When she was invited to audition for Coronation Street, she reveals, "My heart leapt. But I promised myself there and then that if I didn't get it, I would give up the job I loved – I would quit acting."
And, she says, part of the reason for the lack of work was her age.
"Although my older peers had warned me that when actresses reach the big 5-0, work often starts to dry up, I couldn't imagine it ever happening to me," she said. "But then, a few years before I'd even reached that landmark birthday, the phone stopped ringing. It was as sudden as a tap being turned off. I was devastated."
She realised that many of her peers had gone under the knife to look younger telling HELLO! "they were old friends with new faces" and she decided to follow their example by undergoing a suspension facelift, when a simple stitch is placed under each cheek to pull up the lower half of the face.
"When I looked at my double chin and sagging jawline, I was prepared to try a cosmetic procedure to improve my chances of being offered new parts in the job Ioved," she admitted.
She says that after the op: "My life started to take off again. I felt happier and more upbeat."
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I suppose she thought she was being interesting giving that interview, but how vain can you get, having plastic surgery then bragging about it.
I'd suggest the reason the phone had stopped ringing is that actually she isn't very good neither is she likeable on screen.
Please don't keep her for much longer. I hope the departure of Carla doesn't suddenly mean that Nick sees more of Erica, in all honesty he'd be more likely to date someone closer in age to Steph.
I admire the actress' honesty and I am thoroughly enjoying Erica on screen too. I hope she stays on the show - not with Nick though as I feel Erica and Nick are a bad match. Behind the bar with Liz as a double act would be fun.
IT's such a shame that women have to resort to that in order to keep working in the tv and film industry. Men do get cosmetic work done but it's not to keep the phone ringing and jobs coming in. Pity women still have to put up with that. I do like Claire King on Corrie now that they've toned her down a little but I don't like her with Nick as a full time love interest. A fling was ok. Maybe she'll be a better match for the new Connor patriarch coming in later in the year.
Quite likely, it was a psychological boost as much as anything else. Maybe she auditioned more confidently. Fair enough, no different from having a nose job. As far as Erica goes, it doesn't work with Nick, who is supposed to be 35 against her late 40's/50. The initial point to the storyline was that Nick was dating an older woman but it fell flat. Nick is played by Ben Price who is 43 and looks it, and therefore much of Gail's horror at the age gap isn't credible. Like Andrea, Erica pops up now and again without any real purpose. Is she working? Will we meet her mother and could they be another Maud and Maureen. Pity Tony's leaving as I could see Erica with him.
How terrible that she felt the need to get surgery to continue getting jobs. I'm glad it worked for her, and I'm glad she's stuck around on Corrie. Now Deirdre has gone it'll be good for Liz to have someone to pal around with.
She should ask for her money back, she looks like a 60 year old in a wind tunnel.
She can have afternoon tea with me anytime!
Reading her comments I couldn't help thinking of Anne Reid who at age 70+ stars in Last Tango. Pauline Collins does well, as does Julie Walters. Sarah Lancashire is probably the same age also. All of these actress have one thing in common, they continued to hone their craft in their youths. Harder than a trip to a surgeon I know, but it is a realistic alternative for female actresses over 50. Just saying.
Mega LOL!
Poor Sarah Lancashire! Anne Reid is 80, Pauline Collins is 74, and Sarah Lancashire is 50.
I think they meant Sarah Lancashire is the same age as Claire King.
That certainly wasn't clear from the comment.
What I think is the biggest shame is all the criticism of her on this post. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for sitting in judgement of her. She is a beautiful woman and if she felt that a cosmetic procedure would help her to feel better about herself, who are you all to sit back anonymously and judge her??? If she lied about it she would be judged for being a liar. But she went out there and was honest so that she remained true to herself and perhaps make other women feel more comfortable with having it if they chose. If cosmetic surgery is not for you, that's fine. But if someone else chooses it as right for them, don't think that you are better than them because you chose not to.
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