What is the story of Grace and Michael’s relationship before Michael moved on to Coronation Street?
When he found out the news that Grace was pregnant, Michael went AWOL for a week but then he decided he wanted things to work out and he tried to redeem himself after walking out. By then, Grace had vanished, she was gone from Weatherfield and he was looking for her for months. The first time he saw her since then was in the car park and she was with his baby.
Prior to this week, how does Michael feel like things are going with Grace?
Michael is smitten. He is falling for Grace all over again and he sees a future with her and his daughter, Tianna. He wants to make a real go of their relationship and he has found a sense of purpose being a father. He just wants to spoil them both and give them the world.
Why does he decide to propose to Grace?
When he first met his daughter Tianna, it hit him like a ton of bricks. He really wants that family unit and he has been craving it for a while.
Does Michael feel like Grace is ‘The One’?
Michael is a bit of a dreamer, so he definitely thinks that she is The One right now. He wants to give his all to their relationship and see how it goes.
Grace drops the bombshell that she is moving to Spain with Tianna - what are Michael’s first thoughts?
Initially Michael thinks that Grace is talking about going to Spain on a holiday. When Grace tells him that she is moving to Spain for good, the alarm bells start ringing. He even thinks about moving to Spain himself; that’s how committed he is to Grace and Tianna, he would drop everything he knows in Weatherfield to start a new life in Spain. At this point, he is willing to pack his bags and go.
Michael is determined not to lose Tianna and Grace a second time so he decides to take Tianna. What is going through his head?
The situation has hit him really hard because of how he completely lost touch with Grace and Tianna the first time. He feels anxious and the fear of losing Grace and Tianna again is causing him to make crazy decisions because he is worried that this time it will be much worse. When he takes Tianna, the emotion has got the better of him and he doesn't know what to do; all he wants to do is to make them miss their flight to Spain. He feels like this is his only option.
This seems really out of character for Michael, were you surprised when you read the scripts?
It is out of character for Michael and because he has never been in this type of situation before it is interesting to see how he reacts. His character is usually so fun loving, cheeky and happy so it’s disturbing to see him act so impulsive but this has crushed him. I was shocked that he would go to this extreme but I can see where he is coming from; he is acting out of fear.
Tell us about the moment that Michael is arrested.
Michael is about to return with Tianna. Ed finds Michael and persuades him to come home and when he does, Michael sees the police officers are waiting outside for him. As Michael is taken to the police station, he feels like everything that he has done has caught up with him. It’s a big shock for him and he instantly regrets what he has done.
When Michael is at the police station, he is faced with another bombshell. What can you tease about that?
There is a lot going on between Grace and Michael and there is a lot more to be revealed in terms of their relationship. It’s not over yet.
How do you think the viewers will react to this week on screen?
I hope that they feel for Michael and they want him to have the life that he so desperately craves. I hope they will be on Michael’s side and they will want Michael to keep Tianna in his life.
How did you find playing this different side to Michael and what were those emotional scenes like to film?
I really enjoyed it. At first I was a bit nervous to play a character going through such emotional turmoil. It was a challenge for me as an actor and I did my homework. The directors were amazing and patient with me so it was good fun. I am looking forward to seeing it on screen.
How has Grace and this situation with Tianna impacted Michael’s character compared to when he first came in?
It has thrown him off completely. He was not expecting any of this to happen and in a way he never knew he needed a daughter until now. When Michael first came to the street he was all over the place, he wasn’t settled in what he wanted to do, his purpose or his work and he used to be all about his business ideas and his failed ventures. This has made him take life more seriously and grow up alot.
What would your family say are the similarities and differences between you and Michael?
I think I am similar in the way I react to my family and how I tease my brother. I like that Michael loves his mum and that he is very family-orientated. Michale is fun and I’d like to think that I am fun and goofy at times. Other than that, I think he is a dreamer with his head in the clouds and I try to keep my head down.
Would you be friends with Michael?
Yes, but I think he would be too much! I think he would be a distant friend who I text every now and then… he would be too much to have in the WhatsApp group!
What advice would you give to Michael?
I would tell Michael that everything will work out and at this point, if there is disappointment and he doesn’t get what he needs, he just needs to keep going and eventually he will find what he wants.
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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Oh no, please stop trying to make the Baileys a thing. They're an awful family. Dire actors, the lot of them, and even after all this time, they've still not gelled with the street. Who cares about Michael and What's her names relationship problems? Instead of wasting screentime on them, give it to characters we actually care about.
First you moan about how we are stuck with same characters and then now you moan because we are exploring other characters' stories?
I totally agree. Too much Gemma/Chesney/Gary. Use the other characters. Blah, blah, blah and when others they get a storyline, it's I don't like so and so because I don't know them.
Lorna Laidlaw is an excellent actress and if Corrie don't start to give her decent storylines, then I'm sure she'll go elsewhere.
I've read on here that people think the Bailey's are the worst family ever to grace the cobbles, but surely that was the Windass family when they first arrived?
I like the Baileys and care about them and I'm glad to see them in storylines,I would rather see them in storylines instead of Gemma,Gary and the Platts all the time.
Personally I don't mind the Bailey's, I find the actor who plays James rather wooden. Michael's character is a nice guy, but rather immature. In my humble opinion, I don't think Michael is the baby's father. I don't understand Grace she acts like she doesn't even like Michael, so how did they ever hook up? I completely agree with anon above, I'd far rather watch any other characters than Gemma and Chesney (can't stand either one of them).
I really like them. I feel that they still haven't settled in, but a few more storylines will see to that.
The Windasses, yes they were dreadful when they arrived, as were the Battersbys, and who could forget the Mortons (okay, most people!)
I like Michael, I hope he's stays on the Street. We haven't met Dee Dee yet. Perhaps a love interest for Adam?
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