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Tuesday 27 May 2014

Rob Donovan unmasked as Tina's killer - did you guess right?

Tonight was the night when the Corrie killer was revealed as Rob Donovan.  Did you guess it right?

I doff my hat to all at Coronation Street for keeping the identity of Tina's killer a secret right up until the very end.   But do you actually think Rob killed Tina or did she fall?

What did you think about the episode and will you miss Tina?

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Anonymous said...

Drat! And I was so sure it was Peter.

Tvor said...

I really thought they were going to fake us out and it would have been Tony. Not seen the episode yet but my guess is that it was accidental.

Anonymous said...

So is he leaving the street then? The actor I mean.

Stephen said...

One can only hope he's leaving.

Humpty Dumpty said...

Well done to Corrie for surprising us. Tony was a red herring and probably like-wise the publicity still of the killer getting rid of the murder weapon. There wasn't one, unless it's Tina's damaged mobile that Rob's disposing of.

Of the four, Rob was the most likely.Peter was too obvious and it was always going to be a man if the killer is going to be in prison with Jim McD. Rob wanted to shut Tina up about the affair and the dodgy goods but he only wanted to frighten her into running away. It didn't look like he pushed her, but he moved in very close to intimidate her. Tina seemed to step back and lose her balance.

Anonymous said...

This has to be a Corrie first: two murderers engaged to each other.

Tvor said...

Saw the episode now...
Yes, probably Rob is disposing of the mobile phone. I would say it was accidental, too, I don't think he intended on pushing her over the edge or he'd have pulled her to it and thrown her over.

Anonymous said...

I get to told you so. I was one who said Rob because his contract was not renewed and also he is allowed access to Tina in the hospital where she is doing her tubes up her nose scenes. In the tradition of Karl and Tracy he finishes her off as she fights for life so she cannot blab. Bouquets can be sen tot me at...

Anonymous said...

Tracy did not finish Charlie off...

Anonymous said...

Tracy did finsih him off. See

And send double the bouquets to me.

Unknown said...

I guessed it would be Rob. The way the story line has been going on about how happy Tracy and Rob have been and getting married. They had to throw something in to mess up Tracy's happiness

Shan said...

I was surprised by it being Rob (well I was surprised when I went on youtube and saw many videos posted titled "Rob kills Tina." Then I watched the episode.)

He obviously didn't intend to kill her, she lost her footing as they were pushing against each other, it makes sense since he is stronger than her. I think I will actually feel sorry for him over the next few months and I look forward to seeing how he deals with the emotions.

Anonymous said...

I won't miss Tina. Over the past few months the character has been gradually ruined. Much like Paul was last year. I could never buy her almost obsessive love for Peter. Despite the best efforts of all the actors involved...and there has been a few really good moments, most of this story has been vomit inducing. A sad end to a character who had grown so much over the years. Another pointless death on the street, and sadly what will be the end of Rob in due time. Michelle Keegan I'll miss, but not what the character of Tina had become.

maggie muggins said...

I thought it would be Peter for some reason.

Well, it wasn't premeditated, but I watched it again and Rob definitely pushed Tina to keep her from going back in and to the police and Carla. Not wise, considering how close to the edge they were. So there's some culpability there.

Tina said a couple of odd things to Rob just before she fell. "..what are you doing?" (as he approached her) and "You haven't got the guts. You're worse than Peter". It didn't look like Rob was trying to hurt her, so I'm not sure how much sense those lines make.

Anonymous said...

This may sound strange but I actullay have more sympathy for Rob then I do for Tina.It's obvious that Tina's death was an accident but it was hard feeling sorry for her before she and Rob struggled due to her whining 'what about me?!'and then taunting Rob but how she's going to destroy his and Carla's lives with a smile on her face.In the end,Tina's manipulations led to her downfall.

Nick Cleggy said...

Firstly Health and Safety would demand that any balcony would have a rail high enough that you couldnt fall over it. Just a push and suddenly Tina who must weigh about 9 stone suddenly just topples over it. Not credible I am afraid!!


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