"It's me or your job!" Deirdre told Ken last night in no uncertain terms on Coronation Street after she found out he'd been wining and dining with old flame Wendy Crozier.
For those of us with a long memory, last night's Coronation Street brought back the ghost of Wendy Crozier from the first time around. Last night, the very same line of dialogue was used in 1989 when Deirdre had suspicions that Ken had been seeing the woman from the Weatherfield Gazette.
"I want to know where you've been and who you've been with."
You can see Ken and Wendy first time around here on YouTube starting at 3'.36".
But what do you think about Ken and Wendy this time around? Should Ken give up his job at Bessie Street School? Yay or Nay?
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Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Deirdre's ultimatum: Should Ken give up his job?
deirdre barlow,
ken barlow,
Wendy Crozier
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Ken should give up his job because, as we can guess, all will not remain platonic for long. That doesn't mean anything physical but a soul mate relationship which will drive a wedge between Ken and Deirdre. Being a soap, of course, Ken won't give up his job.
Being a School Governor is not a job.
Anon, yes I know. But "Should Ken give up his voluntary part-time postition as a School Governor at Bessie Street School?" didn't fit into the title space available.
No, he shouldn't give it up. He hasn't done anything and, thus far, he hasn't indicated any intentions of doing anything.
If Dreary is worried, then she should figure out how to keep Ken interested in her.
~JB in Canada
Given Ken's history with women in general, and history with this one in particular, Deirdre has every reason to be worried. And he's already been lying to her and spending extra time with Wendy. Yes i think he should give it up for the sake of his marraige.
With the track record of both Ken & Dierdre, if they want to remain married, it would be unwise to continue in the position on the board, no matter how much it satisfies Ken's need to make a contribution. He's already handled it badly and the mistrust would only grow. The only possible way Ken could keep the job is if Dierdre were to join him, and that's not really practicable. Emily nailed it. The man never learns!
I haven't liked Deirdre all that much since Tracy's return. She blindly supports that witch even though she KNOWS she's a conniving liar. She sides with Tracy no matter what she's done to others - and goes directly against Ken's common sense. Deirdre shows him absolutely NO respect at all in his own home. She's very dismissive of him and treats him like a piece of the furniture.
And if she continues falsely accusing him of being involved with Wendy - then that's exactly where he'll end up. I don't blame him for lying about meeting up with Wendy - he knew Deirdre would be a shrew about it and he was right.
~JB in Canada
It's times like this that I wish Blanche was still around..she'd give Ken a right telling off..it would be great!
No why should Ken give him his "role". It gives him something useful to do and he obviously is relishing it. He hasnt done anything to be ashamed of. Perhaps if Dreary werent so awful and common and gave up smoking, Ken may want to spend more time with her.
And let's not forget Deirdre and Lewis. hmmmmmmmm ........
Can we spell hypocrite?
~JB in Canada
From what I can gather, Ken gets very little out of his relationship with Diedre (the chain-smoking harridan). Not only is she a poor companion, but the baggage she has brought (a mouthy mother, a criminal daughter) does not sweeten the deal. I say Ken deserves better. His loyalty is misplaced here. He should give up Diedre but keep the governorship.
Regardless of whether he's right or wrong, the choice he should be making is........ Does he want to be married to Deidre or not? If he doesn't, then leave and make chasing women your full time job, or if you want to stay married to Deidre the fag end, then give up your Guv'nor role, at least while Wendy the nasty is involved with it.
I'm sorry but I don't think we can say he's done nothing wrong, coz he has. He's only been reunited with Wendy the nasty for 5 minutes and already he's lied to Deidre several times. Give him 5 more minutes and you don't have to be psychic to figure out what's going to happen.
Given his track record with Wendy, flimsy excuse of discussing school business or not....there's no way he should be meeting her anywhere other than the school. Anything other than that and he's just asking for trouble.
You don't have to be shagging to be unfaithful!!
I don't really know why Ken and Deirdre are still together. They have little in common, there is no trust left due to the infidelities on both sides, and the last couple of them, Ken with Martha and Deirdre with Lewis, or even Dev if you want to use an actual adultery, affected the other like a damp squib. Neither seemed to be unduly upset by it, and decided to stay because it was easier than going through the upheaval of parting.
They rub along like roommates, because it's comfortable. But they don't feel a lot more than contempt for each other.
On the other hand, Ken has tried living with Wendy before, and found her too needy, so maybe he is more comfortable with contempt.
We all know if he continues seeing her though, they will end up in bed, because his brain is in his trousers. I guess he has to weigh this up against his relationship with Deirdre and decide if it's worth it.
I have never understood the connection between Ken and Deirdre; they've nothing in common and their opposites attract routine sparked out years ago. The should split. He should pursue what and who interests him and Deirdre can blindly support her ridiculous daughter that everyone hates. Deirdrie needs a storyline or to sling her hook. Many women consider emotional intimacy with another woman the ultimate betrayal, which I don't think should always be the case. However, in Ken's case it just reinforces that Deirdre and he don't have a genuine relationship in the first place.
Dreary belittles Ken at every opportunity and her murderous daughter continues the family ritual. Why didn't Ken bring up her affair with Mike or the one night stand with Dev? Ken should tell Dreary he is choosing the job and not her, then throw out Tracy as well.
In the real world couples like Ken and Dierdre would have parted for good years ago. What was probably just a physical attraction years ago when they were much younger has just fizzled out and the educated and still dashing Ken has nothing in common with ashtray Deidre who really is as dull as ditchwater and rather common. Bring into the mix her dreadful near middle aged daughter that lives with them and sponges off them, and takes advantage at every opportunity, ther marraige really is dead in the water.
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