Apparently everyone who knows anything (including Bernie's nail girl [Bernia has a nail girl?]) that it is going to kick off tonight on the Hylda Baker estate - more gunpowder than the plot ever had as the turf wars of the local drug empires are in deep conflict. Quite how and when the comedienne was awarded the local estate which I thought was the Ecclestone Estate (after Bernie - see what I did there?) home of the infamous "Dog and Gun" I am not sure - two run down estates in Weatherfield seems unlikely. And Hylda was a Granada TV star too! David's ears prick up on hearing about potential trouble - why I wonder? Bernie goes on to say that "when the sun goes down it will be like West Side Story directed by Quentin Tarantito". A very famous director I am sure!
Eileen compares Yasmeen's misdemeanour to the sainted Emily, the woman who drove the wrong way down a one way street and was fined £5 in consequence, and probably never did anything wrong for the rest of her life although she suffered a few misfortunes and a night up a tree on the Red Rec. I did check - Tim arrived in 2013 and Emily left in early 2016 but I am not entirely sure that he has not the faintest idea who she is! [Best wishes to Emily Derbyshire and I hope that the current situation is not too difficult for you].
Alya has just been telling Sean about how she wanted Yasmeen to leave Geoff and how the latter had been treating her gran. And the answer to the above question is that of course Alya knows that Sean has a reputation for an ability to communicate wisely with others - but he wouldn't call it being a blabbermouth, just a legitimate right to pass on information freely gathered!
I was a little surprised by this and I wonder if it will garner complaints. It raises an interesting question in my mind relating to the current situation. How are those dependent on illegal substances getting supplies, do they count as an essential shopping trip? And aren't dealers hanging about on street corners ready to cut a deal a little obvious and are the authorities doing anything about it - after all they must be breaking numerous new laws. (Although I gather that all prosecutions under the new laws are to be set aside because so many mistakes have been made with the English being prosecuted under Welsh laws and wrong sections being invoked etc - it is almost enough to make you laugh).
Come Friday and I could have populated this entire post with Evelyn for whom Julie Jones obviously delights in writing. The flowers are past it and Ed suggests vodka. Evelyn responded with saying that she reserves alcohol for her consumption and the flowers are going in the composter. When asked by Audrey if she is walking out with Arthur she asks Audrey to use slightly less Victorian language but denies anything much is happening ... or is it?
Apparently Miss Blackpool 1962 led some fitness activities in which Rita was involved and gives a description of the lady above. And Rita also remembers that the said lady was extremely flexible and was able to wrap her ankles around the back of her neck. Audrey exclaims that she had always wanted to do that - David asks why and Audrey merely says it would be achievement to have done it!
Written by: Damon Alexis-Rochefort (Monday); Mark Wadlow (Wednesday); Julie Jones (Friday)
Directed by: Kevin Boyle (Monday & Wednesday); Lee Trevor (Friday)

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
1 comment:
I'm so glad they are giving the elders the BEST lines! Bernie has a lot of potential in that direction too. Look how great Tim and Steve are when they open their gobs. Not sure what the writers are trying to achieve with the youngsters? Get young viewers hooked in?
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