The new range includes cups, travel mugs, notepads, fridge magnets, a shopper bag, tea towels and a bookmark. New items are being added to the range so keep checking the eBay page!
We are offering UK fans the chance to win a Tracy Barlow notepad, pictured above. All you have to do to win the above is enter our competition, answer the following two questions correctly and then keep your fingers crossed that you'll be drawn at random from all correct entries received.
The deadline for entries to this competition is Monday 10 August 2015 at 5pm. The winners will be announced here on the Coronation Street Blog.
Sorry, overseas fans, these prizes can be sent to UK addresses only. If I could, I would open all of our competitions to fans all over the world. However, due to the product licensing on these items, we’re tied to offering them to UK fans only.
Email your answers to me at with the subject line of TRACY in your email.
Entries from moneysavingsexpertforum, Loquax and all other competition entry websites will not be included.
Here are your two questions. Good luck!
1. How much does the Tracy Barlow notepad retail for?
2. Name all three of Tracy's ex-husbands.
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