Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Sunday 30 August 2015

In Photos: Tracy is arrested

On Thursday, September 10, Residents watch in shock as Tracy Barlow is arrested for the murder of Kal Nazir and Maddie Heath! The dramatic arrest comes after Tracy confessed to Carla that she started the fire at Victoria Court flats. But who has called the police? Is it Carla or has someone else decided it is time toxic Tracy paid the price for her actions and for Carla's name to be cleared?

The photos below show Tracy being escorted out of the pub where many of the interested parties gather to watch though oddly none of the families of the ones that died in the fire. I wonder if that's significant? We'll know what happens by the end of next week. 

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rach said...

Don't send her down it won't be same with out Tracy

rach said...

Don't send Tracy down it won't be same with out her !!

rach said...

NO don't send Tracy down it won't be same with out her

abbyk said...

It was an accident but Tracy did break in to Carla's and took an action that led to 2 deaths. I doubt it will stick to Tracy's Teflon but I wonder how suddenly savvy Amy will react to the realization that the terrifying night was caused by her own mother who then lied about it for months. If 7 year old Max knows right from wrong, hmmmm...

maggie muggins said...


Anonymous said...

Isn't Zeedan in the рhotos? He's a family member,right?

Anonymous said...

It looks like Robert called the рolice, but I could be wrong

njblas said...

Isn't Kal's son Zeedan shown in the third photo?

Lorna said...

I think Zeedan is standing next to Carla.

Judging by the expression on Nick's face, I think he is the one who calls the police.

Humpty Dumpty said...

I should think the most the police could charge Tracy with, anyway, is trespass.I agree that it's probably Amy who dishes out Tracy's real punishment. She might start to remember more about what happened that night. I still think she may have smelt her mother's perfume in the flat. The flat door opening was maybe what woke Amy up and, once awake, she needed the loo. How interesting it would be if Amy decides she can't live with her mother and insists on living with Steve.

Anonymous said...

The problem I have with the idea of Amy moving in with Steve is that her scenes with Tracy are so much fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

Arson is a serious offence. She should be charged with more than trespass. And anyway, does she not have some conditions about her release for the murder of Charlie Stubbs? In the real world they would throw the book at her (preferably the Encyclopedia Brittanica, all volumes. Hard bound.)

Unknown said...

Tracy will probably be charged with breaking and entering or trespass.

Anonymous said...

The police tend to lay a the highest charge and work it down as more or less evidence appears to support the case. No doubt Tracy will initially be charged with something related to attempted murder. It's the intention element of any case that is the hardest to prove, so no doubt that will become the main issue of her courtroom saga - did she just intend to trespass and there was an accident, or did she intentionally engage in arson to burn down Carla's flat and kill her in the process? Let us just pray it is all over soon.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 7:54 Tim is there too, isn't he? He's Maddie's family, sort of.

Sevin said...

I don't think this fire storyline has worked at all.

Rose Field said...

As Kate Ford is not being written out, I think we can all surmise that Tracy will get away with it again. What I want to know is Robert with the dyed hair going to dob her in, after he expressed his love and loyality as well!

Nikki NZ said...

Tracey's conviction for murdering Charlie was quashed due to some unexplained miscarriage of justice. The Crown didn't try her again so, no, she won't have any parole conditions.

But there is not a shred of evidence to prove that this was murder or even manslaughter. It was an accident.

I'm not sure how the new Tracey is going to fare once she's found out though. Not much chance for redemption when everyone hates you even more than they did before.

Max's Mum said...

Hope they lock her up and throw the key way. She is such an evil cow and this storyline has been going on for far too long now.


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