Clearly Audrey is finding running the salon ever more difficult with chatty Emma discoursing on last night's tea, tonight's tea, Emma's dating plans and Audrey is sending Emma regularly for Audrey's special coffee and Emma manages an absolutely accurate rendition of Audrey's "noise". With thanks to Martyn Hett you can find out more about Audrey's noise on You Tube
Thanks to Nicola Thorp for pointing this one out. Dev wandered into the cab office and Steve was on his hands and knees in the safe, banging his head when Dev raps on the counter top. Dev then picks up Steve's coffee cup and as we can see is about to consume the contents. He is there to help Steve find Tracy's engagement ring. Steve has 7 engagement rings (for 8 engagements): Victoria, Karen(1), Karen (2), Michelle (that ring cost £7.5k), Becky had the same ring as Michelle, Tracy, Michelle (a second ring) and finally Leanne. That all took some working out, matching up the rings to girls is going to be impossible!
Come Wednesday Ken breaks the news to Tracy that it is a joint wedding (with Daniel to which she says no), and Ken clearly feels (above) that he is off the hook for paying for Tracy's wedding. I have a feeling that Tracy (who earlier described herself as a knackered old cart horse who has been round the block more often than a police car) will find a way of getting money out of Ken again.
Especially when Tracy finds out that Ken can afford to take Simon and Eccles to Cornwall on holiday (courtesy of a friend of Toyah's). That will leave Peter in an otherwise empty house. I wonder which femme fatale will get to share his bed?
I fear for the financial security of the Rovers. There was some concern recently when they charged £6.95 for a glass of prosecco which sounded cheap as someone who is inured to London prices. However this week Mary had a large glass of red for £3. Really? That cheap! The writers seem not to be regular pub drinkers!
Ali of course is winding Michelle up - there was nothing in Ryan's head according to the scan and he continued "Absolutely nothing. Just an empty skull and a bit of tumbleweed." Robert at least enjoyed the joke.
Emma (Alexandra Mardell) gets a second mention as she continues to impress revealing in passing that she cannot tell the difference between a tricorn and a fez, so her school trip to the Hat Museum was obviously not a particularly good use of her time!
Ranty moment. Sometimes things go wrong; sometimes there is not someone to blame. Can the younger generation (I am looking at you Sophie) get their head around this please?
And here is how not to make a joke. Audrey cannot use the new computer booking system so is not sure that Cathy is her three o'clock. She has just turned down Maria's suggestion that Maria buy into the salon so you can see why Maria is looking just a bit fed up. The final episode was rather lacking in comedy! Also I thought that Audrey signed over the salon to David some years ago - did he hand it back to her at some point?
"Extras at Work"
Having had a number of police stories last year we seen to be paying appropriate tribute to the powers of the NHS this week (Happy 70th birthday) so a paramedic is stretchering Ryan to the ambulance.
Which wraps up this week. Will be late on duty next week!
Writers: Ian Kershaw (Monday) Damon Alexis-Rochefort (Wednesday) Chris Fewtrell & Mark Wadlow (Friday)
Directors: Duncan Foster (Monday & Wednesday) Abe Juckes (Friday)

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1 comment:
The £6.95 prosecco was in the bistro, not the Rovers.
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