Well for starters, John Michie has played a blinder as Karl. To be honest I think he has really carried this and put in some sterling performances. I'm quite sad to see him go - he's a terrific actor and his character could have been one to stay around and grow in Weatherfield long term. A bit of a shame he had to go down the liar murderer route, but that's modern soap for you.
Kudos also to Ryan Thomas as Jason. This character has really come on leaps and bounds in recent years and it was good to see him play a major part in the climax of this storyline. However, as usual, the Weatherfield Constabulary were made to look both thick and slow. In fact, the whole pace of the two episodes really dragged for me. I was really wishing old Dev would just get on with it.
Jimmi Harkishin was given plenty of opportunity to show what he was made of during the showdown scenes with Karl as he avenged Sunita's death. The writing and directing were pretty good, however poor Dev spent most of the time looking severely constipated bless him. I wonder what's next for Dev? I guess Ken is still away in Canada...
I hope old Gloria is forced to shove a large slice of humble pie down her annoying gob. She pushed Karl and Stella together for months, thinking she knew best. Even at the climax of last night's episodes she was still berating poor Jason. She needs to smarten up her act, that one.
Michelle Collins put in a decent performance as Stella. I just struggle to believe that it would take this long for the truth to dawn on her. However, on past form, maybe it's not that surprising. Now Karl has gone, what will they do with Stella for the remainder of her time on the show?

So what did you think of Corrie last night as the net finally closed in on crazed Karl?
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Karl should have killed Dev, that would have been a shocker and would have rid us of this exhausted and badly acted character for once and for all. Dev was clunky and unbelievable and who hugs the person responsible for the murder of your wife and mother of your kids? Ridiculous. John Michie is a first rate actor, Corrie were lucky to get him and foolish to let him go.
Karl was fantastic, but I really enjoyed Dev too- why so down on poor Dev? Jason was OK but he got shouty and tiresome. Stella was cringe-worthy. And sorry, but the Zippo lighter hostage taking scene was just utterly ridiculous...
I thought it was fantastic all round. Good acting from everyone. I've been really impressed with Jimi Harkishin throughout this entire storyline; when he was slowly breaking down as he tried to uncover the truth that would exonerate Sunita, I found that extremely moving.
What now for Dev? A page just turned in his story, for me he deserves some happiness again. A new woman in his life, I hope.
Maybe Dev and Stella can get together and go off into the sunset?!
I enjoyed the episodes. I like that they kept Dev true to form...he did not become Chuck Norris all of a sudden. When he did go for Karl his first steps were like a girly prance. But once he did release his fury on Karl he backed off....he is a lover not a fighter after all.
I had to agree a little with Karl - about Sunita - she did throw over a man that loved her and did not care even how it affected her kids. She was not a friend to Stella and her goal in the end was looking out for herself no matter the cost. I hope Corrie does not try to turn her into a saint.
Final note....I hope Blackburn incorporates a heart to heart talk between Stella and Gail...who better to understand what Stella went through last night...right?
Jason reminded us of the date of the fire - March 18. We waited six months for last night. Six months! was it worth it? Utimately, yes, because the three eps on Wednesday and Friday were very good.
Just two points on the specifics of the eps - I agree Corrie strung out the lingering Dev, though I'm glad he didn't blurt out what Karl did, during the reception. That would have been two easy. My other observation about the culmination last night - when Sean went to get Gloria from The Bistro, I don't think I saw anyone else. Cannot believe gobby Sean would tell Gloria quietly her son-in-law is holding his daughter hostage... and where was Gail and the rest of them?? Or even Anna - she would have heard the commotion as she ran Faye's bath! Maybe Helen Worth and Debbie Rush weren't around... as internals are filmed out of sequence to outside shots. Sorry, one last thing about last night - when the glasses smashed on the bar by the till, Karl put his hand down - wouldn't he have cut his hand?!
Looking forward, will we see Karl's trial? OK, we all know he did it, so maybe not. However, this is a bugbear of mine and have mentioned it here before re Soames and Foster's mum - Corrie never seems to mention what sentence criminals get if the actors have left the show. I hope they do it this time!
John Michie is a vey fine actor and he delivered big time in his scenes. I will miss him. Such a shame he was ever paired with the wooden beige bore. Roll on next spring for Stella's 'explosive' exit, can't wait.
The scene with the flickering lighter was laughable and ridiculous and just what was St.Ella hoping to achieve by going 'down't cellar'? Kudos to Karl/John Mitchie though, excellent acting. His character was a wasted opportunity, the writers could have achieved so much more in the hands of this very good actor.
I was underwhelmed. There were some good scenes but it was still flat.
It feels like it has been a week of good episodes from the Street. John Michie was in a league of his own. Lisa George has been rather wonderful too (along with Colson Smith as Craig) - just the right mixture of anger, steel and vulnerability.
Dev is Dev and ever more shall be so. What you see is what you get. Jason was a bit over-the-top though and his screeching hysteria was a bit hard to believe.
The week belongs to Karl though. Another good character sacrificed but what a way to go!
John Mitchie was excellent and a real shame he's leaving. I liked the hug Dev gave Karl. Almost biblical in that this was the man he was going to betray. Quite creepy. Beth and Craig were on good form. Beth was wonderful in the police station saying that you're supposed to know when your child's in trouble and things were going to be different from now on. I do hope Kirk and Beth marry. Stella's face was virtually expressionless in the hostage scene as she heard the extent of Karl's evil deeds. Why weren't tears pouring down her cheeks, especially when he told her he'd killed Sunita? Think what Jane Danson or Suranne Jones would done with that.
Dev's sudden fountain of tears was hysterical. It looked someone had thrown a bucket of water over his face.
When Karl was waving the lighter in front of Stella, I was wondering why she didn't give it a good blow, and it'd have been out. End of peril.
Mind you, if she'd given Karl a good blow, maybe he wouldn't have gone off with Sunita in the first place ;-)
Dev has been great in this storyline, I've always though of Jimi Harskishin as a great actor, really made that character his own. I know he's like Marmite though!
Now for David to be rumbled, and Hayley to deteriorate...oh I do love Corrie :)
I thought it was great overall. Y es the lighter bit was stupid. Even if he'd dropped it and started a fire, They could have put it out quickly enough. It wasn't going to cause a fireball. I suppose Stella was more afraid for Dev being further hurt by the flames. She was awful. John Michie was the star! I hate that it was dragged out over the two episodes but i suppose police procedure really is that tedious.
I was disappointed after it was all over. He just walked out the front door and that was the big ending. Blah. At least Dev got in a few shots. Why was no-one attending to Dev outside? Why get him up off the floor in the Rovers - help cart him outside only to plop him face down on the cold cobbles? No ambulance? "Don't move Dev-help is coming"...this AFTER they'd already moved him. Good acting on Jimmi's part though - real tears and everything!
The police scenes were stupid. In reality, they would've had someone listening to them and taking their statements without waiting for their one detective and having another one yell at them. After all, they were reporting a murderer. It was so ridiculous.
Yes, Emmerdale also has a storylin with police involvement in a murder and seems to me that they are much truer to form.
I think Karl's face spoke for the viewers when he surrendered. His expression clearly said "Thank God this over-extended, ridiculous storyline is finally over with~!". Munro, did some excellent acting, especially given who the 2 characters were that he shared these scenes with and how some of it was written, ie/really, a lighter over some bourbon and a bit of paper?.. Also, the lack of any kind of passion and real emotion from Stella through that 'nightmare' made no sense. Also, when Karl left in the back of the cop car, the "Price" girls and Leanne, looked more like the cover of a magazine shoot than a family just betrayed by a murderer yada yada..
and the Devster NEEDS his own award for over ACTING in a soap, as the comedy relief is always fun when he gets INTENSE.
It's nice to see characters like Beth develop into someone we care about. Jason too finally showed something in his eyes other than the usual duh look. He was sharp on all fronts. I live in Canada, and the behaviour of the police during the climax of this story was too ridiculous! I hope it's not even remotely like that in the UK.
Absolutely not looking forward to watching snotty kids manipulate dumb adults in the upcoming Faye/ new friend Grace plot.
I am looking forward to the small viewing pleasures to come in ways that only Corrie can keep me coming back for, in those unexpected scenes of sweetness and hope. And, like Karl, I'm glad the gig is finally up too.
As usual, I agree with all you say in your blog. For me, the episodes really dragged and the attitude of the police - utter indifference followed by blaring sirens in the last two minutes was comic.
Dev was as aggrieved as he might be complaining to Norris that his morning paper was late. Was it deliberate that he spent most of the time unconscious? It was left to Jason and Beth to inject some emotion into proceedings.
I agree the best part was Gail fussing about the cake. That's life. Momentous events are as nothing compared to guests not having an opportunity to coo appropriately about a first attempt at a wedding cake.
I had thought that Corrie was getting better, but not on this evidence. Maybe when the last of Collinson's disastrous stories have played out, there will be end to these "explosive" stories that pack all the power of falling leaf.
The very brief glimpses of Tommy were a bit awkward. And frankly, if we are to believe that Owen is a builder, he is going to have to bulk up those arms- come one, he looks like he can barely lift his lunch box! Those arms have NO definition. Jason on the other hand...I can believe he's a builder. Even Tim.
Dear anonoymous sept. 14, 21:39
Touche' on Owen's arms. Scrawny as hell. Thought the same thing when I looked at him on the couch the other night. Way too scrawny for such a busy builder.. Oh Corrie, the details..the details.
Gobby Gail
I too am sad to see Karl's character leave the show.I just hope that Stella and Jason don't get back together, maybe she could runaway with Tez!Or join Ken in Canada....
It wasn't half dragged out was it!? Bit of a damp squib in my book.
They could have had Karl just tell St. Ella over the phone he set the fire and killed Sunita - her acting was that god-awful. Dry eyed sobbing, pouring the drink down her throat at warp speed, yet nary a stagger or falling down behind the bar - she hadn't slept at all the night before either. LOL - dragging Dev outside onto the bumpy cobbles and no one attending to him - should have just left him in the Rovers. I too wondered why St. Ella didn't just blow out the lighter. Hopefully St. Ella and Boria will use those honeymoon tickets to Portugal and be off our screens for a while.
i am a massive australian fan for 20+ years and found the ending slow sluggish and the acting was terrible. Karl just walking out of the RR casually was an insult to his character, the storyline went for a long time with an awesome build up then balhhhhhh finished.... corrie has had the best disaster/villian endings and I still love the show but was dissappointed in that storyline geeeeez more exciting storylines have been with diedre not finding her glass of red!!!!!
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