It's been sent to us from Sud's Law - the legal facts behind the fiction. And this time they're looking at the Coronation Street custody battle for little Max.
Sud's Law weighs up the pros and cons of David and Callum as to who would, in real life, be awarded custody in such a case. And while they give nothing away about the storyline, it's well worth a read.
So who would win custody of little Max in real life? There’s only one way to decide…
Read the Sud's Law blog post here.
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Sud's Law made great reading, as I get more enjoyment from the soap blogs and articles than from the soap itself. It confirms what we all suspect ie that the producers and writers don't give a fig, and assume the viewers don't either, for authenticity. You just know that this story is being strung out until Kylie returns and suddenly Callum will be out on his ear. It makes me wonder whether Paula Lane asked for extended leave and the writers were left to dream up another four weeks storyline.
Frankly they could fly in Ming the
Merciless to act as presiding judge and I still wouldn't care about this incredibly tedious storyline. Just please make it stop.
First of all is Callum really Max's Dad? No DNA test has been done to my knowledge. Also what does Callum do for a living? All I ever see him do is drink pints, shop, work out at the gym and ride around in his car? Where does he live with Mommy?
Excellent assessment by the reviewer. My view is Callum is headed for Tina McIntyre territory...
Yes where exactly does Campcallum live? Is it with school teacher mummy? But I too couldnt care less about this dragged on and on story with the panto villans in the jelly gang. I also couldnt care less about the brat Max who is almost as wooden as his natural father. Hurry back Kylie and put an end to all this tedium.
My view is that the lawyers would win with their very high fees.
We did see David at Callum's grotty flat. Callum may say he's in "security" but he is a drug dealer and that's how he pays his bills. I wouldn't be surprised if Callum was killed, either and naturally another Platt gets jailed for something they didn't do. Real killer would likely be that Gemma.
Yes Anonymous, what about DNA testing? If Kylie led a druggie life before conceiving Max, then Callum's name could have been put down on the birth certificate because she didn't know who his Dad was. I am perturbed to this day that Steve did not have DNA testing done on Amy!!
Callum, a dark brunette, and Kylie, another dark brunette have a blond child?
I wish they'd settle this with guns drawn at high noon. Then we'd be rid of two irritating characters and a pointless storyline.
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