I wasn't going to go into the Lloyd/Chris/Cheryl debacle again but I just had to say that I felt so bad for Lloyd tonight, finding out about Cheryl and Chris. You don't often see heartbroken men on Corrie like that. Usually they get angry or drunk but Lloyd was weeping in Steve's arms in the bog! This is the beginning of the end, boys and girls and Lloyd isn't going to get over this any time soon.
Naturally he would beg her to stay, promise to forgive her. He's desperately in love and can't accept that she just loves Chris more than him. After that comes the anger and that might just eat him up. I did laugh a little at the background music he had playing when Steve went to see him - Dusty Springfield singing: "If you go away"
Will there be an attempt at a reconciliation? If there is, it will be short lived. It won't be long before Cheryl finds out about Chris' lies about his health because you know secrets never stay secret on a soap. I'd say chances are pretty good that she'll be the next broken hearted one crying in the bog when that comes out.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
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Lloyd and Steve are the best couple on the Street. Love their double act.
As for Cheryl, here's yer hat, what's yer hurry? Borrrrring! The most interesting thing about her was the fact her named was pronounced with a "CH" as opposed to"SH"
Loved Lloyd with Liz. Now there was a woman!
God I wish the stupid gullible Cheryl and the nasty smug twat that is Chris would hurry up and bugger off.
Poor Lloyd, not only has he had the dirty done on him by the vile duo, but now he's left with the hideous decorating job that Ch-Ch-Ch-Cheryl did on his house!!
Hate the Grey's but love the flat
Lorraine from Ottawa, Canada
You say it won't be long before Cheryl finds out about the Chris' lies..I for one beg to differ. I think it will go on for a few weeks minimum. Soaps have the ability to drag out story lines and not lose views, even though watchers are getting bored. "maybe this time?" I hope you are right. Good blog
Have to say loved the Steve/Eileen/Lloyd scenes. Shows how great they are together and should reunite!
I prefer the Corrie serial killers to Chris. He has two emotions: smug and angry. There is nothing likeable about him whatsoever. Picking Chris rather than Lloyd is sufficient come-uppance for Cheryl, but my guess is that it won't be too long before she finds out Chris has been lying to her. Maybe that is wishful thinking as their story needs to conclude urgently, before any viewers actually do die of boredom.
I liked Lloyd/Eileen/Steve together again. It was the highlight of the episodes. It's a shame that having had his wife go missing, Paul decided to leave her alone to go and thank Eileen in person and then invite her for a drink. It would have been much better for Eileen to have accompanied Steve.
I find it very hard to get caught up in the excitement and drama of Corrie when we already know months ahead which actors are leaving. Perhaps other posters avoid the spoilers: I don't because it's my way of filtering out the garbage and only watch 50% as a result. So, we already know Cheryl and Chris are leaving and there's a punch-up in the street resulting in ... Should I not say anymore because some people haven't read the stories? So I look at Corrie much more, these days, at plot, acting etc. Last night, Lloyd was well-written and it just shows what a good actor Craig Charles is - humour, tragedy, the whole caboodle. Enough said about the other two.
I do think the actor that plays Chris is very good, he's nailed the character well.
Well judging by the intimdiating way Chris was behaving with the doctor yesterday we can guess that it wont be too long before Cheryl - why does she always wear off the shoulder tops even in November - gets another pasting for upsetting the oaf. And how come they are all including Roos the Poodle moving into Jason's flat rent free????????? A big cheer from Frosty when they all clear off for good.
I guess it's his com-uppance for the vile way he treated Kelly a couple of years ago. She begged him for another chance and NOPE..out the door for your babe!!Now the shoe's on the other foot!
I really enjoyed the bathroom scene between Steve and Lloyd..whoever writes their lines - exellent!
Poor Chez is losing his dog..I felt for him at the vet's yesterday when Owen and Katie came barging in..the look on his face. Awww.
Also..loved the banter between Eileen and Jason...perfect!
Chris I can't stand but the actor played him to a tee yesterday..so vile and menacing..like the old Chris. Wonderful episodes!!
Chris is paying Jason rent, i remember hearing a brief mention of it when he asked Jason about the flat saying he couldn't afford a lot.
Shame we had to endure the Grays to have that great Keystone cops performance from Steve, Eileen and Lloyd! I have a lot of tolerance for less-than-stellar work on the show, but Cheryl & Chris get big fat lemon awards from me. Him with the loud throat breathing and her with, er, nothing! I'm surprised the directors could watch it go on, and on, and on. Couldn't they coax something, anything, out of those two?
I agree, Lloyd was fabulous and really gave us a good laugh in the loo with Steve and with the sad music in the flat! Hilarious! The actors must have been splitting their sides laughing between takes. Maybe that's why nobody noticed the gruesome Grays had turned to wooden statues.
Great post, Tvor. Craig Charles' acting in this scene especially was heartbreaking.
Have found the whole Chris and Cheryl reunion sickening but at least it has given us the chance to see Craig Charles deliver a smashing performance. He is clearly capable of a lot more and I for one cant wait to see where his character heads after his time away filming red dwarf- Micky
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