More about that over here.
What I want to know is, if Paul's little visit to the cop shop has landed him in the newspaper, is the reason for it there too? Will Paul now be branded a racist for all of Weatherfield to see? Jenna was a bit annoyed but shouldn't she have been really upset and worried about the doo-doo really hitting the fan? Where was Paul's ranting, raving and setting Sophie, who ramped up all this, in his sights?
Speaking of Sophie, has she called up the fire department and rescinded her accusation?If it was anonymous, why did they even make an issue out of it? If it wasn't, why didn't they send anyone to talk to her in person and get a more detailed statement? They wouldn't take this lightly and they would be at least following up the initial call prior to a detailed investigation.
And why is Gary always such a knob? Babies cry. It's not that they don't like you. Don't whine and whinge about it. Doesn't Izzy get any maternity benefits while she's off? Why is she so worried about money? There's no need to go back to work part time. Just let Gary do all the work, all the night feeds, and everything else at night and all weekend. That will be his share.
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I absolutely hate this racist story.
I hate the story about David and his revenge.
I hate the story about Haley.
So I am hoping that when these terrible storylines are done with that the writers and producers will give us some breathing space before the next horrible story.
Where is Tyrone? Has the earth opened up and swallowed him. This has always been an annoying thing about CS - the long absences of some of the characters. So maybe they need to reduce the cast and maybe just have people come in for short stays.
Never mind Tyrone, where is Simon? And who's looking after him, cause it sure ain't his father, his step-mother or his nanna. I'm a bit worried about the poor lad. At least Tyrone is old enough to look after himself.
You have to hand it to Corrie. They take a perfectly reasonable idea and wreck it by dragging it out, or bringing in completely unnecessary sub-plots like affairs. I worry that without Sylvia around, Mary will be brought in to the story and fall desperately in love with Roy. A racism story sounds fine in principle and so does giving Lloyd a black family. Ruined by no character development and the stories came out of nowhere. Why did they have to herald a black family? Just bring in a partner and daughter for Lloyd and build up the relationships. The racism story is up there with the cross-dressing one. Dreadful and hopefully soon forgotten.
Simon is in the kid-cupboard, with all the other rugrats. And thank goodness for that, as Satan's spawn would be competing with David for most obnoxious brat on the Street!
The racism storyline fizzled moments after it started and just won't die. I was praying it was being drawn out in order to break up Jenna and Sophie. Now, I'm hoping it will land Sophie in the dog house with everyone on the Street for sticking her stupid oar in. Mouthy, useless twank!
I can't see Roy hooking up with anyone during or after Hayley leaves us; he's too used to routine and won't recover well from the change of losing his rock, even with his mum around.
The whole racist story which could have been done sympathetically and well has just descended into farce. But Mandy's voice of reason and dissention with her very annoying daughter and supposeded partner and love of her life - whom she has zero chemistry with -is obviously the start of the actress leaving. They should have just left Paul in Yorkshire instead of dragging on this tripe. Sick of Eileen and her hang dog face as well.
The racism storyline isn't working out very well for me, but I actually have no problem with Sophie making a complaint, even though it wasn't really her place to do so. Paul thoroughly deserves it at this point, I'm sick of seeing him behave like a victim just because someone accurately labelled him a racist. The initial slip of the tongue was forgivable, his response to being picked up on it wasn't.
I'm actually disappointed the David revenge storyline is going to be over so soon, it was enjoyable and could have gone on much longer. It was nice to see Nick and Leanne's chickens finally coming home to roost.
My least favourite moment this week was the parole officer. Why is Corrie so useless when it comes to depicting professionals?
Paul doesn't deserve jack all for making an off comment in the pub, nor should Lloyd of accused him of racism, which he clearly isn't. And Sophie is just a stupid immature spotty girl, who is only getting all high and mighty because her precious "girlfriend" is upset, forgetting all that bad past deeds she has done.
Sick and tired of people acting like everyone owes them something so accuse others of being racist or homophobic and are willing enough to ruin their life over it.
Serious question: is it actually a criminal offence in Britain to make a racist remark? We have hate speech laws in Canada but calling someone a name or saying what Paul did is more of a social offence than a legal one.
Defrost Indoors: English law (maybe different in Scotland) isn't straightforward. If Paul was standing in the street mouthing off, he could be charged under the Public Disorder Act. If he was chanting racist comments at a football match, he could be charged under the Football Act. Then there's the Incitement to Racial Hatred Act and whatever the Act is that relates to Twitter. And so on.
Anyone find it curious that we never saw hide nor hair of Rob's parole officer when he was running the factory in Carla's absence, immediately after leaving prison? And then as soon as he gets involved in something that could compromise him (Tracy buying knock-off mobiles) in she comes. It's like she had a sixth sense ...
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