a wonderful family unit. I'd like to see more of them. Steph and Andy make a great couple but their recent revenge porn storyline really didn't do them justice. Luke is also promising but the writers haven't given him a sufficient chance to show this yet. Another character who barely gets a look in is Erica who sparkles whenever she appears and forms a great double act with Liz. We also need more of the Tinkers - Craig in particular is brilliant.
I'm not saying we should phase the Platt family out entirely, let's just have them as background characters for a few months. I'm looking forward to seeing Audrey's relationship with Ken develop and while we're at it, Gail really does need a little storyline all of her own. For the time being though, there seems to be no getting away from the dreaded Callum. At least the horrid Gemma hasn't been sniffing around for a while, although I'm sure she'll be back!
So do you agree that it's time to stick the Platt family in the Corrie cupboard for a while?
You can follow me on Twitter @GraemeN82
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