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Tuesday 27 April 2010

Coronation Street: Fat Brenda

As part of Coronation Street's 5oth this year, wouldn't it be great to see Fat Brenda from Levenshulme, at last?

She's one of the best Corrie characters that we've never seen and I feel it only fitting for her to put in an appearance on the show's special birthday this year.

I'm not the only Corrie fan hoping to see Fat Brenda, fan Chris M left a comment here saying exactly the same thing. And Gadgee also left a comment on that post saying that he thought Fat Brenda was probably really slim, because Curly was nicknamed on account of his straight, flat hair.

So come on, Corrie fans, let's start the petition now to bring Fat Brenda to life on Coronation Street - and leave your comments below!


Tvor said...

I think we should only be teased... an arm holding the phone or a pint in the pub. :)))

Clare said...

I actually love the fact that she's never been on screen. Mysterious :)

gadgee said...

Does anyone know when she was first mentioned? I think it'd be good if she appeared once, in only one scene, played by somebody very famous, and slim, and then never appeared again but continued to be mentioned sporadically.

abbyk said...

I think we should meet her as she walks into the Rovers and everyone yells 'Brenda', a la Norm from Cheers.

Roonyman said...

She should be called Weightily Challenged Brenda in these Politically Correct times!

Sea Penguin said...

I like the idea of only seeing part of her, or maybe just from behind? (sounds like she'd block out the sun though)

Anonymous said...

There was a great bit in League of Gentlemen when the taxi driver was only seen from oblique angles - a hairy arm, a stilettoed foot changing gear, a swish of pink frilly frock. This would be great for fat Braenda!

Tvor said...

Sort of like the Wilson (neighbour) character in that sitcom which name escapes me. About Tim the Tool Time guy. Wilson always appeared behind the fence or had something in front of his face.

gadgee said...

The sitcom is called Home Improvement. abbyk, that is a brilliant idea!

Yoork said...

Yes, it'd be interesting to see if she's quite thin or really truly "fat."

I remember Home Improvement!

P. Hentermine said...

I think it did be good if she appeared once, in only one scene, played by somebody very famous, and slim, and then never appeared again but continued to be mentioned sporadically.

Annie said...

I think it's a tailor-made part for me!

Jonathan said...

I think she needs to be a big biker chick with her hair in a bun as she never washes it (not as a joke) she should be made homeless and arive on Eileens's Door in dispare on her harlie dasvision ( Not one of the bikes with a side cart please) she is tough and stronge and not one to mess with she is big and brash BY CHOICE Mussely and will let no one stand in her way she loves the way men scurrie around her with her with fear cause of her being so big and over time she needs to move out as Eillien cant keep her so she moves in with with Mary in a Rented Apparment

Sea Penguin said...

I'm liking where you're going with that jonatahn, you've thought it all thru, sounds pretty good.

Glenda Young said...

Annie: I think you could be right (and I mean that in the nicest possible way!).

Jonathan: An interesting theory, we'd like to hear more...

Anonymous said...

I think it'd be awesome if someone like Judi Dench, Susan Boyle or Julie Walters came on and did a cameo as Fat Brenda (not that those actresses are fat or anything..I just think it'd be neat!)


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