Most surrogate mothers would not be serving drinks to the very people she had handed the baby over to, so there is much sympathy for Tina who is present at baby Jake's party. That said, it's impossible not to feel some sympathy for Tommy, who is doing his best to show Tina he cares and for Rita, who rightly points out that Tina is her own worst enemy and can be pig-headed at times.There is, of course, a qualification to be made here on the compassion front and that is Tracy's presence in The Rovers. Tracy is not keen on any young, attractive woman, particularly one who can give her a run for her money. Tracy tries to take advantage of the party and grab a glass of free wine, but Tina swiftly points out that the wine is only for invited guests.

Tracy keeps going, this time clearly stating that Tina only did it for the money. Deirdre again has no defence for her daughter, quite the opposite in fact. 'No, ' she states, you just tried to sell your own child.' How the nation cheered though when Tina threw the drink over Tracy. Yes!!! When Tracy informs Gloria and Eva that Tina has thrown a drink all over her, and demands to know what they will do about it, Eva laughs and suggests, 'Give her a bonus?'
Tracy tells her mother that she, Deirdre looks like a 'bulldog chewing a wasp', and informs her that she would have more fun shaving her legs at home. Rita tells Tracy that she is a nasty piece of work and Deirdre tells her own daughter that she makes her feel ashamed. Tracy tells Rita that Tina sold her baby and that Rita should get real. Presaging future events, Rita tells Tracy that she's never agreed with violence, but for Tracy she would make an exception.
As Tina knocks back the vodka, she shows she's not one to be messed with and sees off with great courage (Dutch or otherwise) the three would-be attackers, who, when Rita goes looking for Tina start to attack Rita. Pretty distressing to see Mrs Tanner at the mercy of these thugs.
Other matters tonight included Brian, who brings some light relief when he comments that all babies, to him, look the same - squashed up.Deirdre again, and this time she offers, 'Like Pekingese without the hair.' Good to see Julie back who has been looking after her mum and says that her mum makes Anne Robinson look like a pussy-cat.
Huge praise to Jane Danson tonight. Her anxiety and grief were superbly acted, thus were wholly believable. Touching too were the words exchanged between her and Gail, who have had, at best, a somewhat difficult relationship. Neither Gail nor Leanne is 'right', but the different approaches to how people deal with anxiety over serious accidents or illnesses were very credibly presented.
Further praise tonight too for the brilliant trio of Beth, Craig and Kirk. So Beth is anxious about Craig, so much so that she frisks him in the street. She also searches his room, looking for drugs, finds none but the search is not wasted as she discovers, socks, a jar of bus tickets and 10 apple cores. A further discovery is the purpose of a valance. Sinead adds to the humour too by trying to ease her aunt's mind, suggesting that Craig is at a funny age and confessing that she herself had gone through a holy phase and that she wore a tea towel on her head pretending to be a nun. Great writing and acting!
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I know I'm flogging a dead horse here but - why is Eddie never mentioned . Gary is his son and Jake his grandson , but it's as if he never existed. However that aside , I really enjoyed both episodes tonight , Jane Dansons acting was raw and real. She never seems to get the recognition she so deserves . Loved Kirky , Beth and Craigy too. Heartily sick of Tracey tho.
Anna did mention Eddie a few episodes ago; something about how Jake takes after his granddad Eddie due to a habit. I thought Leanne's acting was ok, just getting a bit miserable. I know that's her character, but it was just never-ending between the police and then the consultant. Of course, I'm comparing her grief to that of Roy's for Haley, so there is bound to be imbalance.
I thought Leanne was very "me me me" with her concern about what Nick would be like when he woke up. Only worried about herself and how she would feel and cope. Selfish bitch.
I'm loving Deidre's put downs to Tracy. Tho I can't for the life of me remember when or what caused Deidre to have a change of heart and wake up regarding her repulsive daughter. She was for so long annoying in her agreement for Tracy - anyone else remember?
So Tina is surey and rude behind the bar again and throws yet another drink over a customer. Felt a bit sorry for old Reet getting a bit of argy bargy from the most unconvincing thugs ever but perhaps now she will wind her neck in and stop this constant rather ridiculous interference with Tina. Its bordering on obsessive.
Did anyone else groan when St.Ella poked her nose around the door at t'hospital? I think I've enjoyed Stella's holiday more than she has!
Mind you, the sight of three generations of Price women all with the same hair-do was quite funny.
I haven't seen the episodes yet but surely i remember Gloria telling Tina she could take the night of the party off. And did anyone remind Tracy that she tried to sell Amy to the Croppers and slept with Roy for the bet of a pound?
Great episodes last night Deirdre and Kirk had me in stitches at times.
Beth, I think Deirdre changed her attitude since Ken's journey over here to Canada. It is like she took over his role in some ways but with a lot more humour and panache. I also think it was at that time that she started to really dislike Rob.
A few things I didn't understand were why were the three young thugs, were so afraid of Tina just because of her gob? And why did Tina not appear drunk even though she was swigging from the bottle straight up?
Yes, I too groaned when Stella 'beiged' her way into th'ospickle. Spreading blandness like a dull Florence Nightingale. However I did cheer when Tina gave Rita what for. Bored with Reet's constant 'mother earth' persona. Some of us remember the days when she was an unpleasant old bint back in the 70s . . .
Tvor - yes, Dierdre reminded Tracy she tried to sell her baby last night.
Tracey is so obnoxious I'm really tiring of this charector now, I'm fed up with her constant bull dog snapping, her inability to see her own faults and her huge selfishness. Just get rid ASAP.
Interesting thing about Tracy is that those who dislike the character want her to leave the Street. How can tptb say that viewers love to hate her? If we loved to hate her, we'd want her to stay on the Street so we could shout at the screen. Tracy is quite realistic in some ways. I worked with a woman a bit like her for five years and she became very, very boring. What's not realistic is that Tracy has been kept on doing the same old thing. Again, very, very boring.
Wow, that Tina can really hold her liquor! Half a bottle of vodka and not a wobble or slurred word.
Tracy is behind vile, and in the real world someone would have done her in by now. How many people in the hospital waiting room yesterday - even though they had been told Nick was still in a coma and then Gloria came too! Talk about cluttering the place up!
At least the residents are now being vile back to the Queen of vile, where for so long, no one said anything of consequence to Tracy. Tina throwing the wine and Rita's violence exception for Tracy - THREE CHEERS! How long will it take Diedre to discover that Steve has Amy for three nights, she for four and Tracy for absolutely none!
My explanation (for myself) for why Dierdre has changed in her attitude to Tracy is that since Ken isn't there to put her down and point out her disgraceful behaviour, Dierdre doesn't have to be on the defensive, defending her daughter (and by extension, herself). Tracy's behaviour is just there for Dierdre to see, in all it's disgusting glory, with no "Ken filter", so she is forced to react to Tracy's actions, not to Ken's reactions.
I live in hope that this will be enough for Dierdre to truly wake up and kick her monster spawn to the cobbles, or even turn her in to the cops when she has the opportunity.
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