I'm really enjoying the Windass storyline with the creepy Phelan. The Conversation Street podcast folks made a great comparison between Phelan and another classic villain and I concur. I'm really interested in where this is all going to end. The Windasses are already starting to implode. It's going to get far worse before it's over.
I don't even mind Sophie and Maddie though it's not for the two of them that I am enjoying watching it.There's been some funny scenes lately and I'm hoping the writing is turning around on that side of things.
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I do agree that the Windass story line is somewhat interesting. I disagree with the story line between Sophie and her newest lover. I absolutely dislike her character and any story line that involves her at all. I have nothing against her being gay, it's just the actress herself that I have never grown attached to. She is a terrible actress and I don't know why they keep her. I find the Peter/Tina story line more bearable than Sophie. We spend alot of time FF lately, and I suppose alot more in the future.
V poor storylines since Stuart Blackburn took over... Worse actor ever is phelan... New producer needed urgently
The best thing about the Windbag storyline is Phelan as the creepy smiling assassin who like all the best villans never raises his voice beyond a whisper. Have zero sympathy for this crew with mentally deranged Garah, simple minded Izzy, totally pointless airhead Katie, and the world constantly on her shoulders, never do any work in the Cafe Anna. As for Bully Boy Owen, great to see what goes round comes round and this character hopefully getting his come uppance at long last. He has thrown his weight around the Street for too long.
I think Phelan and Valerie are both great baddies but I've had enough of the Windasses already! Tina and Peter is poor. Sophie isn't a favourite of mine but it's good to see more of Sally and Tim
I like Sally and Tim and think they may be long-term. Sophie is really dreadful and no storyline is going to change the acting. The Windass saga could take an interesting turn if Anna decides to give herself to Phelan in order to save the family. I'm pretty sure Nick/Leanne isn't over yet and that will resurface when Peter goes. Simon will need a father figure. I like what they're doing with Amy but Tracy, like Sophie, should just go. Seems like they haven't made their minds up about Steve/Lloyd/Andrea and that's going to run out of steam unless something definite happens there.
Enough of the villains already..what is this becoming? EE? Tone it down already. The already did away with the one person that was genuinely innocent and saw nothing but the good in others in favor of a bunch of low lifes scumbags ruling the cobbles. I've tuned out and won't watch again but really, it is very unfair to the loyal viewers of Corrie who have stuck with it hoping something just might get better. It's turning into a truckload of trash IMO.
My problem is so many people acting completely out of character. It's hard to care about. There do seem to be a lot of villains and other storylines dragging for a long time with rushed endings.
Sophie is truly Kevin's daughter. A yelling hot head so I never care about what and who she does. All very shallow with little entertainment value. Now, if you are going to be shallow, be associated with Team Steve McDonald. The pub and the taxi office are ok by me. I also like a lot of the new characters. I think there is going to be a lighter lift to Corrie. Phelan's story will go bust somewhere. Valerie will likely kill him and then Owen's deal will be back on and they'll be okay. Gary will go to anger managment therapy and the whole family will pack up and leave the street :)
Agree with the comments. Vast majority of the storylines are trash and the characters are acting 'out' of character to serve these trashy storylines so everything feels forced and heavy-handed. May as well just tune into EE where this kind of show (mostly about baddies running around throwing their weight around) is better handled. Yes, yes.... the management/Stuart Blackburn needs to get fired. And true fans of Corrie need their show back!
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