How does Tracy feel when she hears Carla might not be moving away after all?
She panics because she can’t stand the thought of seeing her every day because of what happened with Robert. She wants her to move so that Tracy herself can move on.
Robert’s already warned Tracy to leave Carla alone – would she really risk her relationship with Robert just to get revenge on Carla?
She really doesn’t want to risk losing him but something happens that puts their relationship in jeopardy.
Is she confident Robert would give her another chance if she messed up again?
No, she knows that he wouldn’t. But something drastic happens that means she acts impulsively.
Does she really love Robert, or would she still always put herself first at the end of the day?
She always puts herself first but as far as her loving someone goes she does feel really happy with him and she does care for him. When they were married he was a bit of a drip but during their time apart he did actually do quite well for himself. He used to be a carpenter but then became a successful chef. Now she views him in a different light because she is an opportunist. She fancies him more now because of who he is. She felt he was holding her back before with his mundane lifestyle. Now she's older that’s more appealing.
Could Robert (or anyone) ever really tame her?
I think she does want more stability in her life now and Robert is providing that for her. Now she has her own business with the florist’s she feels as if she’s going places so she’s happy with Robert.
Do you prefer Tracy being with a good guy or a bad boy?
Tracy makes her own trouble anyway so even when she’s with a good guy she’s always up to something. I don’t think it makes much difference, the battles are just different.
Would breaking up Carla and Nick truly make her happy?
Her intention isn’t really to split them up, she just wants to get rid of Carla.
Carla and Tracy have had a lot of run-ins over the years, but what do you think is the main reason Tracy hates her so much?
She sees Carla as the real bitch on the street, she’s convinced she’s nasty, but it’s Tracy who has the bad reputation with the other residents. She wants her exposed. And Carla’s not much better than Tracy really - she cheated on her fiance - she just hides it better. Tracy’s jealous of her and she’s very angry that she grassed Rob up.
What’s been your favourite Tracy-Carla scene/storyline?
It was fun when we filmed on top of the cliff (after the minibus crash) because Ali (King) convinced me to do my own stunt and I’m terrified of heights. I had this harness on under my costume attached to this massive vehicle but it was still really scary. Afterwards I loved the adrenalin. I felt like I’d really achieved something.
Will you miss working with Alison King?
Yes, definitely. We are very good friends.
Would you like Tracy to have a new nemesis and if so, is there anybody currently on the cobbles in mind?
I think it would be nice for her not to go straight into battle with someone else, maybe explore other things for a while.
Are you enjoying Tracy and Amy’s relationship?
I do enjoy doing those scenes. It’s nice seeing Amy becoming a little more like Tracy and also turning into a teenager. I’ve heard from so many people how that can be in real life!
The Little Book of Carla Connor
A Decade in the Life of a Soap Queen
An unofficial Coronation Street companion book
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Based on what I'm seeing in the pictures to come, I'll bet she gets into it with Jenny next.
My favorite Carla and Tracy scene is the one without Tracy in it.
"She (Tracy) sees Carla as the real bitch of the street."
All that is true about Carla's infidelities but Tracy is forgetting that small, inconvenient matter of murder.
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