Bad news I'm afraid for fans of Claire and Ashley Peacock - they're leaving Coronation Street.
New Producer Phil Collinson has reached a decision with actors Steven Arnold and Julia Haworth that the family had come to a crossroads, and would be best to move on from Weatherfield. They'll be around until at least the end of the year, with an exit possibly tying into the 50th anniversary celebrations.
What do you think of the move to axe Ashley, Claire, Josh and Freddie? I, for one, am gutted! I love the Peacock family, and they're one of the few remaining family units on the Street. They've not been given much to do since Julia Haworth went on maternity leave back in 2008, and I'm not too surprised with the news. I suspect with the new Producer coming on board we may see a few more characters moving on from the Street in the coming months!
I'm also gutted. I always liked Ashley & Claire and enjoyed the recent scenes with Claire and Becky going out etc., and also always loved the scenes in the butchers' shop - what will happen to that by the way?
I like Ashley, but there's only so much they can do with Claire IMHO aside from the whole 'nutty housewife' angle. They were a last remaining link to Fred so I'll be sad, I say, I'll be sad to see them go.
What will happen to the shop and, more importantly, Graeme's job?! Do the Peacocks actually own the house they live in now? I know they swapped with the Websters but I can't remember quite how or why that happened.
Aww that's too bad! But yes, i can see where they're basically spare parts these days. Just when Becky has finally made a gal pal too! I reckon the credit crunch will just be too much and Ashley won't be able to keep the butcher shop open.
Yes they own their house, it was part of the cost cutting measures they needed to do to keep afloat. With Maria coming back soon, i assume, i reckon that's a house for the Alahans with their shop next door!
Shame. I like the Peacocks. But they haven't had any storylines of late.
I will miss them. Claire had some great moments. I liked when she was all hyped up about her son becoming a famous footballer. She kicked the ball and it went through Blanche's window. The look on Claire's face before she turned and ran was priceless!! The whole family will be missed :(
I'm happy to see them go!
I like Ashley character back in the early 00's but since he's with Claire, he's just been too boring.
The Claire character just doesn't work although I was warming up to her since her recent friendship with Becky began..
What will they do with the butcher shop?
Also, serves him right if the butcher shop folds since he never re-hired Kirky Boy.
not bothered i think its their time the last story they had about the vasectomy was laughable and since havent done much
To be honest, I wont miss them too much, they have been spare parts for too long now
They should keep ashley and get rid of claire!
I think it's a shame, overall I like the Peacocks, and they make a believable family unit, unlike the reunited Alahans IMO. I am surprised that they have been axed, as over the years it seems that long term cast members have been 'safe', and Stephen Arnold has been on Corrie since 1996...and I agree with Defrost, very sad that the last links to Fred will go.
I rather have the Alahans than the Peacocks IMHO.
Agree with most of the posts. I am sorry to see Ashley go but when Fred "died" I think it was the beginning of the end for the Peacocks. I find Clare's character annoying and pointless and she has never really fitted back in since the actress returned from maternity leave. The constant shrieking at Ashley became unbearable as well. Sorry to see Josh go as he could have been a great little pal for Simon but characters have their "time" on Corrie and the Peacocks' has run out.
This is the first decision I would have made if I had become the new producer. Ashley's been redundant since the loss of Fred. Clare can be mildly amusing if the writers are in the amusing vein for her (as opposed to the unhindged vein) but I can happily live without them.
Great news - Ashley's helium voice has always grated, and Claire is a rather boring goody-two-shoes character, who's temporary lapse into pschyo-bitch was hardly convincing.
Now if only Phil could turn his attention to the corner shop...
PLEASE LET IT BE EILEEN NEXT!!!! She has become very tedious.
Just come back from a weekend away to find this on the blog. Don't really know what to think. I'm gutted that Ashley is going and in turn, the butcher shop most likely. But I won't miss Claire, not one but.
Don't know why but I've always felt that Ashley's character was supposed to be a homage to a well loved Corrie character from the sixties - Jerry, (Len Fairclough's apprentice).
He had a stutter, was always having the mickey taken out of him - yet was taken to heart by the viewing nation. F/Forward to modern times and it's no longer PC to make fun of those afflicted with a stutter; hence substitute that for Ashley's squeaky voice delivery. For some time Ashley has become far too 'sensible'.
Consequently, the comic squeaky voice ended up serving no useful purpose, except one of irritation, where instead it should have elicited sympathy if Ashley had been made to suffer more as a 'put-upon' character - as was the 60's Jerry.
i always found it odd no one mentioned Ashley ridiculous voice... did anyone ever comment on it?
Wow, what a response. I won't particularly miss them that much to be honest. I TRIED to like Claire, I really did, but it just never took. I'd never really particularly warmed to Ashley either. I'm not saying "good riddance" but I probably won't even notice their absence to be honest.
I did miss Fred though, but Ashley doesn't leave me anything to be desired that Fred brought to the screen.
Thank goodness. The combination of whiny mouse-voice Ashley and oh so so so boring Claire, was enough to make one turn off the TV and stop watching the show.
Graeme and Kirk should buy the shop!
I would love it if Graeme somehow managed to take over running the shop. Can't think where he'd get the money to actually buy it from Ashley, but maybe Ashley won't sell it - just let Graeme run it for him?
Graeme: I wanna butch. still one of my favourite lines ever.
Oh yes! It would be great if Graeme and Kirk bought the shop and started butching - or even rented it - after all, Ashley's probably just moving away, not "passing away". Why not?
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