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Thursday 23 April 2015

David Platt and the Corrie comedy crew of villains

Where's Psycho-Dave when you need him? Unleash the evil David, please.
Are we really to believe that the current David Platt is the same David Plat as the lad who pushed his mother down the stairs, smashed up the Street, drove himself into a canal just to ruin his sister's wedding day, hid drugs in baby Bethany's doll's head, ran a campaign of hate towards his mum by sending her cards signed 'with love from Richard Hillman' leading to that wonderful clip of Gail, when she found out what David had been up to, screaming: "Do you have any idea what you've put me through? I'm on pills for God's sake!"?

It's well worth another look, below.

I can't be the only Coronation Street fan having trouble with David being so simpering and servile to comedy Callum and his gang of dastardly cartoon villains.  They're about as scary as blancmange on national jelly day.

Speaking of jelly, I think someone at Coronation Street is having a joke with Callum's car number plate.

It all adds to the campness and feyness of Callum and his crew, the prince of the Dog and Gun and his dog rough posse. And I have to admit, it's adding to my enjoyment of this storyline which seems to be showing no end.

A fitting end to Callum (and an end there must be, as he is a baddie after all) would be, I reckon, for David to tie Callum up and take him for a little ride in the Batmobile, I mean Audrey's car, all the way into the canal...

Read here my thoughts on Callum as Corrie's softest hard lad and just take a look at his skanky henchman's lovely manicured nails.  I rest my case.    

Glenda Young 
Flaming Nora Blog / Twitter  

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Tvor said...

I dunno. The old evil David had nothing to lose. Now he does.

Sunny Jim said...

Callum and his skanky mates were so scarey last night, I was expecting them to break out the soft cushions and the comfy chair to torture David with.

Unknown said...

What's the signicance if the number plate?

Anonymous said...

Callum, of course, will end up dead, another who-dun-it and we'll have to wait a year or so to see who it really was. Probably Max.

Colin Schmollin said...

Nice of Callum and his silly friends to "beat up" David - we must have blinked and miss it and then drive him home right to his door!

Jonathan said...

Tvor's right also David blackmailed Andy into buying rugs then planting drugs in Callum's car

Anonymous said...

@Sophie Bird - KY J(elly), as in lube.

Zagg said...

HAHAHAHA!! Great catch on the license plate Glenda! That made me laugh.

John McE said...

David's bruises certainly came out quickly!

Unknown said...

Thanks Anon. I must be such an innocent!

Mastes BC said...

Yes agree about David having more to lose now. That's a realistic evolution. Thanks for the screen grab and the plate. This has turned it all into so much more fun than the original intent. Soon, they will beak out the Muppets, lol!

Tvor said...

I've just seen the episode and wow, that was the least scary villain ever. Realistically, there would be very little left of David in one piece but no, Callum even made sure the bruises were unseen so he wouldn't spoil his mother's wedding photos. Not even a rib cracked, I would say. And then driving him home afterwards? Ludicrous.

Canadian watcher said...

AARRRG so frustrating to be a week behind. Still fast-forwarding through all of Callum's scenes, so apologies to Jack Shepherd who, I am sure, did a great job. Sorry I missed his performance but just can't stomach this story line.

Canadian watcher said...

AARGHH so frustrating to be a week behind. Still fast-forwarding through all of Callum's scenes Apologies to Jack S. as I'm sure he did a great job but just can't stomach this story line.


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