Sunday, 7 October 2012
Corrie Weekly Awards, Ocober 1 - 5
Too Cool for School award: Ace pic of Lloyd (Craig Charles) when he was young!
Covering your bases award: Kirsty sidelined Tyrone by leaving his name off the birth certificate. Gotcha!
Be Careful What you Ask for: Kirsty feels like she's got no life as a stay at home mum. Tyrone fixed that. You work, I'll stay home with the baby! Sorted!
True Blue Friendship award: Gold Star: Marcus is Maria's rock. Silver Star: Fiz is really concerned for Ty.
Suck Up Award: Transatlantic star: Norris plied Mary with compliments, flattery and chocolate but he didn't get the other ticket.
It's harder than it looks award: Tyrone is exhausted after a few hours minding the baby, spark out amid the piled up laundry!
Pants on Fire award: Oh no, Lloyd lies that he's not seen Jenna. With her in the back room and her jacket over the sofa.
It's All About Me award: Mandy thinks Jenna is making friends with Lloyd to get at her. I don't think so. I think she's genuinely curious.
Sibling Rivalry award: Nick spends money on Max that David doesn't have. Ouch.
Making up for past wrongs: Mary really was generous to the Croppers and she knew she had stuff to make up for.
All ModCons award: There's a computer in the taxi office!
Tie Breaker award: Was anyone surprised when Ken chose books over computers for the school?
Fashion award: I Loved Fiz's coat!
Lines of the week:
Mary's competition winning line "Good job we brought our trunks!" (elephants!) Lloyd "Some hangovers are worth it!" Kirsty re her father "I hated him so much and now I've turned into him." Kirsty to Tyrone "You have NO legal right to my daughter!" Mary "Last time I flew they had to make an emergency landing on account of my screaming. Mother was mortified. We were only going to Inverness" (Now that's the kind of Mary-speak we like!) Kirk to Jason "Welcome to the family. Let's hope you last longer than the other brothers-in-law i've had" (doh, would that be a phrase of doom, then?) Eileen to Jason "Do you think Maria's The One?" (she is this week at least) Paul "And I thought parties are supposed to be fun" (they are, but putting one together is hard work!) Julie "I love citrus" Paul "You can always suck a lemon" Wendy "I do find it hard to let go" (uhoh, another phrase of doom!)
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Irresponsible mate award: Tyrone confided in Fiz that Kirsty was battering him, so what does the dozy mare do? Does she act with tact and discretion – no she makes constant little digs at Kirsty which will result in more trouble. Fiz is just such an obtuse and annoying character.
Fiesta award: I thought Mary was doing all the cooking for the Spanish evening, how come she was acting as waitress as well. This woman must be multi faceted.
Angry Middle Aged Man award: I think the wind has changed and left Kev with a permanent scowl, along with that fungus face. . Always belligerent, always ranting and raving about something, also wth a short memory of how much time he had off when looking after baby Jack and what he put Tyrone through, he owes him so for Pete’s sake Kev – get a shave and SHUT IT!!
Missed smacker award: Silly Sean puckering up expecting a kiss from Marcus – that did make Frosty smirk, although Sean has become more ham than a leg of pork these days. His infantile jumping around at Eileen’s party was more like a 5 year old than a 35 year old
Quickest hospital results award: In the real world its weeks for an appointment but of course Maria was in within days and got the results on the spot. Breast cancer affects thousands of women and is a serious issue and should be followed through realistically. It certainly should not just be used to contrive yet another affair.
Odd couple award: Paul and Eileen dancing with his head resting on her shoulder. Just cannot warm to the lisping Paul, another character that should have just been brought in short term instead of being made a permanent one. Seems rather deadwood already.
Annoying mother and daughter award: All this constant arguing with Mandy and Jenna is becoming very tiresome indeed.
I liked this weeks episodes especially the friday night exciting party vibe atmosphere they had going on on Fridsy's episodes. I don't know what it was but it made me want to go out... so I did! Good work Corrie/Northern Quarter excellent Friday night all round :)
Snob of the week? Nicky buying soccer shoes for Max when he knows David can't afford it. Now, he's looking down his nose at Mary and Anna - like he as something to stick his nose in the air over?
Why is Ty acting like such a knob? I get that he's trying to be Mr. Mom, but he doesn't have to fall over himself trying to please Kirsty..I'd have served her a bowl of slop for brekkie and burned her dinner to a crisp.
Who is choosing Michelle's wardrobe? For months everything she's in looks cheap, and shapeless and doesn't fit her well. She looks positively frumpy. My granny had more stylish pieces in her closet int the 1970s. She didn't dress that way working at the Rovers. For heaven's sake, someone take that woman shopping.
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