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Friday 16 August 2013

Chris Fountain suspended from Coronation Street over rape song

UPDATE: Radio Times reports that Chris Fountain will still appear as Tommy Duckworth in upcoming Corrie episodes, and not be edited out.

There's a disturbing story in today's Mirror that says Chris Fountain, who plays Tommy Duckworth, has allegedly been suspended from work at Coronation Street after rapping online about rape.

The Mirror says that in a video posted on YouTube Chris performed in a mask as his alter-ego The Phantom. Wearing a zombie Halloween mask and baseball cap covered by a hoodie he rants about rape and violence.

Chris, who has played mechanic Tommy Duckworth since 2011, said: “I would like to sincerely apologise for any offence I have caused. I am deeply ashamed by the lyrics and very much regret my behaviour. The videos were made over a year ago when I was experimenting with music and I’ve not done anything like it since, nor will I.”

A statement from ITV said: "ITV find both the language used and the views expressed in this video totally unacceptable. Chris Fountain has been suspended pending further inquiries into this matter."

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Frosty the Snowman said...

If this is true then its totally astounding how truly truly stupid some people are. What are their agents doing I wonder to allow them to get into these ridiculous situations in this viral world?

Digger said...

Guess that might have made up the producer's mind as to whether Tommy will leave with Tina :-\

Peter @peterprandradio on Twitter said...

It's funny. We often hear about how kids have only ever known a world with the Internet, yet they are often the ones who made the biggest mistakes with it!

Did he not THINK someone would find this and it would come out as it has, never MIND the subject matter?

I certainly won't be buying any of HIS records.

I wonder what will happen to him.

Peter and @peterprandradio on Twitter said...

Incidentally, in the mugging storyline last night, in real life, I think a woman like Rita would have more likely identified "an Irish girl" instead of one of the others wearing red top, a) because the girl SAID more, and b) I would feel better describing someone's accent than the colour of their clothes - more distinguishable. But I guess, Corrie bosses would have faced a torrent of undue abuse from people saying the term "Irish" was racist. Idiots!

Clare said...


Clinkers (David) said...

At 25 years of age, he should know better. Actions have consequences. Whether his agent knew or not is irrelevant - at 25 we all know right from wrong.

Anonymous said...

There will be no actors left in Corrie at this rate!

Glenda Young said...

What a plonker. Stupid, stupid boy.

Stevie said...

What a bloody idiot. We all make mistakes, and I'm not much older than Chris, but flippin 'eck why do that!?

Anonymous said...

An excuse to break his contract IMO. We all make mistakes that's for sure...and his is minor compared to what a couple of other cast members got up to, or 'allegedly' got up to in their younger years. This is nonsense. Keep him on the show - he needs a storyline - not just a Tina prop. His only lines are 'I love you, you know' or 'it's not your fault.'
The scenes with Ty were great-we should have more of that instead of the actors private lives being spread about. Really? Does anybody care?

Stephen said...

What a silly and irresponsible thing to do, but I agree with Anonymous 11:40. Have none of the producers ever made a mistake? Have they never said the wrong thing online? Have they never had to go to someone, cap in hand, to apologise? The next thing you know, people will be suspended from their jobs for burping. He has admitted that he did it, apologised and promised to be more careful now. Reinstate the lad.

David Deeps said...

Er as an ac-tors agent is paid pretty well - usually 20% of earnings - it is up to them to advise them and guide them - so its not "irrelevant" actually Clonkers. Who cares about this good looking but very boring and limp character anyway, he would not make an impact if he left.

Anonymous said...

I agree that he shouldn't lose his job for this, in a world where Thicke's Blurred Lines lyrics are accepted and the song is considered a "hit" what good is picking on Chris Fountain gonna do? All of it is disgusting and he's apologized. But until we get rid of it in mainstream media, punishing the youtube copycats won't do anything. maybe he could donate some time and money to a rape charity.

Anonymous said...

He isn't a rapper though. He is an actor in a family drama, a soap opera. The "rap" lyrics are misogynisitic and he should be sacked.

vicky said...

The problem is, in another year he might have gotten away with this, but with recent storylines surrounding the cast, it means they have to be seen to be coming down hard on these things. Personally, I'm glad they've done so. 25 years old is old enough to know that rape isn't a joking matter. If he was 19, maybe I'd get his lack of judgment.

Anyway, Tommy isn't really a big enough draw for Corrie that the actor can afford to make mistakes like this. There won't be much uproar if he has to go.

Humpty Dumpty said...

My guess he won't be sacked but will be 'let go' at the end of his contract. I abhor the violent lyrics but young people will say 'it's just a song.' Sorry to be a cynic but like everyone who gets caught out, CF's ashamed it's gone public not that he did it in the first place. He's young, it will blow over and he won't make that mistake again.

Tvor said...

He was stupid. Is suspension too harsh, though? And as for editing out the future scenes, by the time they air it will all have blown over anyway. The embarassment, publicity and a few episodes suspension without pay will teach him a lesson.

Janice said...

Oh yes, such lyrics are unacceptable from an actor on a decent, family show which upholds morality and rewards salubrious characters. If it were one of these trashy shows where there is a murder every few months, teen pregnancy, adultery galore, fraud, bigamy, arson, rape, then it would be forgivable.

abbyk said...

- Once
- Over a year ago
- Under a character name, not as the actor
- Not out of line with mainstream music
- In no way mentioned or linked to the show

Yes, it was in very bad taste, but it was not a work related incident. Unless there is a code of conduct that staff must adhere to outside of work, an official warning would serve as a public shaming should have been enough. Causing someone to lose a salary for something neither work related nor illegal isn't right.

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to wonder and worry about the climate that must exist on this show. Whether it's the long-standing opinion that the show is dominated by strong women with feckless men, which the male actors feel the need to react to and overcompensate for, or celebrity that isn't being prepared for or handled well, or a residual traditional attitude of male entitlement, or some other undisclosed reason, something seems amiss on that set.
There seems to be a male backlash to the new-found women's assertiveness of the last couple of generations, which has caused an increase in the incidence of abuse and rape in recent years. A relaxing of social strictures, changing standards and values in films, TV, and internet have been contributing to a rise in incidences of sexual abuse and harassment, even as the culture professes to demand a "zero-tolerance" policy.
Mr. Fountain has demonstrated incredibly poor judgement, perhaps not surprising, but it cannot and must not be treated lightly.

Stevie said...

Anonymous - Coronation street actors can do whatever they like in their own time. If they break the law, they will suffer the consequences, if they offend, being in the public eye they must be subject to a certain amount of scrutiny and discipline. But please don't suggest the actions of these people, who make headlines, are any reflection on Coronation Street itself. Chris Fountain showed a massive error of judgement. I have a few friends both in the cast and the crew on Corrie and it's offensive to say there's any kind of culture leading toward any kind of bad behaviour of any sort on the set or behind the scenes. Don't confuse fact with fiction.

Shan said...

Huge judgment error for sure, but I don't see this being a big suspension or worth firing him over. It's not like he was doing it as "Coronation Street Star Chris Fountain." Stupid yes, but not out of place in today's music industry, or even out of place in the world the internet has created.

Anonymous said...

How many rotten apples before it's time to re-examine the barrel?

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling sympathy for the writers. They must be exhausted from all the scrambling to accommodate all the sudden departures lately.

vicky said...

Can only assume the people who think his raps were "in line with mainstream culture" haven't seen the lyrics. Blurred Lines isn't exactly an innocent song but it didn't feature the lyrics "rape a b*tch on her birthday."This is not within the boundaries of everyday sexism,it's worse than that. And 25 is old enough to understand the consequences.

Anonymous said...

I thought the actors were paid by the episode so unless he is written out of episodes, then suspension has no effect.

In any case, I can't see how these videos impact on his ability to do his job, so he shouldn't be suspended. For all we know, the cast might be full of people who have behaved equally repulsively.

He might be 25, but he is still a stupid boy.

Gina said...

abbyk - I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

He's appologised he wasn't Tommy or Chris let him serve his suspension then that be an end of it other cast members have been accused of worse

Anonymous said...

This comes at a bad time. Bill Roache and Michael Le Vell's trials are coming up next month.

Anonymous said...

The man is an actor who is part of a major British franchise; of course there is a code of conduct concerning his behaviour outside of work!! The same applies to many workplaces, most of which don't have nearly the exposure or cash flow that Corrie does.

Lord Pickles said...

Exactly Anonymous above. If you work for the civil service if you do some really stupid whether it be in or outside work you can bring them "into disrepute" which is gross misconduct and a sackable offence. It should be exactly the same for Chris/Tommy, all the bleedin hearts on here saying oh he didnt mean it, dont sack the poor luvvie. Corrie is a world famous programe and if one of its (not very good) actors has seen to tarnish it, then they should be sacked end of. His position is untenable.

Anonymous said...

That's nonsense Lord Pickles. I worked for the Civil Service for 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Over heard two eldery ladies having afternoon tea discussing Coronation street and a few tut tut went flying but one comment was mentioned "Mary Whitehouse" wouldve been around to their offices and demanded a lift of moralality to the show. While sipping my coffee ( we are in Australia) I thought of what they were chattering about and although I agreed on a few comments they said I don't think they need a full tornado Mary through the show but perhaps the younger ones should have people to look up to. Don't they realise that what ever they place out there in this new age gizmo world will be there for many years to come, someone out there will find it and release it to their own gain?? Producers and writers and the actors of the show should take a minute and watch the earlier shows and see what is lacking from the screen these days. I wonder if the writers actually watch what they have put down on paper when it is acted out. Time will tell.

Dee said...

Just trying to be a rapper I think, but used very poor judgement. Perhaps the producers are coming down hard on him because they have 2 accused child molesters already in the cast and may want to appear as being tough on this sort of thing. Liked the Tommy character though.Too bad there were not more scenes with Tyrone instead of Tina.

Anonymous said...

I'm just gutted that the best looking guy on the show, is no longer going to be part of Corrie......Which therefore means no more Corrie for me!!! PEOPLE AREN'T ALWAYS PERFECT, JUST GIVE THE POOR LAD A BRAKE!!....Yes it was wrong, but he said he was sorry!!!..He's only 25, we can't all have shining halo's over our heads!!! People make mistakes, give the lad a second chance to redeme himself!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the fact that he disguised himself shows he knew what he was singing was not appropriate. That being said he did not actually do anything or has been alleged to have done anything like the other two characters have. I suppose with Mr. Roache and Mr. LeVell on suspension they have to show that nothing of this nature will be tolerated. In Canadian Hockey he would det a 10 minute misconduct, but not kicked out of the game. Tommy is starting to be a more complex character and wit would be a shame not to develop him further.


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