Carla announces to the shocked factory crew
that she’s moving away and putting Underworld up for sale. Sally may be
enthused by Kevin’s ambition, quinoa, kale crisps, and the possibility of
becoming the new owner, but her dreams of upward mobility take a sharp downward
trajectory when Carla catches her snooping at the accounts, and she’s promptly
sacked. There is something immensely satisfying about her telling Carla to “drop
dead”. While Sally may have overstepped the mark, I’m no fan of Carla at her
Meanwhile, Kevin’s Lord Sugar effort sees him
order Tyrone to move his holidays to cope with the workload. It takes Fiz to stand
up to him, and while I’m glad she does, I’d rather see Tyrone do it. At least Sally
benefits from Kevin’s new found entrepreneurial spirit, as he agrees to buy the
factory with her, provided the books are in order.
As they share a bottle of wine, and Sally thanks
him for keeping her sane, they kiss. Even more disappointing than the fact that
this had to happen at all, is to find Kevin more worried about “best mate” Tim
than Sally who doesn’t appear to give him a second thought in the immediate aftermath.
Nor does she appear overly guilt-ridden when Tim returns early to tell her he
missed her and loves her. By the time the oblivious groom-to-be asks Kevin to
be his best man, Sally and Kevin are as ecstatic as if nothing had happened at
What was interesting about the exchanges between
Sally, Tim, Sophie and Kevin in the aftermath of the kiss, was how we were
continually lead to believe that the truth was about to be revealed. It seemed
rather awkward, as the acting and dialogue didn’t match the announcements that
were made. For example, Tim bursts in to Kevin’s declaring “Sally’s told me all
about it. What have you got to say for yourself?” We’re supposed to believe
from the serious tone and performance that Sally has confessed, but of course
she hasn’t, and it’s about purchasing the factory. Similarly, Tim and Kevin
return to Sally’s, and Tim announces that he isn’t being completely honest with
them, to suspicious looks all round. The reason? He wants Kev to be his best
man. What was he not being honest about? I can see that this is done for
suspense purposes, but the mismatches do lend an unreality to the scenes.
In any event, Sally and Kevin may have some
competition, as Alya looks for Sharif to speak with him about the factory, suggesting
she too may put in a bid.

His weapon of choice, a spatula, rivals the
Kevin/Sally kiss for being wedged into somewhere it didn’t belong. All of Gail’s
weddings come at once when she catches him in the act and is left with a
considerable amount of ammunition against Eileen, making sure to give her both
barrels for leading Michael astray.
They eventually purchase the bracelet for £200, and it is amusing to learn it has all been for
nothing as Liz reveals she has found the original. This, of course, sees Gail gloat
atop a high horse requiring an industrial crane to mount.
New chef Robert proves to be a smash at the
Bistro when the coulis based 'sorry' emblazoned across Tracy ’s dessert finds itself in pieces on the
floor. Unfazed, even bemused, he follows her outside to assure her she’ll be
his before long. As she struts off on the pretense that she has the moral high
ground, we assume he’s right.
I’m really enjoying Zeedan of late, and like
the influence he has on Simon. At the suggestion that Simon may be disobedient Zeedan
asks crossly, “You been misbehaving mate?” Leanne later finds Simon to be very
polite and helpful at home, that is until she mentions drawing a line under the
past and he throws a tantrum.
The Sally/Kevin kiss aside, I particularly enjoyed the scenes involving Roy, Les Dennis’s comedy performance, and Jonathan
Harvey's very welcome knack of bringing out the best in Todd.
By Emma Hynes
Twitter: @ELHynes
All original work on the Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
There were a lot of farce elements, some of which were too OTT. The Sally/Kevin kiss scene could have been straight out of a Ray Cooney farce but the actors' skills made it work. Absurd and contrived yes, but funny. By contrast, Eileen's character and portrayal are too stodgy to be funny even with Michael. Tracy smashing a plate in the Bistro and nobody being outraged wasn't remotely hilarious. Btw, I like Ray Cooney but you can overdo a good thing.
I for one loved Carla sacking Sally! Amazing scene "I told you to get out, Sally but I can still see you! What's that all about?" LOL! Good on Carla for putting her in her place. Sally does crack me up but she is so far up her own backside, she can see her lunch and Tim deserves better.
It was bad enough when Kevin betrayed Tyrone when he slept with his wife Molly and fathered her child but he's doing it again to his latest 'best friend'Tim?!Perhaps he and Eileen should get together as they both have something in common, wanting other people's spouses!
Although Kevin does have remorse,I bet when it comes our,he'll play the 'victim' and blame Sally fr the betrayal jut as he did with his affair with Molly despite the fact he was always at their house.
I think Kevin and Carla due for a wham bang. Both are damaged goods, she needs money and he has some, both are business people and both have coveted their BFF's spouse. And if she wants to stick it to Sally what better way than boinking Kevin.
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