Friday, 30 September 2011
Vote for Corrie! TV Times Awards 2011
Voting is now open in the TV Times Awards 2011. You can vote for Corrie here and you might win one of 22 amazing prizes.
'Like' TV Times on facebook at and vote for Favourite Newcomer of the year here and you'll automatically be entered into a draw to win a top prize of £100 or one of six prizes of £50.
tv times awards 2011
WIN! Coronation Street wedding dress
With thanks to Guide Dogs for the Blind for sending this to us - it's great!
To celebrate the 80th anniversary of Guide Dogs for the Blind and the start of Guide Dog Week from 1-9 October, the charity is auctioning off Xin Proctor's wedding dress as worn on Coronation Street.
The dress is available on ebay from today and you can bid to win it here.
Find out more about Guide Dogs for the Blind
To celebrate the 80th anniversary of Guide Dogs for the Blind and the start of Guide Dog Week from 1-9 October, the charity is auctioning off Xin Proctor's wedding dress as worn on Coronation Street.
The dress is available on ebay from today and you can bid to win it here.
Find out more about Guide Dogs for the Blind
xin proctor
Downton Abbey - Weatherfield Style
With tongue firmly in cheek, here's a little look at some of the Downton Abbey characters from Coronation Street. There's more details of the actors who have worked in both Corrie and Downton Abbey here.
The Dowager Countess of Grantham is clearly Corrie's Blanche Hunt in disguise. Head of a family she can no longer control, with an acid tongue and some wonderful cutting comemnts.
Charles Carson the Butler. Decent, straightforward, salt of the earth, just like Jack Duckworth, only Carson doesn't disappear for hours on end down the cellar. Not yet, anyway.
The Earl of Grantham meets the Codger of the Cobbles. Both of them trying and failing to run a household full of women who've got the measure of them both.
Mrs Isobel Crawley and Mrs Rita Littewood-Fairclough-Sullivan. A woman who Gets Things Done.
Matthew Crawley lets women wrap him around their finger, just like our very own Steve McDonald.
Thomas Barrow, First Footman reminds us of Liam Connor. We can't say exactly why, there's something about the man but we just can't put our finger on what it actually is....
See also:
The Sopranos - Weatherfield Style
Mad Men - Weatherfield Style
The Flintstones - Weatherfield
The Dowager Countess of Grantham is clearly Corrie's Blanche Hunt in disguise. Head of a family she can no longer control, with an acid tongue and some wonderful cutting comemnts.
Charles Carson the Butler. Decent, straightforward, salt of the earth, just like Jack Duckworth, only Carson doesn't disappear for hours on end down the cellar. Not yet, anyway.
The Earl of Grantham meets the Codger of the Cobbles. Both of them trying and failing to run a household full of women who've got the measure of them both.
Mrs Isobel Crawley and Mrs Rita Littewood-Fairclough-Sullivan. A woman who Gets Things Done.
Matthew Crawley lets women wrap him around their finger, just like our very own Steve McDonald.
Thomas Barrow, First Footman reminds us of Liam Connor. We can't say exactly why, there's something about the man but we just can't put our finger on what it actually is....
See also:
The Sopranos - Weatherfield Style
Mad Men - Weatherfield Style
The Flintstones - Weatherfield
downton abbey
Spot the Corrie prop - September 30th 2011
No real problems with last week's poser. The posh plant belongs to Carla, well done to everyone who spotted it.
Moving on to this week's prop puzzle, which Coronation Street kitchen contains these bits and bobs?
Moving on to this week's prop puzzle, which Coronation Street kitchen contains these bits and bobs?
Sneak preview of tonight's double Corrie - Friday 30 September at 7.30 and 8.30
Friday 30th September at 7.30pm
Bill referees as Pam and Kevin lock horns. As Kevin makes a last ditch bid to change Sally's mind she insists it's time for him to go, although it's more difficult than she'll admit. Kevin's down and when Bill and Pam arrive handing out wedding invites an argument escalates as Kevin blames Pam for Sally kicking him out and she accuses him of using Molly. Bill's left to referee but the strain taking it's toll he suddenly clutches his chest. Is he having a heart attack?
Peter's drawn to vulnerable Carla. Peter and Leanne have been at the hospital all night as they await news on Carla's condition. Leanne's frosty as she can't help observing it was Peter she called in her dying moments. She tells Peter whatever happens she wants him to stay away from Carla from now on. Will he comply and will Carla pull through?
Elsewhere Russ gets into trouble at school as he and Cheryl struggle to deal with Chris' condition.
Friday 30th September at 8.30pm
Sally supports Kevin in his hour of need. As an unconscious Bill is rushed to hospital Sally urges Bill and Pam to put their acrimony to one side. Bill's had a heart attack but is stable and the prognosis is good. Back at the Websters Kevin thanks Sally for being there for him. As they share a drink he opens up about how he feared losing his dad, admitting he doesn't know what he'd do without her support. As he moves in for a kiss will Sally respond?
Cheryl and Lloyd have a problem with Russ. Cheryl worries that she's been neglecting Russ who's clearly struggling to deal with his dad's illness.
Elsewhere Maria offers Carla her unfailing support as she insists she come and live with her.
coronation street preview
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Are You Excited About John Stape's Return - Yay Or Nay
This week, we ask you "Are You Excited About John Stape's Return?" So, we just when we all think we have seen the last of Stape/Fishwick, it's been announced he is arriving back on the cobbles yet again, to kidnap Rosie, yet again. Been there, done that.
To be honest, I'm not liking the idea. I never really loved the character and I thought we had seen the last of him, this time. So in that respect, I'm a bit disappointed he is coming back. He had great closure, falling of the roof, but not dying, a perfect ending to the twisted character he is.
But with him coming back, I fear all this will be ruined and he will be turned into a pantamine villain (although, he nearly is already.) It could work, but I have my doubts about this. Who knows, I might be pleasantly surprised, but for me, judging on the spoilers, its a NAY for me.
But what do you think? Do you like this idea of one final comeback? Yes? No? Did you even like him in the first place? Place your opinion in the comment box!
yay or nay
Are you getting sick of Peter and Leanne - Yay Or Nay?
This week, we turn our attention towards Corrie's most fiery couple, Leanne and Peter. Poor Leanne and Peter, they never seem to be happy, just when they are happy, something gets in their way. The miscarriage, Leanne's affair and most importantly - Carla. And at the moment - things seem to be OFF.
So I'm asking you, are you getting sick of Leanne and Peter? Well, I am. I like happy endings, but Phil Collinson seems to think differently. He has them constantly at loggerheads, and sometimes I'm asking myself "what's this argument about this time?"
Of course, they have their reasons, but in my honest opinion, enough is enough. Leanne used to be one of my favourite characters, but now I've gone off her, I'm just not bothered by them anymore.
It's a big YAY from me. But, what do you think? Do you like the matchmaking between Peter and Leanne, or do you think it's getting boring, like I do?
So I'm asking you, are you getting sick of Leanne and Peter? Well, I am. I like happy endings, but Phil Collinson seems to think differently. He has them constantly at loggerheads, and sometimes I'm asking myself "what's this argument about this time?"
Of course, they have their reasons, but in my honest opinion, enough is enough. Leanne used to be one of my favourite characters, but now I've gone off her, I'm just not bothered by them anymore.
It's a big YAY from me. But, what do you think? Do you like the matchmaking between Peter and Leanne, or do you think it's getting boring, like I do?
Post your comments below!
yay or nay
Corrie cast in celebrity 'Call My Bluff'
Panelists confirmed for a Celebrity Call My Bluff event include Eric Potts, former Coronation Street Baker Diggory Compton, and the Street’s Hayley Cropper, Julie Hesmondhalgh.
The event, based on the long-running BBC panel game, is open to teams of four who have to guess which definition, read out by the celebrity panelists, is the true meaning of particular words.
Sarah Ford, Income Services Lead at Springhill Hospice Hospice, said: “There will be a third panelist, who many people will know from another well-loved soap, but I’ll let that one be a surprise!”
Hospice Care Week runs from 8-14 October. The celebrity event will take place at the Hospice on Broad Lane in Rochdale on Thursday 13 October, commencing at 7:30pm.
Tickets for the Celebrity Call My Bluff are £20 per team of four and available from Springhill Hospice on 01706 649920.
The event, based on the long-running BBC panel game, is open to teams of four who have to guess which definition, read out by the celebrity panelists, is the true meaning of particular words.
Sarah Ford, Income Services Lead at Springhill Hospice Hospice, said: “There will be a third panelist, who many people will know from another well-loved soap, but I’ll let that one be a surprise!”
Hospice Care Week runs from 8-14 October. The celebrity event will take place at the Hospice on Broad Lane in Rochdale on Thursday 13 October, commencing at 7:30pm.
Tickets for the Celebrity Call My Bluff are £20 per team of four and available from Springhill Hospice on 01706 649920.
julie hesmondhalgh
State of the Street - September 2011
It's been a grim month on Coronation Street. Fiz is still banged up, Carla's life is in the toilet after a drunken car crash nearly killed Stella, Frank covering up for her and then, after she finished with him just before their wedding, he raped her. Leanne and Peter's marraige teeters on the brink. Tracy is driving a wedge between Becky and Steve, ensuring no possible reconciliation could happen there, especially now she's pregnant by him again. Chris is having treatments for his brain tumour and slyly chipping away at Lloyd and Cheryl's relationship. Is anything making you smile this month? You can read more in this month's State of the Street.
state of the street
Book tickets to see Corrie cast in Cabaret Saltaire
Steve Huison, who played the fab Eddie Windass on Coronation Street hosts Cabaret Saltaire to raise funds for charity. Tickets are on sale today for the next Cabaret Saltaire event to be held on Friday 18 November and the cabaret features some of the Coronation Street cast. Well worth supporting, get there if you can. Follow Steve on twitter at
Tickets are £8.50 each and available from
Tickets are £8.50 each and available from
steve huison
Steve McDonald gurn of the week - September 29 2011
It's Thursday and that means only one thing... time for the Steve McDonald gurn of the week. Thanks go Coronation Street fan Martin S. for this week's fab Stevie McGurn. If you've captured a good Corrie Steve gurn and want to share it via the blog, do email it in.
To see more gurnage from Stevie McGurn, have a look here, there's loads. Some good, some bad and some really very funny.
To see more gurnage from Stevie McGurn, have a look here, there's loads. Some good, some bad and some really very funny.
gurn of the week
Sneak preview of tonight's Corrie - Thursday 29 September
Thursday 29th September at 8.30pm
Carla can face the world no longer. As the police visit Carla asking questions about her relationship with Frank it's clear she needs to talk to Leanne fast. An unkempt Carla lays herself bare to Leanne, begging her to see that by lying over the crash Frank robbed her of any control. Bitter Leanne refuses to confirm what she intends to to do with the truth. Back at home Carla hits the bottle and picks up the sleeping pills Dr Carter prescribed. When Peter's phone rings it's Leanne who answers as Carla slurs goodbye. Fearing the worst Peter dials 999 before racing round to the flat. But finding paramedics with Carla's lifeless body is it too late?
Pam fights Molly’s corner. When Bill and Pam visit, revealing they're engaged, they soon pick up on the tension between Kevin and Tyrone. Pam's appalled that Kevin wants to change Jack's name, claiming it's not what Molly would want. Marching over to the Websters she's shocked to find Sally looking after Jack. As she lays into Sally, calling her a mug for letting Kevin walk over her, will it hit a nerve with Sally?
Anna and Owen start life as a couple. With Gary 's reassurance that's he's happy for his mum to move on Anna embarks on a relationship with Owen. But explaining she wants to tell Faye first she asks Owen to keep quiet for now.
Elsewhere Tracy senses Steve is warming to a future with the baby as he tries to distract himself from Jim's impending trial.
coronation street preview
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Where to buy Anna Windass' dress worn on Coronation Street
In response to the very many requests we've had for this information...
...with thanks to our friends in the Coronation Street wardrobe department, we can reveal that Anna Windass' gorgeous dress she wore for her date in the Bistro with Owen comes from Karen Millen.
I've searched to find it on the Karen Millen website but have been unable to find it and bring you the details, but if you've got a Karen Millen store near you, you can pop in and have a look for it there.
...with thanks to our friends in the Coronation Street wardrobe department, we can reveal that Anna Windass' gorgeous dress she wore for her date in the Bistro with Owen comes from Karen Millen.
I've searched to find it on the Karen Millen website but have been unable to find it and bring you the details, but if you've got a Karen Millen store near you, you can pop in and have a look for it there.
anna windass
Lesbian wedding planned for Christmas on Coronation Street
Sacha Parkinson, who plays Sian Powers, told BANG Showbiz (who they?) that there's going to be a wedding for Sophie and Sian on Corrie after Sophie proposes to Sian out of guilty feelings she has for Amber.
Sacha said: "We've been told it's going to be a nice glamorous proper wedding. Me and Brooke match all the time so maybe they should [have matching dresses]. You know what Brooke's like she'll want something absolutely massive like off My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding!"
Whether the wedding will go ahead or not, who can say although my guess is that it won't, as Sacha is leaving the Street in early 2012.
Sacha said: "We've been told it's going to be a nice glamorous proper wedding. Me and Brooke match all the time so maybe they should [have matching dresses]. You know what Brooke's like she'll want something absolutely massive like off My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding!"
Whether the wedding will go ahead or not, who can say although my guess is that it won't, as Sacha is leaving the Street in early 2012.
sacha parkinson,
sian powers
Corrie rape storyline sparks rise in calls to Rape Crisis
After Carla Connor's rape last week on Coronation Street, helpline Rape Crisis experienced an 800% spike in the number of calls from rape survivors, forcing the charity to lay on extra volunteers to deal with the high demand.
Rape Crisis Helpline Coordinator Rosa Knight praised Corrie bosses for their efforts in bringing the storyline together.
'Though other programs have run similar storylines, the response for the Coronation Street storyline has been like nothing we've experienced before,' she said. 'It is so important for mainstream shows to tackle these important issues in a well-researched way and it appears the program makers worked hard to do just that. That we have had such a huge increase in calls demonstrates that woman who have survived rape do need care and support - but they are not always aware of how to get it. '
Rape Crisis website is here.
Rape Crisis Helpline Coordinator Rosa Knight praised Corrie bosses for their efforts in bringing the storyline together.
'Though other programs have run similar storylines, the response for the Coronation Street storyline has been like nothing we've experienced before,' she said. 'It is so important for mainstream shows to tackle these important issues in a well-researched way and it appears the program makers worked hard to do just that. That we have had such a huge increase in calls demonstrates that woman who have survived rape do need care and support - but they are not always aware of how to get it. '
Rape Crisis website is here.
New Zealand Corrie fans outraged at time change
Coronation Street fans in New Zealand have expresed their outrage at the decision to screen Coronation Street earlier in the evening to make way for the final shows of MasterChef Australia. TVNZ announced today that Coronation Street is moving from 7,.30pm to 5.30pm from October 17 to make way for MasterChef.
Since the change was announced has received dozens of messages from fans of the show angered by the move. Explaining the reasoning for the move, Jeff Latch, head of TV ONE and TV2, said: "New Zealanders clearly welcomed the opportunity to watch the final of MasterChef Australia in primetime, so this year we are excited to screen at 7.30pm the final action-packed weeks of the Australian MasterChef competition."
He said coverage of the election in October and November will mean the schedule change will remain in place for Coronation Street and "a number of other primetime shows" for that period.Latch said TVNZ is "mindful of the need to provide regular access for Coronation Street viewers" and the decision was made to move the show rather than dump it for three weeks. Latch said he hasn't made a call on what will happen at the end of the three weeks.
Since the change was announced has received dozens of messages from fans of the show angered by the move. Explaining the reasoning for the move, Jeff Latch, head of TV ONE and TV2, said: "New Zealanders clearly welcomed the opportunity to watch the final of MasterChef Australia in primetime, so this year we are excited to screen at 7.30pm the final action-packed weeks of the Australian MasterChef competition."
He said coverage of the election in October and November will mean the schedule change will remain in place for Coronation Street and "a number of other primetime shows" for that period.Latch said TVNZ is "mindful of the need to provide regular access for Coronation Street viewers" and the decision was made to move the show rather than dump it for three weeks. Latch said he hasn't made a call on what will happen at the end of the three weeks.
new zealand
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Coronation Street Tour - Tuesday 4 October
Booking is now open for a Coronation Street Tour for fans to get an insider’s view of our favourite TV show. Hosted by Corrie expert and our blogger Mark Llewllin.
Learn about Corrie creator Tony Warren, how it made it on air, the inside stories and secrets … and visit many of the locations of iconic scenes out and about around Greater Manchester. See the spot where Richard Hillman tried to kill the Platts, find out just where all the Weatherfield weddings take place, see where the new Corrie studios are being built, see where John Stape plunged from the hospital roof – and much more in our fun day out!’
Includes coach travel and morning and afternoon tea at Daisy Nook Garden Centre, Oldham.
Departs 9.000am; home by approx 5.30pm
Check out for details and booking.
Learn about Corrie creator Tony Warren, how it made it on air, the inside stories and secrets … and visit many of the locations of iconic scenes out and about around Greater Manchester. See the spot where Richard Hillman tried to kill the Platts, find out just where all the Weatherfield weddings take place, see where the new Corrie studios are being built, see where John Stape plunged from the hospital roof – and much more in our fun day out!’
Includes coach travel and morning and afternoon tea at Daisy Nook Garden Centre, Oldham.
Departs 9.000am; home by approx 5.30pm
Check out for details and booking.
Coronation Street Tour
Vote! What's your favourite online Corrie spin-off?
With the launch of Just Rosie, the newest online Coronation Street spin-off, we're asking fans which of the spin-offs so far has been their favourite. It's a little early, I know, as we've only seen one episode of Just Rosie so far and there's more episodes to come, so we'll keep this poll open for a few weeks until Just Rosie has ended.
My favourite? Ken and Deirdre's Bedtime Stories!
My favourite? Ken and Deirdre's Bedtime Stories!
Tracy Barlow's 7 Steps away from smoking
In Coronation Street the other week when Tracy made Deirdre walk 7 Steps away from the house to have a fag in the back yard, I just thought that it was part of the dialogue, funny as it was. But no, there really is a 7 Steps campaign, which I've just read about today in my local paper, The Sunderland Echo.
The 7 Steps campaign is organised by Fresh and Smokefree North West. The Fresh Director said: "Coronation Street deserve a big 'well done'. We were surprised and delighted when it was featured but it's close to reality. We have heard stories of people asking friends to take 7 Steps rather than tell them not to smoke in teh house. Soap operas and films are an important influence."
You can find out more about the campaign at their website at
Illustration by the wonderful Thea Brine
The 7 Steps campaign is organised by Fresh and Smokefree North West. The Fresh Director said: "Coronation Street deserve a big 'well done'. We were surprised and delighted when it was featured but it's close to reality. We have heard stories of people asking friends to take 7 Steps rather than tell them not to smoke in teh house. Soap operas and films are an important influence."
You can find out more about the campaign at their website at
Illustration by the wonderful Thea Brine
Samia sticks with Corrie, What's in Maria's future?
Shortly after the news that Antony Cotton has signed up for another year on the cobbles, Star Magazine via Digital Spy tells us that Samia Smith has a new 12 month contract as well. She's happy about it and says it was a "no brainer" given that she's already had an idea of what is in store for her character, Maria Connor. She can't say but says it might involve a man.
This leads me to ask... Will Maria find love with someone new or with someone she already knows? She's had previous with Jason Grimshaw, Tyrone Dobbs and Nick Tilsley, could any of them figure in another go around? She also had a brief thing with Peter Barlow but I don't see that coming around again.
She's grown up a lot since she was with either of those men though she still can't seem to be successful in love. Husband Liam loved another and was subsequently killed and her most recent love, Chris, has a brain tumour and wants to get back with his ex-wife, Cheryl. There's really nobody on the street that I can see her with if it's not a second or third time with one of the above mentioned fellas. Would she go toe to toe with Tracy over Steve? Would she take Dr. Spare Part away from Tina? Then there's the Devster, he was always a ladies' man before he married Sunita, could he fall off the fidelity wagon?
No, I think it has to be someone new. What do you think?
See a character study of Maria here.
This leads me to ask... Will Maria find love with someone new or with someone she already knows? She's had previous with Jason Grimshaw, Tyrone Dobbs and Nick Tilsley, could any of them figure in another go around? She also had a brief thing with Peter Barlow but I don't see that coming around again.
She's grown up a lot since she was with either of those men though she still can't seem to be successful in love. Husband Liam loved another and was subsequently killed and her most recent love, Chris, has a brain tumour and wants to get back with his ex-wife, Cheryl. There's really nobody on the street that I can see her with if it's not a second or third time with one of the above mentioned fellas. Would she go toe to toe with Tracy over Steve? Would she take Dr. Spare Part away from Tina? Then there's the Devster, he was always a ladies' man before he married Sunita, could he fall off the fidelity wagon?
No, I think it has to be someone new. What do you think?
See a character study of Maria here.
maria connor
National TV Awards 2012 - Vote for Corrie!
Voting opens today in the National Television Awards which takes place in January 2012.
Come on, Corrie fans, get voting now.
Come on, Corrie fans, get voting now.
national tv awards
Pics: Coronation Street film another funeral
John Stape's funeral has been filmed, according to these paparazzi pictures in today's papers.
The spoilers in the Mail say that John will die in a car crash after kidnapping Rosie Webster. But before he carks it, John will confess all to Fiz on his hospital bed.
You can view more pictures at the Mail online.
The spoilers in the Mail say that John will die in a car crash after kidnapping Rosie Webster. But before he carks it, John will confess all to Fiz on his hospital bed.
You can view more pictures at the Mail online.
john stape
Sneak preview of next week's Corrie, October 3 -7
Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.
Week of Monday 3rd to Friday 7th October 2011
Kevin woos Sally, Tracy gets twins news, Sophie spots Amber kissing a girl, Eileen turns 50 and meets a fit firefighter, and Carla moves into Maria’s flat.
The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on
Missed last week's Corrie?Catch up with the Coronation Street weekly updates
Missed last week's Corrie?Catch up with the Coronation Street weekly updates
coronation street preview
Monday, 26 September 2011
Is Peter Barlow bang out of order?

I'm a huge Peter Barlow fan, but my loyalty's been stretched to its limits by tonight's double Corrie.
What on EARTH is he playing at? Having just been raped, Carla is at her most vulnerable. Peter says he is "just being a mate", and offers her a massive, prolonged hug when round at her flat.
That MIGHT be fine if a) he wasn't a married man with a family, whose wife is obviously not comfortable with this "friendship" and b) Carla wasn't still in love with him. He is simply not in a position to offer the right kind of support to someone in Carla's vulnerable state.
My opinion? Unless he's really going to find the "bottle" - 'scuse pun - to start a full-on affair, he should cut the ties with Carla, stop messing with her head, and leave her alone to find more appropriate and reliable support. As things stand, he's only going to make things worse.
Anyone else got any views on this?
My own blog is here
alison king,
carla connor,
chris gascoyne,
peter barlow
Coronation Street Weekly Update, September 26 2011
Greetings and welcome to the Coronation Street Weekly Update. Huge thanks go to Karen Jankel and Richard Whitbread for looking after the updates for the last two weeks while I was on my jollies. And so without any further ado, here we go with this week's Coronation Street update.
Find out more about the Coronation Street Weekly Updates and why they've been written for th'internet since 1995 at
It’s been harrowing this week on Coronation Street. The aftermath of Frank raping Carla has played out emotionally with exceptional performances from the actors who play Frank, Carla, Leanne and Peter, especially. Meanwhile, the residents of the Street get dolled up in their best bib and tucker for Carla and Frank’s wedding. The cake’s arrived, the pink orchids are on the tables at the Bistro and Sally’s got her fascinator on until news spreads that the wedding’s off . And it doesn’t take long for the reason why to filter up the street. Peter spots Frank sneak into the Bistro and thumps him so hard he falls in his own wedding cake. This makes it more difficult for Peter to prove he was just caring for a friend when he tries to knock seven bells out of Frank, but that’s Peter for you, thump first and ask later. Anyway, Frank’s now in jail after bail was refused while he waits for his case to be referred up to Crown Court.
As Carla struggles to cope “I feel like a victim, and I don’t do victim” she tells Doctor Carter who prescribes her sleeping pills, Peter supports his friend. At least he keeps telling himself, and anyone who’ll listen, that Carla’s his friend, but there’s more to it all and Leanne visits Frank in jail to find out what’s really going on. She finds out more than she bargains for however when Frank confesses it was Carla driving the car that crashed into Stella. Armed with this news, Leanne storms to Carla’s flat where Peter is administering some TLC to his friend. She’s not daft, Leanne, but she really should leave Peter, she knows full well what’s going on, even if Peter denies anything’s happened. And it hasn’t, not in the sub-duvet sense but in the heart to heart sense, it really has.
Elsewhere, Anna springs a leak under the kitchen sink. Cue plumbing innuendo as Owen goes in to try to fix her stop cock and there’s passion with the plumber when Owen and Anna sleep together. Clearly the cock is no longer fixed at stop. She does her best to ignore him afterwards but Gary knows they really like each other and fixes his mum up with a date with Owen in the Bistro.
On the golf course with Lloyd, Dev discovers son Aadi is a naturally gifted golfer and goes all out to encourage the kid buying him a brand new set of golf clubs when Sunita’s already warned Dev that their finances are low.
Tyrone’s new girlfriend Kirsty reveals she’s a cop and there’s an odd sort of storyline involving Kirsty, Tina and Rita’s car. Kirsty thinks Tina has damaged her car and Tina thinks Kirsty has damaged Rita’s car when neither has done nowt to nothing. But it sets the two girls up against each other as Tryone tries to calm things between them.
And over at the Websters, Kevin asks Ken for advice on changing baby Jack’s surname from Dobbs to Webster. Tyrone’s not best pleased, as you can imagine. And Rosie’s over the moon that she’s been given a modeling job on ITV’s Lorraine. Cue cross ITV-programme promotion and Rosie’s own modeling website at
And that's just about that for this week.
This week's writers were Simon Crowther, Carmel Morgan, Jan McVerry and Martin Allen. Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at:
Pictures: Corrie cast at Inside Soap Awards 2011
Pictures from the Inside Soap Awards 2011 held on Monday 26th September 2011 in London. The full winners including three Coronation Street awards are all listed here.
Michelle Keegan won Sexiest Female
Sacha Parkinson, who plays Sian Powers.
Chris Gascoyne, who plays Peter Barlow, holding the Oustanding Achievement award which Corrie won.
inside soap awards 2011
Inside Soap Awards 2011: Coronation Street wins three gongs
Coronation Street has won three awards at tonight's Inside Soap Awards 2011 taking place in London.
Michelle Keegan (Tina McIntyre) was crowned Sexiest Female for the third consecutive year.
Bill Tarmey’s (Jack Duckworth) emotional farewell to Coronation Street was named Best Exit
inside soap awards 2011
Helen Flanagan on panic attacks, Scott Sinclair and Just Rosie
There's a good interview in today's Mirror with Helen Flanagan, who returns to our screens tonight as Rosie Webster.
Rosie's online spin-off starts today at and the interview ties in with that, of course. But it's an interesting read nonetheless and Helen talks about the panic attacks she's trying to overcome right now; about her boyfriend footballer Scott Sinclair and about being an actress in Coronation Street.
Worth a read and it's here.
Rosie's online spin-off starts today at and the interview ties in with that, of course. But it's an interesting read nonetheless and Helen talks about the panic attacks she's trying to overcome right now; about her boyfriend footballer Scott Sinclair and about being an actress in Coronation Street.
Worth a read and it's here.
helen flanagan,
rosie webster
See Corrie cast on stage in Manchester
Katy Cavanagh (Julie Carp in Coronation Street) will be on stage in Manchester in the JB Shorts new line-up. Katy is joined by Robert Beck who played Tony Gordon's nasty henchman and is the real-life husband of Jane Danson, who plays Leanne Battersby.
Katy and Robert are part of a JB Shorts 6 cast which features the usual JB mix of familiar faces alongside a some of the most dynamic young talent on the Manchester theatre scene.
And another treat for Corrie fans, Karen Henthorn, who played Theresa Bryant from 2007-10, makes her JB Shorts debut in 2011 Sony Gold Award winning writer’s Christopher Reason’s Short.
JB Shorts 6 is at Joshua Brooks, Manchester from 11 - 22 October. Find out more here.
Katy and Robert are part of a JB Shorts 6 cast which features the usual JB mix of familiar faces alongside a some of the most dynamic young talent on the Manchester theatre scene.
And another treat for Corrie fans, Karen Henthorn, who played Theresa Bryant from 2007-10, makes her JB Shorts debut in 2011 Sony Gold Award winning writer’s Christopher Reason’s Short.
JB Shorts 6 is at Joshua Brooks, Manchester from 11 - 22 October. Find out more here.
Alison King gets engaged
Alison King, who plays Coronation Street's Carla Connor, has become engaged to her boyfriend Adam Huckett, it has been reported. Adam works as a Coronation Street sound technician and popped the question during a romantic trip to Paris.
alison king,
carla connor
Inside Soap Awards 2011 - last chance to vote for Coronation Street
Voting closes at mid-day today, Monday 26th September in the Inside Soap Awards 2011.
Vote for Coronation Street now - here.
Vote for Coronation Street now - here.
inside soap awards 2011
Sneak preview of tonight's double Corrie - Monday 26 September at 7.30 and 8.30
Monday 26th September at 7.30pmFrank tells Leanne the terrible truth. Carla’s there to look Frank in the eye as he appears in court. He’s refused bail and remanded in custody. Both Carla and Maria feel vindicated but as he’s taken down he makes one last desperate plea to Carla asking how she can do this to him, he loves her. Back on the street Carla attempts to return to work but it’s too much too soon and she finds herself with Dr. Carter where she opens up about her ordeal. Meanwhile in prison Frank has a visitor – Leanne. As she demands Frank tell her everything about Peter and Carla will she get the truth?
Anna fears she’s made a mistake in sleeping with Owen. Anna’s in turmoil after sleeping with Owen. As she does her best to avoid him she confides her fears in Gary .
Legal red tape threatens Kevin’s cheap holiday. When Kevin’s sister offers him a cheap holiday abroad he comes across a stumbling block, Jack’s passport. He’ll need to apply for parental responsibility in order to change Jack’s name.
Elsewhere Sunita’s not happy to see how much Dev’s spent on golf clubs for Aadi.
Monday 26th September at 8.30pm
Peter faces the music as Leanne demands answers. Finding a distressed Carla outside the doctors Peter’s taken her home. But when Leanne comes calling, demanding answers following Frank’s allegations, the fact he’s there is all the proof she needs. Laying into them Leanne claims she knows about their sordid affair and how Carla left Stella for dead. As she storms out Carla hits the bottle, self-destructive she’s spiralling into depression and despair. Meanwhile Peter desperately tries to convince Leanne that she’s wrong about him and Carla, begging her not to tell anyone he lied about the crash for Simon’s sake. Will Leanne be moved?
All’s well that ends well for Anna and Owen. When Gary sets up Anna and Owen at the Bistro Anna's instinct is to to turn tail and run but Owen convinces her to stay. The couple have a great evening but is Anna ready for a relationship?
Tyrone stumbles across Kevin’s plan. Kevin's putting off talking to Tyrone about changing Jack's name but when Tyrone finds a leaflet on parental responsibility how will he react? Sally's awkward as the factory girls accuse her of getting back with Kevin (he's better but still living at the house). When she then bumps into Jeff, who is dropping off Rosie, it's a reminder of what could have been.
Elsewhere Dev enters Aadi into a junior golf competition as Sunita insists he spoil Asha as well.
coronation street preview
Just Rosie! Web episodes launch today – Monday 26 September
Coronation Street’s Rosie Webster is swapping the cobbles of Weatherfield for the bright lights of London as she pursues her dream of becoming a famous top model.
Her exploits are now live in a three part online exclusive drama launched on her own website from today, Monday September 26th. Check it out now!
rosie webster
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Coronation Street Weekly Awards, September 19 - 23
Explosion of Pink award: Man that was a lot of pink in the Bistro for the wedding decos but I did like Hayley's jacket!
Misguided award: Gold Star: Sean breaking up with Marcus because Marcus wants a child and Sean doesn't. Fortunately, Marcus wouldn't accept it.
Family Fortunes award: Brass star: Doesn't Tracy have a bank account full of cash from Blanche?
Pants on Fire award: Peter was under no illusions. He got arrested defending Carla's honour but I bet it felt satisfying. Peter's lying to Leanne yet again and still only telling Leanne half truths. I know he's concerned but he never learns. He still hasn't admitted to that one steamy kiss nor that he knows Carla was drink driving.
Delusional award: Frank has convinced himself that he's done nothing wrong and later, that he will get away with it anyway. He ignored his bail conditions, admitted the rape to Carla and he used all his powers of persuasion to try to make her see that she would lose in court.
Put in your place award: Gold Star: Kirsty finally shut Tina up (for a minute) by flashing her badge.
Silver Star: Rita tore a strip off Tina, told her to be more responsible and mature - and she's right.
Movers and Shakers award: Obnoxious star: Dev reckons he can network on the golf course. He only owns one poxy shop not a world wide corporation but it's all about image for him.
Insufferable Award: Gold Star: Dev again, Now he's a golf daddy with a supposed prodigy 6 year old with a golf club.
Smart Cookie award: Gold Star: Simon knew Peter and Leanne had a row!
I love the cake top!!!
Lines of the Week:
Frank to Carla "I think our fate is firmly in our own hands" (Talk about a portent of doom!)
Maria to Kirk "You'll meet the girl of your dreams someday" Kirk "I hope not, she's quite scary!"
Frank "I just ask you to reserve your judgement" Sean "Justice will be done" (as per soap law)
Dev "Self Important???? Me?????" (yes, actually)
Sally "He loved her one minute" Sean "And then raped her the next"
Owen "I see your water's broken!"
weekly awards
Eileen Grimshaw gets stuck in
It's Eileen Grimshaw's 50th birthday soon on Coronation Street and it looks as if the birthday celebrations go slightly awry when she gets her head stuck in railings. The Star have published a picture which we're not reprinting here as it breaks the ITV picture date embargo, but you can view it here. (And it's worth a look, as it's funny!)
Anyway, it all turns out well as the fireman who comes to Eileen's rescue is a hero in disguise. Sally Webster recognises him from the tram crash and tells everyone what an amazing man he is.
Anyway, it all turns out well as the fireman who comes to Eileen's rescue is a hero in disguise. Sally Webster recognises him from the tram crash and tells everyone what an amazing man he is.
eileen grimshaw
Keith Duffy's final fling on Corrie
The Daily Star reports today that Keith Duffy, who plays Ciaran McCarthy, won't ever be returning to Coronation Street after he's written out at Christmas.
The paper says that Keith is quitting Coronation Street for good and will be written out in a dramatic Christmas storyline. He wants to spend more time with his family and kids and won't be back on the cobbles after he leaves later this year.
The paper says that Keith is quitting Coronation Street for good and will be written out in a dramatic Christmas storyline. He wants to spend more time with his family and kids and won't be back on the cobbles after he leaves later this year.
A source close to the actor told the Star: “Something had to give and sadly it was Corrie. He’s had a great time working on the show but these last few months have proved very demanding."
ciaran mccarthy,
keith duffy
Helen Flanagan admits to panic attacks
I'm really feeling sorry for Helen Flanagan, who plays Corrie's Rosie Webster. She's admitted, via twitter, that she has been suffering from panic attacks on the Coronation Street set. I've also suffered from panic attacks and know how distressing they can be, so my best wishes goes to her.
On twitter, Helen says: “I have been experiencing panic attacks for quite a while now outside of work. However this was the first time I experienced them at work. It hasn’t been very pleasant but I’m a strong girl and am getting them under control.”
On twitter, Helen says: “I have been experiencing panic attacks for quite a while now outside of work. However this was the first time I experienced them at work. It hasn’t been very pleasant but I’m a strong girl and am getting them under control.”
helen flanagan,
rosie webster
Antony Cotton signs up for another 12 months on Corrie
According to today's Sunday Mirror, Antony Cotton, who plays Sean Tully, has signed a six-figure golden handcuffs deal to keep him on the cobbles until 2013.
Antony, the paper says, has been inundated with offers for stage and screen jobs over the past few weeks and show bosses feared he would follow co-star Katherine Kelly to the West End. So they quickly drew up a new 12-month contract and offered him a huge pay rise.
Antony, the paper says, has been inundated with offers for stage and screen jobs over the past few weeks and show bosses feared he would follow co-star Katherine Kelly to the West End. So they quickly drew up a new 12-month contract and offered him a huge pay rise.
Antony said: “I have signed a new deal and I’m really pleased. I love working on Coronation Street, it’s the best job in the world.” He has also been promised a string of top storylines. A Corrie source added: “He is one of the best-loved characters on the Street and it would be a duller place without him.”
This fan is still hoping that Eileen will get to play mother of the groom in full frontal fascinator and posh frock for Sean and Marcus' wedding soon on Corrie. How about a Christmas civil parternship, Corrie?
antony cotton,
sean tully
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