We all know that Stella will be departing Weatherfield at some point next year (Hurrah!) however apparently Michelle has asked that Stella is not killed off as she wouldn't rule out a return in the future.
Apparently Michelle had only planned to stay in Coronation Street for three years, and can't believe how quickly the time has gone.
Whatever happens to Stella, I'm sure we all wish Michelle Collins well with whatever she does next.
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Yeah I wish her good luck but I wish she were departing with Karl and not hanging around pointlessly and annoyingly until 2014. And "not ruling out" a return - hm, she may not but I think the viewers might. Sorry luv it just didnt work out, time to move on.
I can believe that MC only intended to stay three years in the first instance. I remember someone else auditioned for the part and turned it down on the basis that the contract was for three years. I suppose if Eva stays on the Street, Stella could return in a couple of years as with Liz and Steve McD. Good luck to Michelle Collins.
Wow, it take some kinda self-important diva to ask that her character not be killed off. I hope they don't listen to her. Not too many people would look forward to her return .... unless she got rid of that raspy whispery voice, put some colour in her hair, her make-up and in her wardrobe, and unfroze her face.
~JB in Canada
There's nothing diva-ish about requesting your character not be killed off. I believe Suranne Jones, Katherine Kelly & Michelle Keegan also made such a request. The Powers That Be don't have to grant it, but it lets them know that, should they want your character back at some point in the future, it is something that you would be prepared to contemplate.
Can we assume Julie Hesmondhalgh (sp?) didn't request the same thing?
Yes I believe Julie H thought it best that Hayley die. And really, you couldn't split up Roy and Hayley for any other reason, could you?
The character of Stella just didn't work. Would it have with a different actress? Hard to say. Probably not if they handled it the same way and pushed Stella into every storyline regardless of whether it was suited or not. Good luck MC.
Maybe if her character hadn't been shoved into almost every scene from the git-go, viewers might have warmed up to her more.
I don't see why she would need to be killed off anyway. Shock horror, people can move away without being killed.
Despite not being a fan of Stella, Michelle Collins seems nice enough so I wish her the best in the future, just a pity the likes of Phil Collinson tried too hard to make us like her.
Looking back on everything that was done with Stella, the character was a dismal failure and I doubt that any actress could have revived her. An unfortunate twist of fate for the actress and the viewers but good that it's finally coming to an end, so that both can explore other things.
One good thing is that she does look like Leanne's mother.
Over the years, there have been some clever castings in that regard. Sophie is definitely Kevin's daughter. Gail is definitely Audrey's. Craig is Beth's son.
NZ Coro, they do get that right often. Gary does look like a younger version of Eddie. FIz and Chesney are siblings. And of course Diedre looks more and more like Blanche as the years pass. I have to disagree about Gail and Audrey though. It has always bothered me that Audrey has a long chin and Gail has none. Small point but when they the get others right it is jarring.
Smaller point ... Gail and Audrey both have dreadful hair. :-) (something to consider before booking an appointment at the salon)
~JB in Canada
Best of luck MC.
Someone liked you very much to have you featured in every character's storyline, or so it seemed at the time.
At least you can do a northern part now, and I applaud you for that!
I can see Faye being Tim's daugher,and up till recently, I envied Gail's full bodied hair. It seems to have changed lately,along with her personality.
Maybe Gail inherited her Dad's chin? :-)
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