That kind of scene, a son taking the time to thank his mam for all she'd done for him, is in short supply these days, and that's a shame. It stuck in my mind long afterwards, unlike the majority of the rest of the offerings last week.
Is it maybe time to return to the idea of less is more?
Too much irritates me about Coronation Street these days and I'm always quite vocal about this. I don't see any point in hanging back when it's something I care about. I could use this blog to question whether Owen would really have sold his yard at such a low price, so quickly, and to that horrible Tony. I could rant endlessly about the ridiculous Tyrone-Maria-Fiz triangle. Surely the police would have caught up with Maria before now? It feels like giving the character a storyline just for the sake of it.

I could carp about how endless the Tina-Peter-Carla storyline seems to be and how at the end of it, all we have are three previously popular characters now drained of life and over-used. Peter's alcoholism storyline used to be wonderfully played, whereas now I dislike the character completely and just don't care. I could whinge on about the stupid sideline story which saw Gail and Katy compete to become gym receptionist for Dev and Kal's father (I can't even remember his name).
Todd and Marcus. Again, Todd is still vile and we still don't know why. Would Marcus really fall for the charms of such a weasel? Taking Marcus back to Eileen's, Todd resembled the snake from the Jungle Book.
I could write endlessly about why none of the above works for me. But I won't. Instead, I'll just say how wonderful the scene between Eileen and Jason was, in the hope it will encourage the writers to produce more of the same.
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Agree 100%. The Marcus and Todd scenes on Friday made me feel sick, why would Marcus stoop so low as to even consider moving in with Todd so soon and in the face of his ex? It's totally far-fetched. Let's hope Marcus takes Todd away with him and let's see Sean (who suddenly seems likeable in comparison) settle down with a decent husband within a stable - yet eventful - relationship.
Yes, lovely moment Graeme, we need more like this. I want to love and empathise with the characters not shake my head in despair at their silly antics. I cheered when Eileen threw them all out. Always enjoy your blogs. I was 'on the street' yesterday, it was a brilliant insight to how it's all done, had a lovely time.
I haven't seen the scenes between Marcus and Todd yet but looking forward to Eileen and Jason scene as it seems like everyone like it. Right now the Maria/Fiz and Tyrone mess justs upsets me to no end. Once again I have to say that I wish the writers could get out of this "affair mode" they seen stuck in.
Agree, and it wasn't just that the writing was so poignant. Ryan Thomas has really matured during his time on Corrie, similarly Simon Gregson. Others who grew up on the show haven't fared so well. It's so hit-and-miss who's going to develop into a good actor that you begin to have some sympathy with Casting when they take on young unknowns.
Too right you all are. It's all wasted opportunities for great story telling when they go all Koo-coo mixing up the characters in desperate, evil, negative, depressing, shtoopid, insulting, uncomfortable and unreal plots meant to get ratings. Right?
Corrie has a large and intelligent audience that deserves to be rewarded with better writing.
100% agree! That Jason & Eileen was absolutely beautiful! Loved it! ..
I couldn't agree more - it was really touching and stood out in an episode full of far-fetched and boring scenes.
I agree with Sallie that Corrie seems stuck in 'affair mode' at the moment - it really needs to move on as it's destroying the characters. On a related note, there is never any sense of nuance in relationships. People have one dalliance with someone and are then their partner! I don't expect realism from Corrie, but there is no way that Marcus would agree to move in with Todd when a) they decided to become a couple the day before b) the house is TINY c) Marcus's ex-boyfriend lives there, along with Jason, the man whose girlfriend he stole (!) and d) he lives across the street!
Phew. Sorry, that was longer than I expected... and I haven't even got on to Leanne and Kal thinking they're love's young dream having exchanged a few longing looks across the Bistro counter.
It only stood out as a lovely moment as for a change two people are actually being loving and nice to each other. Makes a change from being horrible all the time which most characters are these days.
There do seem to be too many affairs I agree. V implausible given the size of the street, although I guess with soap operas we must chuck believeability etc out the window! There is a lot of difference, of course, between an affair storyline that works and one that doesn't!
Humpty Dumpty - you are quite right, Ryan Thomas and Simon Gregson have come so far during their time on the show. It's really interesting that some actors really do benefit from staying put for a long time while others clearly do not!
I absolutely loved that scene and it is a shame that those sort of moments stand out as being exceptional. We need more of it.
This Marcus/Todd thing is bothering me way too much. Marcus has always had enough sense, there is no way he would move in there with Todd. And that scene at the door where Todd sees Maria and starts kissing Marcus to get Maria worked up, the Marcus that used to be on the show would not have put up with someone so immature. There is no way that Marcus likes him so much already he's willing to put up with him acting like a child.
Good points Charlotte! I agree the Jason/Eileen scene was great, as was the scene when Eileen chucked them all out. Give me humour like that anytime instead of tired affair plots, so sick of the Peter/Tina thing.
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