There's a wonderful interview with Jack P Shepherd, who plays Coronation Street's David Platt
here. He says he worries that David's turning soft and hopes the writers give him more evil things to do. It's well worth a read.
Jack also talks about his little baby Nyla and how he reckons he needs to start going to the gym and putting on a bit of weight.
I used to loathe David Platt, and have been quite enjoying him being a bit nicer!!
I'm loving the new nice David. He isn't boring at all - still feisty and funny and "a little scamp" or whatever Carla said when he nicked Nick's car.
"I'd be happy if people always knew me as David Platt." Jack seems like a nice lad. It's good to know he's happy with his lot.
Our David is such a charming little scamp isn't he.
I've always liked David Platt. I think his heart is in the right place, he just often gets the short end of the wedge.
I am sure that all the many victims of his viciousness would not feel quite the same way.
Maybe Dilly would not feel quite the same way if he lived with her in the same house and gave her and her family and friends the same vicious treatment as he has given Gail and many others. He is to put it bluntly a nasty little sociopath with little concern for anyone other than his pathetic self. Hows that for starters eh.
Anon, I bet you thought the Krays deserved all they got too, eh?
Maybe the Krays were actually mischievous little scamps like David, who perhaps also got the short end of the wedge.
david is the most evil and pathetic character in tv anywhere in the world...he deserves to die a horrible and very long and tortuous death with extreme prolonged agony and finally coming to realise he doesn't have a friend in the world and then realise it's all his own fault for being so evil that satan would be a welcome friend in any household rather than him !!!!!!
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