Saturday, 10 September 2011
Should Peter choose Leanne or Carla?
This week we saw Carla's desperate attempts to convince Peter that he loves her, not Leanne, yet again. Peter continues to be loyal to his wife and gently reject Carla. He says she won't let him walk away like he wants to, she keeps coming after him. Does Peter love Carla down deep or is it a lesser feeling? He cares for her and is concerned for her, and he's probably a bit attracted to her which is where that steamy kiss came from. I'm on the Peter and Leanne team but I'm sure there's a lot of Peter and Carla fans as well. Have a read here, and tell me which side you're hoping for and why!
carla connor,
leanne barlow,
peter barlow
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Peter and Leanne: he was strong enough to kick an addiction, he's strong enough to resist Carla. Leanne is the best thing that ever happened to him; he knows it, his dad knows it, Simon knows it. Leanne gets mad, Simon still goes to school; Carla gets mad, she drives drunk. Plus, he and Leanne haven't been married long enough for things to go stale, they don't have major fights, and they are still recovering from a trauma.
All of which means we'll be seeing more of Carla. :(
Peter & Leanne definately.
Carla just wants what she can't have. With her personality she's always going to tire after a while of what she's got and hanker after something new to give her that thrill. She'll tire of that and then look for something new... and so the cycle goes.
Most guys are going to waver a little if someone keeps thrusting the "hairy lassoo" under their nose, time & time & time again.
If she'd declared her feelings and left it at that Peter would think about it and then his better judgement would know that he really loves Leanne and he'd put Carla out of his mind in that way. But with her like a dog with a bone, what chance has the poor guy got.
I really hope he tells her to sling 'er hook because I like Peter & Leanne together.
But then that's the world of soap isn't it. As much as we like to see it, happy ever after never lasts for long!!
Hairy lassoo!!!not heard that one before *makes note*. I love watching the sparks flying with Peter and Carla but I do think a full-on romance between them spells "disaster" - it would make entertaining viewing though - a nice foil to humdrum life in the flat with Leanne.
This is what I think about Carla. For all her apparent confidence, she's basically got very low self-esteem. Why that is would be very interesting to find out - childhood etc. She doesn't feel she deserves the best,that's why she marries second best. She chases men she can't have because the fact that they belong to someone else gives them higher status. As others have said, if they ever succumbed, these trophies would soon lose their appeal. Carla's obsessed at the moment and has all the makings of a stalker. Bring a man from her past to the street and we might get a clue why she's like she is. As for Peter and Carla, definitely not long term if ever. Simon would put paid to that.
Carla is just one of those women that want men that are married to other women. This is the second time she has been mooning around after someone who is unattainable. If Peter were dumb enough to go off with Carla then she would soon go off him and start treating him like something under her shoe like she did with Trevor, and Simon would be nothing but an inconvenience. All this Dr Spock guff about low self esteem, Carla is just one selfish user.
Team Peter and Leanne.Brill actors with great chemistry that works well with Simon. Great family unit with alot of potential.I've said before, there needs to be one reasonably happy family unit to balance the rest and the younger Barlows fit the bill perfectly.
Peter and Leanne. I just find Carla quite pathetic, and it was the same story with Liam. Although I do feel sorry for her because she's clearly insecure, I'm always rooting for P/L.
Also noting the "hairy lassoo", I can't imagine a family atmosphere with Carla. Peter and Leanne are each flawed but essentially good people. While I believe Carla is essentially good, she needs a much more complicated man than Peter and I can't even see her being an evil step-mother, she seems so non-maternal. Definitely a case of wanting what you can't have.
I love the tension between Carla and Peter, and feel quite sorry for Carla and the way she's pathetically hoping Peter will leave Leanne, but ultimately i can't imagine them as a functioning couple. It does just seem like Carla is desperately insecure and only wants what she can never have. Saying that, Carla is a favourite of mine and I would like to see her happy eventually.
What kind of monster is Carla? She drives drunk, runs over her best friend's mother and not content with that, goes after her best friend's husband. Was it a whole week ago that Carla emotionally promised Leanne that she would try not to screw up their friendship again?
Anyone who touches Carla with a bargepole should be certified. And I don't see why any of this appalling behaviour is entertaining. It's dull, repetitive and about time Coronation Street found something more original, realistic and truly entertaining to do with these characters.
Oh definetly Leanne. She's stabilised his life and she's great with Simon and the Barlows. I don't think Carla is a mothering type - she's a businesswoman.
Alison King should go back to playing the previous character she had on corrie (mrs fanshaw) nd she could use her 'hairy lassoo' to entrap any unsuspecting passers-by - that would be great comedy!
Peter and leanne carla has always had married men. yer leanne made mistakes but she deserves to be happy especially now stellas on the scene.
Carla, cant stand Leanne. And who cares if she couldnt be a mother figure to Simon, he acts like an adult most of the time so will understand.
I am so sick of Carla! Definitely Team Peter and Leanne, they have great chemistry and make a wonderful family with Simon. I hope they will stick together. I couldn't care less about Carla's character.
Team Peter & Carla!!! I have never liked Leanne with Peter. She is too judgemental. I do think she has been a great step-mom to Simon, and I can't imagine Carla ever taking over such a maternal role. But that might make for an interesting storyline! I just absolutely LOVE the chemistry between Carla & Peter. I do want them to get together eventually, but I am quite enjoying how the writers are taking it slow. I think through her relationship with Peter, we would be able to learn a lot more about who Carla Connor really is behind the "bitchy" exterior she presents to the world. Peter brings out her vulnerable side, and she loves him for who he is - not what he could be.
I hate Carla so much... She's a bloody screw-up, and the only thing that is keeping Peter strong is Simon and Leanne. I hope Simon refuses to even speak with Carla, and keeps in touch with Leanne. Peter will be making the biggest mistake of his life, and I will have not sympathy for him, because it is all his doing!
I prefer Peter with Carla. Leanne and Peter have always been as dull as dishwater to me.
Carla and Peter have such fantastic chemistry. They understand each other and treat each other as equals.
Leanne has always mothered Peter. She needs to be with a man who respects her. The poor thing has not had much luck in that department.
Peter is so FREAKING! HOT!and SEXY! I,m rooting for Him and Carla WOW! I LOVE! the chemistry! between them, truth be told Him and Leanne don't have much chemistry where as with Peter and Carla HELLO! and they have more in common then Peter and Leanne who is either complaing or some how putting Peter down on some level, Carla LOVES! Him for who He is, and that's that, one questions asked so in time I actually hope He tells Leanne....
Carla and Peter are wonderful. I'm so fascinated by their relationship, I've never loved a soap couple like this before. It helps that the actors Alison King and Chris Gascoyne have excellent chemistry however, I do think that on paper, Carla and Peter shouldn't work but they just do. I found myself routing for them over Leanne. I hope they don't split Carla and Peter up for a long long long long time.
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