As always, I have nothing against the actress who plays Katy - I'm sure she is a very nice young woman. I just really can't take to the character. I'm afraid Coronation Street has done the usual thing of a complete character transformation on Katy. When she first appeared she was sweet and wholesome, falling for the equally sweet and wholesome Chesney Brown.
When the writers decided to add a baby into the mix I thought fair enough. There are plenty of young families of this ilk up and down the land, so why not portray this in Corrie. However overnight they seemed to turn Katy into a drudge and a misery. I'm sorry to say that when she moaned about not having a life, I did bark at the telly "you were the one who wanted a baby so much!"
Anyway, Corrie has a talent for making youngsters old before their time (see TIna and Tommeh for further examples of that) so things trundled on in a very boring fashion until Katy suddenly transformed herself even more moody young woman with a baby. Only now she was plastered in fake tan which in Corrie tradition means she's about to misbehave. And that she did, with gormless, beige Ryan Connor.
The initial appeal of Katy soon wore thin for Ryan, who is still not Michelle's real son, which has still not been addressed properly on screen since his return. Anyway, Ryan soon viewed Katy'n'sprog with all the appeal of a stale eccles cake and he showed his true colours. This began what seemed like years of repetitive round robin storylining between Chesney, Katy and Ryan. The expressions, situations and dialogue stayed the same, so technically you could have popped off on one of Rita's round the world cruises, come back, tuned in again and thought you'd managed to leave your television on pause for six months.
End of rant!
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Would have been ok if Chesney & Katy had been kept together as a young teenage family struggling to make ends meet....or even if Katy had become a struggling single mother without Chesney.....But she seems to have no problems looking after a baby full time holding down a job, spending money on nightclubs and keeping her tan topped up on expensive foreign holidays....
Unfortunately, with Tina's departure at the end of the year, Katy is here for the long term (producers need an entry for the sexiest female, no?). The personality transformation needs to be set back to how it was... like Katy, I'm also fed up with Ches... if I want misery, I just need to open a newspaper... seeing this every week is making Corrie difficult to watch. Let's see Katy fully take on the single mother role and finish her education and show some business spirit (still waiting for something to be done with the butcher's shop). Show the reality check of not having money but still being able to rise from the ashes is what I'd like to see to redeem this character.
You have hit the nail on the head. I have realised Katy's one of those characters, like Dennis, Eva, say, who can get along with very little happening in their lives and because of other stuff - Karl, Eileen, Tina, the AssWinds, no-one much notices.
If you gave Chesney a London accent, he would easily fit into the doomfest on the other channel. I agree, the trio of Chesney, Katy and Ryan was/is boring. You can lump Sinead's role in this into the pot. Let's liven this plot up a bit, Corrie. In fact, let's liven it up a lot!
On a technical point, no way a gymslip mum like Katy could afford the actress's tan/holiday but no-one seems bothered! Yes, ditch her.
Finally, your picture reminds me how implausible it is to work in a kebab shop, yet end your shift with the cleanest overalls going. The gear must be made of some dirt-repellent material. Underworld should find this and market it!
Chesney still has his fans because he was once the cute kid on the Street. I don't think anybody really cares what happens to Katy. We're stuck with her, though, because as Stephen Feldman says, she is award material. Also how would her character be written at the moment? Best thing would be for her to stay in the background like Kirk and pop up in other people's stories.
Yep she is a very pretty girl with lovely dark hair and a perma orange tan -remind you of anyone?. The difference is that Tina actually can act. Find her boring and irritating but suspect shallowly she will be kept on as she is eye candy and they need someone to pick up the bizarre sexiest actress award at luvvie time. She and her nisery guts sister and bullyboy daddy could go tomorrow and they would not be missed I dont think
wooden as f**k cannot stand her
I liked Katy before the whole character assassination thing. But then Collinson, who hates happiness, came along and split her and Ches up with an affair storyline same old yada yada yada.
I think at the least, Katy needs a long extended break. If she was to return, it should be someone who's realised the error of their ways, not moaning so much, but still wanting to see her son. Someone more *fun*.
No. She's been paired against a couple of boobs - Chesney and Ryan. How could anyone want to sit and watch those two anyway? A regular snore fest! At least Georgia can act - I can't say as much for the other two. A meatier storyline is needed for her. I thought pairing her with Jason might be on, but I guess they're saving him for someone else...Eva..another mannequin.
Katy should have an affair with Tina and then they can both leave the Street (to get married). What the heck else are they going to do with her if they've decided to keep Chesney with Sinead? Better yet, Tina can open an escort service in London (having gotten advice from Leanne), with Katy, Maria, Ryan and Dev leaving the Street to become her lucrative staff. So many problems solved...
I was just now watching Katy here in Canada and thinking the very same thing! I know her story & lines are boring, but the actress is making it even worse. Imagine a young Mirren or any classic actress in their youth mailing in their lines like that in their early days. Shameful. I know it's "just a soap", but these young folk have an opportunity here to get a foot in the door for good future work, if they want it. Georgia May is squandering her time on Corrie now as far as I can see.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the soapy quality of the show. But some small effort to show the young women caring about anything but clothing, revolving boyfriends and babies would go a long way to improving the inner dialogue in the actresses heads. Maybe. Perhaps they want a future in only panto.
I thought it was great when Katy and Chesney had the baby because unfortunately, that's something that's becoming a lot more common. They've already done the young single mom storyline with Sarah, so they could have realistically portrayed the struggles of a young family who succeed against all odds.
But then they introduced Ryan into it and all of a sudden I seriously disliked the characters. I don't think they can bring Katy back to a place where I'd like her.
Chesney is a great example of a cute child character that should have moved away once he grew up! Then we wouldn't even need to discuss what to do with Katy because her entire clan would be unnecessary.
I like that Ches is not stuck in a relationship where Katy will toss him whenever a good looking guy comes along. He does need to lighten up - hopefully poor Sinead can save him. lol
As for about a spring/winter relationship....Norris really needs to settle down. lmao
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