Blonde is really not your colour award: You'd think Marc would have taken off the wig!
Double weddings need love too award: Gold Star: Why wouldn't a double wedding be just as nice as a single couple one? Gail should try it next time. It might stick!
Didn't I thump you once award: Bruised star: Richard Willmore is the one that Jim thumped jealously when Liz had The Queens' pub and Betty remembers it, too!
One Upmanship Awards: Rosy star: Jeff thought a lush bouquet of red roses would trump Kevin's lilies. So Kevin buys her a red car!
More than meets the eye award: Gold Star: Kylie showed a few cracks in her shell.
Duckworth Charm award: Looks like Tommy has inherited the charm genes off Jack and even Terry. Let's hope he's lot a rum'un like Terry, though.
Deception Award: Gold Star: Steve and Becky going to run off with the kids. (How did they even get a passport for Max if they haven't got proof of legal guardianship?)
Lines of the week:
Betty "I have half a mind to down dusters!" (I love Betty!)
Jim to Steve "You disappoint me, so you do" Steve "Makes up for all the times you disappointed me!" (ow!)
Gail about David "He used to be very bright. Goodness knows what happened!"
Sean "Must be difficult, though, having to look after a baby and John" Sally "The words 'poetic justice' are on the tip of me tongue" Sean "But you wouldn't be so small minded as to say them, would you, Sally?" (Ow again!)
Tommy "Tyrone Dobbs? Anyone?" (If you didn't know Jack was dead, why are you asking for Tyrone everywhere?)
Frank "Never underestimate the power of schmoozing. Nothing beats pressing the flesh" (You can say that again)
Sally to Kevin "That history is precisely the reason we don't have a future" (another shot!)
Betty about Liz "She loves lording it around behind the bar with her dangling earrings and her dangling bosoms"
Most financially deluded award: Big Jim popping up every five minutes to try and persuade Steve to accept his offer to buy the Rovers when he doesn’t even have enough cash to cover a meal at the Bistro. I always liked Jim but somehow his sudden omnipresence seems a bit irritating and I don’t know why.
The Suddenly Appearing Award The Bistro, appeared out of nowhere when Nick the owner hasn’t even been in it for weeks and no regulars have suddenly been offered a job there, miracle.
The waste of lovely blooms award: I just hate it when they stamp on flowers, its such a flaming waste. Sally take that constant frown off your face, it making you look really middle aged.
The Colonel Gaddaffi Charm School Award: Surly and rude Sophie over short changing Tommy. She becomes more like her ill tempered and abrasive father by the day.
Dimwitted sitting duck award: Poor Maria, not credibly “running” the factory whilst Carla is away on some ridiculous course that they couldn’t afford anyway as the faktry was supposed to be broke five minutes ago, on the suggestion of sleaze ball Frank whose agenda couldn’t be more obvious if he put it in neon lights.
It was a conference rather than a trade show and Frank was getting her a good price on a hotel i think. But yes, he's obviously got an agenda.
I too was surprised nobody got a job at the new Bistro. Maybe there's one there for Michelle when she gets back. Nick's going to need a new love interest after all
Marc cross-dresser absurd. And, if it was such a secret, why keep the wig on when Aud went to the police station? The makeup was too OTT to be believable too.
Also..what's with the whole Becky/Steve taking off with the kids carry on? Becky sucking on the fags like mad with eyes bugging out shifting this way and that? OMG...too pathetic!!!
The Marc cross-dresser storyline was the highlight of the episodes. It's not been done before, it was realistic and was well acted. Much more credible than absconding with 2 kids, the bistro opening, everything Frosty said, etc etc.
I too am getting tired of Becky sucking the life out of those cigarettes with the resulting tennis game eyes. So Steve is agreeing to do a runner with the thought for diedre and Ken never mind Liz not seeing Amy again? This storyline is on par with the xin debacle.
I liked the way Audreh was with Marc, very realistic for her. Not an easy story to present, but overall so far, well done. Of course his makeup wasn't perfect - he was just beaten up and in shock.
Becky/Steve - well, what have they got lose at this point? Our credibility!
Betty's dangling earrings/bosoms comment about Liz still has me guffawing.
Xin should have got a job waitressing at the Bistro and 'Marcia/Mark' should have been called Maud as then we would have Maud, Claud and Aud
It's great to see Betty behind the bar. Unfortunate that Tracy is there with her. I didn't like the dangling earrings/bosoms remark - thought it was too unpleasantly bitchy for Betty.
HA HA!! Maud, Claud and Aud; Brilliant!
Is it me, or does Marc look the spitting image of Pauline Fowler/Wendy Richards in that photo?
@John, sort of, I think it's the mouth!
But Frosty, Sally IS middle-aged ]:0
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