It's Friday again so it's time for this week's fab Coronation Street
photo. Whenever the subject of villains comes up on this blog, the likes of Richard Hillman and John Stape always seem to be rated highly. But I've never rated them as proper villains, now Jez Quigley, he was a proper nasty villain.
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Sends chills down my spine just seeing that photo! He was indeed a proper villain and proper scary.
What about the "lovely" Tracy Barlow? Scheming, manipulative, murderer that sold her own baby, terrorized Becky by claiming she killed her unborns, forever descrying "it's not my fault!" That is the quintessential villain, but because she's a woman - she can't be killed off.
Loved Jez Quigley, brilliant actor and too bad he was killed off. Would have been nice for him to return, stalk Tracy and kill her with one of her 'ethical' knick-knacks from the Pawn Shop.
I agree! Jez was a great character, well acted, and could have gotten rid of Tracy Barlow once and for all.
Anonymous 13:29 so true, if Tracy was a male villain she wouldn't be getting storylines like setting up a shop and doing whatever she wanted, she would of been written out and killed off.
Notice how Mad Maya and Kirsty where never killed off either. As usual when a female does something, she is damaged and needs help.
Female villains never get killed off?
What about Curly's mad stalker Anne Malone ?
Came to a sticky end amongst the Findus Crispy Pancakes, as I recall.
Lee Boardman was terrifying as Jez Quigley and quite funny as Hodge in Great Night Out. He's a very versatile actor.
Lee Boardman was equally good in the HBO series ROME. A great actor indeed and without a doubt the best villain Corrie has ever seen!
Absolutely loved Jez!! Great character.
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