It's the day of Faye's court appearance and she has been practising her mindfulness (Sally's got to have a DVD somewhere), saying she can't change anything so Tim might as well sell her laptop and cancel her phone contract. No point paying for minutes you can't use, unless she's hoping to smuggle her phone in her, erm, belongings into prison.
Craig tells Kirk that he's going to resign from the force as he can't be a copper and have a criminal girlfriend; Kirk is flabbergasted. "You've got brains, you can't waste them!" I suppose compared to Kirk, yes. It's apparently Craig's dream to be in CID (it was his dream to be an artist a few years ago. Remember his tribute to Maddie? Remember Maddie? No, me neither). ANYWAY, Faye finds out and tries to dump him, but he turns up to court in time to see her sentenced to three years. Well, they've built that prison set, it won't take much to turn it back into the women's jail. Craig is understandably angry with Kirk for gossiping to Faye which led to her finishing with him. They do have very liberal visiting hours in that prison, Craigy-boy.
It's also Gary's day in court. Gary's obviously had access to the prison barber whereas Johnny's starting to look like Saddam Hussein. He doesn't look as ridiculous as Seb in his goth garb (and I say that as someone who owned a) a purple paisley tasselled skirt, b) a Wayne Hussey hat and c) a PVC biker jacket in the 1980s). Seb concurs and tells Nina he doesn't want to go to the gig, until he finds out that an overnight stay at a hotel is on offer and then he decides to go Full Goth for the evening.
Gary is freed and is back on t'cobbles within the hour, threatening Our Debbie until she gets in touch with Miles in a fruitless attempt to get Ray to change his plea to guilty. Gangsta Gary is back! If I were Tyrone, I'd be less bothered about Alina/Fiz/the girls and more about the £600 that he owes Gazza.
Now that Carla's off the menu, Lucas starts sniffing around another erm, choice meat, namely Alina. Urgh - Tyrone's old enough to be her uncle, but Lucas is definitely old enough to be her dad. Anyway, Alina only has eyes for Tyrone and invites him 'round whilst Emma's stocktaking in the Rovers. She comes back at a crucial moment and Alina pretends that it was Lucas, although Maria, overhearing later in the pub, is a bit suspicious, especially as she was cutting Lucas's hair at the time he was supposed to be sampling Alina's afternoon delights. As Maria seems determined to get involved with Fiz 'n' Tyrone (much like she tried to in 2014), she tells Tyrone that he has to tell Fiz or she will.
Meanwhile, Brian takes a call from someone saying Rita Sullivan (sic) has been nominated for a Golden Heart award. Is this different from a Pride of Weatherfield award, or...? Brian slams the phone down as he reckons it's a troll, but I think we know where this is going (if we've read the spoilers, that is).
And finally, at Kate Oates Memorial, Peter finds out that he's on the transplant list. Yay?
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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Faye got 3 years for that? That's rather much....I don't think she's got prior does she?
Let's hope Gary can put the fear of Gary into Debbie and get Ray to change his plea...I can't see them putting Faye behind bars for that long for this.
Lucas is pointless! Why is he still around? Him sniffing around Alina, yuck!
We have so many characters not on that we'd rather see.
C in Canada,Considering that Faye kept quiet about assaulting Adam who was seriously injured [she left him bleeding and unconscious] even while Peter was being questioned and Gary was arrested,I think 3 years is reasonable.
I felt sorry for Faye when Ray attempted to rape her[and she should have reported it sooner] but I don't think that should mean she should get away with assaulting an innocent person'by mistake'.
@Anon - I don't say that Faye doesn't deserve a punishment, but 3 years seemed a bit much, given the circumstances.
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