The only story that has managed to raise an eyebrow's worth of interest is the nascent friendship between Ken and Audrey. This arrived apropos of nothing whatsoever but the mere suggestion of a new double act is always worth investigation. Of course, the whole situation was born of Anna Karenina, or rather the weighty tome that Ken hurled at Aud as an alternative to her regular stash of Barbara Cartlands. Although Tolstoy's epic wasn't for Audrey, maybe a friend nearer her own age might be.
For thirty six years, Audrey has been a part of Corrie life. Initially flighty and, if we're being honest, a bit tarty, the hopeless, hapless Miss Potter eventually found her feet thanks to Alfeh and a set of sponge rollers, thanks to the salon. Yet Audrey's life is an odd one. Seemingly she has no real friends and spends most of her time bobbing through Gail's front room door in an M & S mac in order to emit the Audrey Roberts Noise (stick that in the You Tube search engine and enjoy). Either that or she is salon-bound and ordering Maria to make a beverage for a client with an improbable name, "Now then Maria, have you offered Mrs Bumsthwaite a coffeh? Eh? Mm?"
Ken too seems to be devoid of any close friends. There used to be Roy but since Hayley's death and Ken's time in Canada, this seems to have fallen by the wayside. In addition, as viewers, we are in possession of the knowledge that within a few months, Deirdre will be gone forever. This will be a tough time for Ken and he will need his friends around him. Which makes you wonder about the careful positioning of Audrey. Incrementally, she has been introduced to Ken's circle and in her, he has found a new friend. Hopefully, in Ken's darkest hour, Audrey will be there so offer support.
Personally, I think this could be a cracking little storyline. Recently in the UK, there has been some media coverage concerning the issues caused by loneliness in old age. Neither Ken or Audrey are exactly doddering but two friends looking out for each other would provide a positive narrative set against the relentless misery of some other storylines. To paraphrase the theme tune of another soap, maybe this is the time when good neighbours become good friends.
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I share your disappointment with some of the storylines atm but Audrey has always cheered me up. According to Corriepedia, she is 75 in July. The character seems as fit as a flea but she could decide to give up the Salon and enjoy life to the full - away from work and her family. How lovely if Audrey and Ken were to start going on walking weekends and finding they actually have many interests in common.
For Audrey and Ken to have a friendship would be OK I suppose but Ken is a dry old stick and well, a bit dull and boring. Without poor Diedre any longer to spark off, he just eemed to be aimlessly bumbling around. I just hope they dont introduce a "romance" as he would so not be her type and it wouldnt gel for me somehow. Audrey may be 75 but she is lively and deserves better than the local bookworm.
Maybe Ken would benefit from having someone like Audrey in his life - although maybe not the emotional baggage that masquerades as her family!
Rita is their only mutual friend in a way as was Alma.
I did a post last year about this budding friendship that came from nowhere. Ken and Audrey were never bosom pals. But now they're not spoilt for choice, they have to be friends.
I'd hate for a romance. Ken should now be a widower. Deirdre was the only one for him.
Perhaps Ken is the only person who can understand the baggage that is Audrey's family, as his family is equally complex if not somewhat quieter about their drama (and tendencies towards violence and law-breaking).
They've been moving toward this since Ken first returned from Canada. Audrey rushed right over to see how he was, and there was a scene shortly after with them catching up.
Deidre won't be Ken's last romance. Married or not, he has always had wild oats left to sow, and I don't think that will change. Must be where Peter gets it from.
It would be funny to see them as friends confiding their true thoughts about their respective troubled families to each other.
I really don't like them as a romantic couple, but they could work as friends.
Audrey and Ken would make a good couple IMO and Deidre would approve.
Yes, I could see them as friends too. Loneliness/friendships in old age would be a good topic to address on Corrie. The middle-aged characters have quite a few years to go before they reach Emily/Rita/Audrey/Ken status, so around now would be a good time to start having some stories for these elders of The Street. Better than having them disappear into wisps of ghostliness off screen.
I completely agree that Ken and Audrey would be more plausible as friends than in a romance, but...just imagine if the show did go down the senior romance road or god forbid even had them get married some day, uniting the two predominant families on the gods, could you picture Gail and Tracey as stepsisters!
Ken and Audrey have had a subtle friendship for a number of years. I remember when Ken was absent from the Street for a brief period several years ago and Audrey came round to the house to visit him upon his return - Something which seems a bit bold if they were really only just neighbours.
The storyline doesn't surprise me as they're closer in age than other residents on the Street and they'll only grow to have more in common in the coming months (Audrey's loss of Alf and Ken's loss of Deirdre).
Yes - a rich vein to be explored with two mature characters. In the aftermath of Deirdre's death Ken might start questioning his own life choices and Audrey could make it her mission to brighten up his life with a bit of fun. Not romance - just friendship and companionship.
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