Ok so there are a few givens. This is a not particularly prosperous part of northern England. Wages will not be particularly high, especially as most of the Corrie residents spend their lives scrabbling for a pittance within a hundred yards of their front doors. However, this should not be an excuse for some of the fashion faux pas moments on offer recently.
Take Leanne. In fact, please someone take Leanne and drag her around the shops. In Friday's episode she did her usual stomp'n'frown march whilst decked out in a particularly nasty mac. This article seemed to accompany her from dawn till dusk, buttoned up to the neck and in a refreshing shade of mushroom. No wonder poor old Kal had to resort to his 'Droopy' face again. Who wants a girlfriend trotting around looking like Mrs Overall?
Poor old Fiz always looks as though she has emerged from a fight with a jumble sale. The woman appears to be swathed in layers and layers of chunky knit which may explain why she always looks as though she is about to keel over.
Viewers were offered no explanation for Michelle's little black number last night. She seemed to be reaching for that elusive 'strumpet who suddenly realises she has an audience with the pope' look. It's not a style that many can get away with and needless to say, neither did Michelle.
Of course, the main dish on offer in the Corrie fashion stakes this week was the hideous creation sported by both Sinead and Kaytah. A garment so tarty that even Liz MacDonald would have balked at the idea of hauling herself into it. Sinead suits simple and Katie? Well, we probably don't really care but probably something that goes well with mahogany.
It's more difficult to be critical of the blokes. Some of Tim's t-shirts look like rags and most of Steve's shirts appear to have been designed for someone else. Peter is usually turned out well and there's a whiff of NEXT about Rob.
Who floats your boat in the Corrie fashion stakes? Are you a fan of Maria's 'working psychotic mum' style? Does Liz MacDonald's stylish and appropriate middle aged attire have you nodding agreement? Are you inspired by Maddah's delightful 'street' look? Or would you not be bothered if Rita waltzed on in a Spandex onesie? Does Weatherfield's wardrobe wow you?
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I've always loved the way that Carla dresses.
Kal appeared to have Peter Barlow's coat on when he left Leanne's flat but I guess that's because he's replaced Peter in the love triangle that will inevitably involve Leanne ping ponging between two men again.
Leanne is always in either that white mac or the buttoned up red coat. Yesterday we had a 'HILARIOUS' scenario where Katy No Money and Sinead the Dull as Dishwater turned up at the Bistro in exactly the same dress - Sinead then proceeded to get drunk and dance around like she was a performing bear in a circus.
I agree that many of the clothes are boring. The young dress too old and the old often too young.
But people do wear the same things for years and often things that don't suit them.
The clothes need to reflect the character. Actors do have some say in what they wear so personal taste will creep in.
I like Audrey's style she looks good for her age and job, income etc.
Rob probably would shop at Next (he recently wore a great sweatshirt from Desiel again around the right range for the character).
Liz makes me laugh as she clings to her youth and what she believed suied her twenty years ago.
Michelle often looks like she is trying to be a star with her eyes fixed firmly on the tabliods rather than the Rovers, the oufit she wore at Carla's wedding was like some pitful ex-band member, turned (terrible) actress might wear if desperate to be noticed ... Oh wait!
David Neilson looks amazing because his wardrobe is Roy.
And notice how much younger and more beautiful Debbie Rush looks off screen than as Anna Windass.
The red dress in last nights show was awful to do it's job it should have looked great on Katy and wrong on Sinead but it was horrible and didn't fit either of them - and Steph enjoyed it all a little too much!!
Kal's gymwear last night was from Primark. He can't be doing that well.
It seems to me wardrobe is the one the few things Corrie gets right. Real people have a terrible sense of aesthetics, they buy what they imagine is cool within their limited budgets. American soaps were known for their high fashion, some scenes in Dynasty and Dallas were constructed around certain hats or gowns. They sold fashion as much as the products during the commercial breaks. By all means critique the bad writing and the dodgy acting on Corrie, but long live Liz's old-tart tops and Roy's thrift-shop cardigans.
I totally agree. Not only are Roy and Liz's clothes well suited for their characters, but I know people in real life who dress just like them so it just rings true for me. Who doesn't know a woman who was stunning in her twenties and clings to that as she ages?
If anything, the females on Corrie always look too well groomed and coiffured. The men often look scruffy but that's normal.
It's only Leanne's coats that make me blink. They're too bright for the screen and seem quite at odds with her personality. Everything else works on her and I'm sure she'd prefer a dark country casual jacket which she would wear all the time. As for Liz and her tarty clothes, I would have thought she'd have returned from Spain slightly more classy. She has been running a health spa and she would have picked up a few fashion tips. Liz definitely needs a makeover because her personality is more subdued now.
The scene in the Bistro was straight out of a sitcom and a bad one at that.
The only time I remember an outfit I liked it was when Julie was wearing cute dresses i.e. cupcake print and she really seemed to rock the fifties look there for awhile.
The characters dress, for the most part, like people buying from the market or a lower priced chain, and most outfits are subdued in colour which is pretty normal.
Rita is as glam today as she was in the 80s with glitter and pads everyday.
They dress like their characters and the jobs/positions they hold.
That's why it's comment worthy when Sinead dresses up so out of character.
I wondered if Stella left Leanne her beige clothes....I bet Leanne would look lovely in blue for example.
Overall I am okay with the clothes....except when Michelle and Karla have a funeral to go to...trashy!!!!
I would like to see David and Maria get a new hairstyle...they look like they have not seen a hairdresser in months! The irony!
I wondered if Stella left Leanne her beige clothes....I bet Leanne would look lovely in blue for example.
Overall I am okay with the clothes....except when Michelle and Karla have a funeral to go to...trashy!!!!
I would like to see David and Maria get a new hairstyle...they look like they have not seen a hairdresser in months! The irony!
Firstly a lot of the women dress like they are going to a club with sleeveless dresses and strappy tops when it is supposed to be winter outside. Then they dress designer at weddings when they would normally on their pay scale be going to shops like Debenhams. Dierdre needs to cut the low slung tops at her age with her sun damaged skin.
I absolutely hate that leopard patterned blouse that Tina wears it looks like something Rita would wear. What never ceases to amaze me is why the characters keep their coats on indoors and put their shoe clad feet up on the couches!
I have to say, one of the things I love about this show in comparison to American soaps, is the wardrobe. Characters repeat outfits, they are not wearing clothes outside of their income level, and they aren't over the top trendy. In other words, they look real.
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