In the last blog, Samia writes about new Corrie producer Kate Oates and her own future on the show.
Samia says: "I had a meeting with Kate (our new producer) last week to discuss where we both think my character Maria, should be heading. Kate shared a few exciting ideas and storylines so I'm really excited about that!
My character has been a bit quiet over the last couple of years which has been fine as it's been great having a bit more time at home, but after hearing what is in store for me at work ,I feel ready for some fresh challenges. Watch this space!"
I am very happy to read this. Maria is a much-underused character, in my opinion. Samia can act her socks off when given the right storyline and I look forward to seeing much more of feisty Maria in the future.
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Please no. The last thing that the show needs is this bland character taking up more screen time with her endlessly tedious love life.
I love the character of Maria. People on this site are always complaining about outlandish plots and "out there" characters, saying that they want to return to the "old" Coronation Street. Well, Maria is more like a normal human being with ordinary (ie. "real") problems who is trying to make her way in this world. I love her relationships with Audrey and with her brother, Kirk. I, for one, will be delighted to see more of her.
I agree anonymous. Sometimes reading this blog, I don't know what people want. Give her a chance to do some meaty story lines for a change
How do you solve a problem like Maria? Give her better scripts of course. She is a decent actress, who has been given some pretty ridiculous story lines. I look forward to some hopefully better screen time.
She's very good at comedy on the rare occasion she's given it to do. I'm happy they're planning to develop the underused characters.
I am glad to hear this because I hate what they have done to her character over the past couple of years. One of the best storylines was her losing Liam and then falling in love with Tony, and she did it so well. She's been given crap to work with and it's about time she is utilized properly. Actually, this could be said with quite a few characters that have been allowed to get stale in favor of the same ones getting all the good stuff over and over again. This needs to stop.
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