1. More references to the past. I know Corrie has such a long, vibrant history that not everything can be mentioned, but I really do think that while we still have characters like Ken, Deirdre, Audrey and Emily around it would be natural for them to talk about Alf, Elsie, Suzie, Annie and Hilda. Yes that's right Mr Blackburn, Suzie Birchall.
2. While i love comedy Steve, I don't like weak, stupid Steve. Instead of Michelle always ruling the roost and having the last word I'd like to see a return to the Steve we used to know. So let's have him dumping her and not the other way round. She really doesn't deserve the moral high ground. And let's have less relationship strife and more scenes of Steve and Lloyd having a laugh over nothing in particular.

4. Less affairs and bed-hopping please! I know they are the cornerstone of soaps but everyone in Weatherfield seems to be going mad with it all. Why can't a character like Leanne just be single for a while. Why rush from Peter to Nick to Kal? I love Leanne sharing a flat with Eva and I think there is room for some great storylines there without too many romantic entanglements.

Just a few thoughts for the powers that be to consider...
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We are all sick to the back teeth of constant affairs. There's plenty more to write about.
I'd like to see the relationship between Tim and Sally develop. Steph seems the sort of character who would get involved in lots of scrapes. Gail could reminisce with her about the antics she and her friends got up to. Agree about Kirk and Beth and what happened to their wedding plans?
There must be something planned for Roy. Could he persuade Norris to attend an exhibition of some kind and they strike up an expected friendship?
I would like to see Lloyd settled with a partner and let him have non-romantic storylines. Craig Charles is a great talent who is not being used. Oth, I wonder if he is off again to film Red Dwarf.
There are a few characters who really can't carry major storylines and if they can't be axed, at least let them fade into the background.
......and I'd like some of you to become "Story Consultants" to Coronation Street!
Fantastic ideas on your 'wish-lists' Graeme and H.D., I would love to see C.S. become more human again.
I used to like Leanne as a character, and when I think of her now, she's always stressed-out looking.
It would be fun if she and Eva could work together to show a different kind of relationship. I'm not loving Kal and Leanne at all.
Really good ideas both of you; it helps to keep focused on a postive outcome for C.S. rather than a negative one; agree.
Thanks Talia!
Thanks Talia!
I too loved that scene with the four "ladies of a certain age" in the Rovers. Audrey announcing that she used emoticons in her texts was priceless
There is so much gold to be mined in these quieter moments.....Beth and Sinead gossiping in the bus shelter after bingo, Deidre channelling Blanche (and seeming not to be missing Ken in the slightest), Sal and her horror of instant mash.
The gang at the cab office talking about nothing in particular (and being hilarious whilst doing so), the wonderful Jason and Eva......and any scene involving Mary and her singular view of the world.
Instead, we have orange-faced vixens, indecent proposals and the gentle Maria becoming a bunny-boiler quicker than you can say "wabbit". It's Corrie folks, but not as I loved it.
Dame Edna - I wish we had a LIKE button!
I agree with most of what you say except Kirk (who belongs in a 1970s sitcom - is anyone really that dumb?) and Beth are dreadful.
Jason should also be shown the exit door - lightweight and wooden.
Eva's a good addition to the cast. they should find her a new fella. Also, they should put her behind the bar in the Rovers. She could be a new Bet lynch
Also STOP bringing in all these new characters when you dont know what to do with half of the cast already and it seems to be the chosen handful that get storyline after storyline.
Bring in more ethnics - they are part of life in Britain now - thought Kal's family would be good until of course the first thing he does is have an affair with Leanne. Stop this bed hopping merry go round, its tacky and terribly tiresome.
I have to disagree Anonymous, I think Ryan Thomas does a good job and Jason has turned into a pretty decent character
Great post as always Graeme. Love the idea of a big tacky wedding for Beth and Kirk.
I love all these ideas. Let's hope someone is listening.
I really like the character Jason. He is one of the nicest blokes on the street he is in desperate need of a proper storyline. He needs to move out of his Mom's house and make a success out of his business.
Good post Graeme. I agree that there are far too many affairs to the point of ad nauseum. I would like the to see the people that live on the street interact more the way it was done in the beginning. Everyone knew everyone and that produced many very funny situations. I would like to see more of Mary whether looking after Dev's kids or a really close companionship with Roy because I think Mary is the kind of odd ball that CS needs. I am so disappointed with Steve's role and if his mother doesn't start acting like a mother then maybe she should just bug off somewhere and I would love to see Steve stand up to Michelle once and for all and tell her to get over herself or she to can bug off as well. I really do not find a woman demeaning a man funny at all and both Liz and Michelle are guilty of doing that. I keep my fingers crossed that soon we will have less affairs and violent deaths. But the most important thing would be no more of the drastic personality changes such as the recent stories regarding Tina and Maria. They really are ridiculous.
I would be so happy to see Todd & Marcus leave the street. I used to really like Todd but since he's come back, I can't stomach him. Also, SO disappointed with what the writers have done to Marcus. He used to be a man of honour and I don't believe that he would carry on with Todd, especially in the same house where Sean is living, never mind what he did to Maria.
I would LOVE to see a fun, happy romantic story line for Sean. He's such a great guy and a lovely character, it would be nice to see him happy!! Same for Mary. Some nice slightly offbeat older gent could come along and sweep her off her feet!!
Also, I think that the writers could have some fun with Tyrone and Fiz. I love that they are living in Jack & Vera's house and after all of the drama that both Fiz and Tyrone have had to deal with over the past few years, it would be nice to see them having some comedic moments with the children, some mangled DIY projects, perhaps get a pet, that kind of thing.
Am just loving all of these ideas that folks are sharing. Hoping that maybe some of the Corrie writers read them!!
I agree Peggy, I'll be glad when Marcus goes and I hope he takes Todd. Really like Marcus and I hate what they've done to the character
How strange....I was thinking of your #2 suggestion myself today!!
Great minds think alike!
Peggy well said! I completely agree with all of your comments! Marcus used to be one of my favourite characters and as the mother of a young gay man I was hoping my son would meet someone as lovely as Marcus not anymore!
Graeme and Humpty Dumpty, I agree with you about the boring constant bed hopping of the characters. It would be nice to see perhaps an attraction between Steve and Andrea but Andrea and Steve both refusing to give in because of their loyalty to Lloyd. This could happen on Corrie as a refreshing change...someone taking control of their emotions and behaving in an honourable way in spite of their mutual attraction. Both people love Lloyd enough not to act upon their mutual attraction.
Considering the length of time they've been in Corrie, Gail and Deirdre have never really been buddies or in scenes together, there's potential there, Gail once had a cup of tea with Deirdre and she said we'll have to do it again sometime, but they never did.
I've pondered that one before Mark and I don't understand why they don't interact more often, other than the cake in the face incident over Lewis!
I wish they would stop bringing characters back only to ruin them by giving them a personality transplant or one dimensional. Todd turned into callous pain in bum and Dennis into a simpering snivelling wreck. Please no more murders and incessant bed hopping for a long while and not so much repetitive scenes, I.e. Michelle always henpecking, Dennis always snivelling, Kal obsessing over Leanne. Let's see different aspects of their lives and personalities instead.
Absolutely agree about the need for more references to the past. Such references would please the die yards and demonstrate real solidity and credibility.
Graeme, I love kirk and Beth but I really love Craig. He needs a chance in the way Simon and other children had their chance.
You're right, Craig is great and needs more screen time
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