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Although she’s grateful for the strawberries, the jam, the love and the care her friends have taken in preparing it all for her, Hayley’s in more pain this week and exhausted too. She tells Roy it’s time for her to go, she wants to starts saying her goodbyes (crikey, I’m filling up just typing this) and so Roy wheels her down the cobbles in her wheelchair. And while I’m sure the pavement would have been a lot smoother ride and caused her less pain, it wouldn’t have been Corrie if he hadn’t wheeled her right down the middle of the Street, bumpy cobbles and all.
Hayley says her goodbyes to Ches and Sinead on the Street, to Carla in the factory and to Tracy with a well-deserved retort: “Your mother’s ashamed of you, your daughter barely knows who you are and your donor kidney would have left you if it could.”
It’s time for Hayley to go, she tells Roy. It’s time. She wants to end her own life on her own terms before the pain becomes too much, before her mind reverts to life before she became Hayley. She wants to go when the time is right for her. “My body’s shutting down and my mind’s not far behind it.” “When?” Roy asks her, not daring to hear her what she might say. “Tomorrow,” she replies.
Elsewhere this week, all else pales into insignificance but life goes on and so must this weekly update.
Marcus and Maria decide to buy a house together and go for a viewing on a place in Lowry Mews. Todd’s not convinced (and neither am I) that Marcus is happy being with a woman and tries it on with Marcus, wondering if the new house is on a bend or a straight bit of the road. I fear Marcus is more stuck in a cul-de-sac with Maria. Todd tries it on with Marcus and almost gets a kiss on the cobbles before Eileen catches them at it and puts a stop to Marcus coming out of the closet, again. For now, anyway
Owen decides to go into business with Pat Phelan on a new building project called The Mill. Phelan’s been declared bankrupt and is clearly a shady character with a dodgy past so there’s plenty to put Anna off from Owen getting into debt to fund the new flat build, but he does it anyway. As the champagne cork pops in Anna’s kitchen to celebrate the deal, Pat Phelan’s trophy wife coos: “I’d have that noise as my ringtone if I could.”
And finally this week, Dev takes St Ella to the Weatherfield Retailers’ Ball. It’s a bit of a non-story but did make me wonder whatever happened to W.A.R.T.S.?
This week's writers were Jonathan Harvey, Peter Whalley, Jan McVerry. Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
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Great write-up. I couldn't speak for quite a while after watching Hayley and Roy. As you say, FN, the WARTS function was a bit of a non-story, especially as only their coats were taken. Couldn't they pay for a cab to take them to the door? Best forgotten.
Although I found it funny to see Emily Bishop bossing around Queen of Bosses on earth did Emily know about the berries and wasn't it out of character for her to boldly step in as lead character of the fiasco.
I don't remember seeing anything but her seeing the lights on in the café and heading there like she was on a mission.
Can anyone explain this? Is it just me who found this to be odd?
Although I found it funny to see Emily Bishop bossing around Queen of Bosses on earth did Emily know about the berries and wasn't it out of character for her to boldly step in as lead character of the fiasco.
I don't remember seeing anything but her seeing the lights on in the café and heading there like she was on a mission.
Can anyone explain this? Is it just me who found this to be odd? are so right...surely Streetcars would have picked them up with promise to pay. lol So contrived.
Tracy is 37 next birthday. Would someone of her age really stand around making nasty comments about the hair of someone who has days to live, childishly steal her neighbours coats and come home in an open top car in the middle of January shouting at people through the roof? Absolutely pathetic.
The duo of Rob and Tracy are supposed to be funny what with the both of them being the lowest of the low and Tracy a downright scumbag.
I didn't buy into Dev and Stella walking home in the rain while Tracy goes by yelling her head off and tosses their coats at them. Dev surely would have called his buddy Steve to send a cab for them and pay him when they got home. I found the scenes with Haley and Roy especially heart wrenching. He told her he was with her 'every step of the way' and the walk down the cobbles awe - Roy stops and kisses the top of her head. So sad. I'll miss Haley but will be glad when this is over.
And surely Dev wouldn't have checked his wallet in with the coat even if Stella didn't bring any money with her in her little bag. And also, there's no way that car, going the speed it was would have caused a splash that high and strong.
I have to say the one aspect of the Hayley storyline that decidedly fails to ring true with me is this rather fanciful notion that one of the main drivers of Hayley's decision to end her own life is that she is afraid of regressing to her former gender identity (Harold).
Logically, it makes no sense. if someone spends the first 28 or so years of their life focusing intensely on what they KNOW to be their true gender identity, to the point that they eventually achieve gender re-assignment surgery, is it at all likely that in their final months of life they would even consider a former phase of their life that represented so much pain - the supposed side effects of palliative drugs or no? I'd say no - that is exceptionally unlikely.
Aside from this, the storyline has, IMO, been well handled.
Agreed about Tracy, it doesn't even make sense. Did Tracy and Dev have an affair once, or was it Dev and Leanne?
I miss the old Todd.
Ah, the poetry of the Corrie cobbles. We're allowed to suspend our disbelief that women can walk them safely in 6 inch heels. Through all my Hayley sadness, I wondered at Roy pushing her in the wheelchair over them. You could hear every bump, but it was of course more important that they take that road.
I liked Stella and Dev. And the only good thing about Tracy's existence is that it meant Hayley could deliver those fantastic lines to her!
Tracy banged Dev. Dev also dinged Dreary..ugh.
Did Tracy and Dev have an affair once
I believe he had one night stands with both Tracy and Deirdre.
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