WILL IMRAN BE FORCED TO COME CLEAN? Imran desperately tries to juggle the impending arrival of Elsie and Sabeen’s increasing demands for more information about Harvey. When Rita sees through his latest bid to ingratiate himself she is disgusted and Imran tells Sabeen the blackmail has to stop. Will Imran be forced to come clean to Toyah?
JENNY AND JOHNNY LOOK FORWARD Jenny is flattered when Leo invites her out for a drink, meanwhile Johnny tells Carla he feels his life has lost its purpose and is thrilled when she offers him a consultancy job at the factory. But as he chats to an old business contact with Carla at the Bistro he is shocked to see a glammed up Jenny walk in with Leo, how will he react?
THREE’S A CROWD FOR NINA Nina calls to see Abi at No.13 and queries her reluctance to reschedule the wedding. When Abi cites the hassle of organising it as the reason, Kevin says he and Debbie will sort everything so Abi’s forced to agree. Kevin’s thrilled while Nina’s suspicious of Abi.
BERNIE IS UP TO NO GOOD Natasha’s plans to buy the salon are dealt a blow when Gsil remiss her that she said she would pay to get the sinkhole sorted out. Meanwhile a jealous Bernie is pleased to discover that Natasha does not have designs on Dev but decides to wind him up and let him think Natasha has the hots for him.
IMRAN TELLS THE TRUTH BUT NOT THE WHOLE TRUTH A devastated Toyah can’t believe what she is hearing from Imran about Sabeen’s blackmail plan and his one night fling with a stranger, but has he been entirely truthful? With Elsie about to arrive Toyah disappears and bumps into Peter in Victoria Gardens who tells her not to give up on what she and Imran have. Imran is relieved when she returns to the flat all smiles for the social worker but has she forgiven him?
JENNY’S YOUNG AT HEART Leo flirts with Jenny, telling her finds her much more attractive than Daisy. Johnny calls at the Rovers hoping to have a drink with Jenny, only to find her entertaining Leo.
NINA CAN’T FIGHT HER FEELINGS Asha plucks up the courage to ask Nina out, but a distracted Nina’s too upset after a run-in with a hostile Abi so turns her down. Asha’s disappointed.
ELSEWHERE Bernie laughs her head off as Dev flirts with Natasha and asks her out, only to be turned down flat and told he’s got the wrong end of the stick. Furious Dev tackles Bernie who tells him in no uncertain terms what she thinks of him. Having overheard the row Aadi lists all the reasons why Dev is a great dad.
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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