ROY AND HAYLEY FACE THEIR BIGGEST FEAR. As Hayley is prepared for theatre the consultant explains that if the operation is successful she’ll wake in the high dependency unit but if the surgery proves unsuccessful she’ll be brought back to the ward. Hayley attempts a brave face as Roy tries to remain strong. But as Roy waits for news he’s fraught with nerves, especially when the consultant arrives to talk
BETH DEMANDS ANSWERS FROM KARL. When Kirk spots Craig leaving Rob & Tracy’s shop with a video game Beth presumes he’s stolen it and confronts him. Backed into a corner Craig blurts out that Karl gave him the money. As Beth storms into the Rovers asking Karl why he’s giving her son money, an equally perplexed Jason and Dev watch on as they gather evidence against Karl.
PETER LIFTS THE FACTORY’S SPIRITS. Peter tries to buoy the spirits of the staff as they wait for news of Hayley’s operation. Michelle’s annoyed as it’s clear Peter’s a big hit on the factory floor.
ELSEWHERE Chesney convinces Sinead to meet him for lunch where he pleads for forgiveness, insisting Katy is his past and she’s his future. Will Sinead agree to put her heart on the line for Chesney again? Leanne offers to throw a surprise wedding reception at the bistro for Stella.
HAYLEY’S DEALT DEVASTATING NEWS. As the consultant explains to Roy that Hayley’s operation has been unsuccessful he’s hit by the enormity of the news. Back on the ward with Hayley they desperately try to distract themselves from reality before bracing themselves as the specialist arrives. Hayley’s tumour proved inoperable and all they can offer is palliative care. It’s a devastating blow for the couple as Hayley is told she only has six to twelve months to live.
KARL THREATENS TERRIFIED CRAIG. As Beth confronts Karl he plays it down, claiming he only gave Craig the money to cheer him up. As Jason and Dev watch on with interest, Karl’s aware suspicion has been roused and later goes to tackle a terrified Craig. Can Karl remain in control?
STEVE’S ATTEMPT TO CHEER UP MICHELLE BACKFIRES. Carla’s unimpressed when Steve lets slip about Michelle feeling overworked. Annoyed with Steve for stirring up trouble, will Michelle air her grievances about Peter to Carla?
ELSEWHERE Sinead agrees to give Chesney one last chance but warns him not to mess her around again. Will the couple reconcile?
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Am I seeing things or has Eileen's living room wall changed color? Noticed it when Dev came in to speak with Jason. wasn't it a red before?
Didn't Eileen's wall change colour after Paul moved in (and brought his crap, like that horrid vase)?
Arrggh if I have to see another sc scene with Gail with her wooden head sandwiched in between Kylie and David - giving Kylie those looks all the time and sanctimonously disapproving - Frosty is gonna SCREAM. How irritating and unpleasant has this charater become. If you dont like it Gail MOVE OUT and leave this little family to be happy. Insufferable woman!
After Leslie died Eileen & Paul repainted & changed the decor to give themselves a fresh start. What I've noticed is that the walls went from a dark magenta or maroon to a lighter mauve or lilac shade, but they've inexplicably reverted to the old shade several times. At 1st I thought it might be daytime lighting compared to night, but I've been observing and that's not it. It seems more likely that scenes were filmed at various times, out of chronological sequence, sometimes on the old set and others on the new one. You'd think the continuity people would have done something about this, but finances may have played a part.
Anyone else have a theory on this?
In anticipation of tonight's episodes I was looking online and came across this site, which is just a representative sample of many:
I'm surprised that Roy hasn't investigated these sites, unless he's decided to accept Hayley's request not to look into alternatives any further.
It may be that the show's producers have consulted medical experts and decided against pursuing such a line of inquiry, since they don't want to offer false hope to real-life cancer patients, but in today's world, where anyone can research anything on the internet, it seems unlikely that a character such as Roy would not be searching.I realize that Ms. Hesmondhalgh is leaving and they want a dramatic final storyline for her, but they also have an obligation to all the real patients to give them accurate, up to date information.
Can we please have the old Gail back? This one isn't cutting it. I'm sorry, but I just want to punch her in the face. What a sap!
Anonymous: If, as you say, "in today's world, [where ]anyone can research anything on the internet", why then do the producers of The Street "have an obligation to all the real patients to give them accurate, up to date information."?
"Billy Nib",
Coronation Street has prided itself on its care and accuracy when tackling important topics, and it has a reputation for doing so. With something as painfully universal as cancer, this is even more important, since it's a life and death subject.
The internet, while containing a wealth of information, is not regulated or otherwise constricted by rules or any official oversight, so research must be carefully checked and taken "with a grain of salt", which fact, unfortunately, not everyone remembers.
For Hayley's storyline, which will feel personal to many people, the producers must be aware that they have to "get it right", and that must include examining information from the internet, since that is such a common source nowadays.
The point was the contradiction between your assertion that anyone can research anything they like on the internet, and your insistence desoite this that the street's producers somehow have a solemn responsibility to depict unimpeachable reality in dealing with a complex case of cancer of the pancreas.
In fact, in the early stages of this plot strand, Roy did research the condition thoroughly on the web, to the point of extreme annoyance to Hayley and her consultant, and soon dropped it.
I'm not really clear what your point is otherwise. Are you really saying that the show should have mentioned the specific website you mention?
I'm aware that Roy researched the condition on the internet. He even considered going to Mexico for an experimental treatment there. Sylvia made the point to Roy that the medical experts were more qualified than he to determine the best course.
I'm also aware that sometimes doctors in one location have not yet heard of new procedures being tried somewhere else, or they're reluctant to investigate them until they've seen replications and confirmations of results. Patients and their family members can be frustrated and confused by what they learn on the internet, especially when it seems to contradict what their doctor is telling them.
This is a TV program, a daily serial at that, not a documentary. Nonetheless, when the producers decide to introduce a storyline with such importance to so many people, they have some obligation to be as accurate and thorough as possible (maybe not unimpeachable, but certainly conscientious). This includes acknowledging that patients nowadays use the web as a reference and source of information. I just thought that when Roy heard the word "inoperable" he would not be able to ignore that without checking online to see what he could find. This seemed like an opportunity to mention the subject of accuracy and inaccuracy on the web!
After I made my initial comment the episode aired where the doctor explained that the cancer had infiltrated the tissue of the major artery, as well as the surrounding area, so that removal of the tumour was impossible. Roy mentioned a second opinion, and the doctor explained why this wouldn't change the facts. This alleviated my concerns about the thoroughness of the explanations that the writers were including.
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