Quotes attributed to Chris in the Star say: “I’m contracted until February and then my three-year deal is up. We’ve not had any talks yet about what they have in store for me. I don’t know if they will keep me, I’ll have to wait and see but I would love to stay.”
Talking about Michelle Keegan's exit from the show as Tina McIntyre, Chris says: “I don’t have a clue what happens or how she leaves. I don’t think even Michelle knows. I imagine we will still be together when she leaves but whatever happens I’m sure she’s going to have an exciting and dramatic exit which hopefully I will be involved in.”
So then, Corrie fans. If Tommy Duckworth was to leave Coronation Street with Tina, would you miss him?
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I'd definitely miss him, but I think he and Tina are meant to be together, even if that means leaving together. Wouldn't like to see Tommy sticking around to be coupled with Eva or someone he's not meant for.
In a word NO - he is just a spare part really hanging around with that furrowed brow. Should deffo go with "Tee".
I hope the writers keep it real. Just imagine for a minute that you were Tommy Duckworth, and had landed a girlfriend like Tina McIntyre. She decides her future lies in some exciting new venture beyond Weatherfield. Your choice is to "uproot" yourself and go with her, or remain in the back street of life, where you've only lived for three years drifting from one low-paid job to another and entertaining yourself with exotic meals from the chippy and pints in the Rovers.
Doesn't sound like a hard decision to me.
Couldn't see the point of him at first, but he ended up fitting in quite well as one of those spare part supporting characters who are OK to have around. Problem is, when they do leave, those sort of characters have made so little impression on the storylines that they are instantly forgotten and rarely if ever mentioned again...
He has potential - if he grows a spine and stops being Tina's lovesick puppy dog.
~JB in Canada
No, but he hasn't been used well. It would make sense for him to leave with Tina but I wouldn't be surprised if he was kept on. He's eye candy and with Ryan leaving there has to be at least one young guy around for a new storyline.
Chris must stay as Tommy . He's our link to the Duckworths , Terry is his dad , Tyrone is also a link. Its true he hasn't been used well but Chris is a fine actor and should be given better storylines. I agree that Evs would not be the right girl for Tommy but surely the producers are looking for some eye candy to replace Tina.
Truthfully I would have to say I won't miss him but that's because he was underused. Make more of him - please !
I'd miss him, if only because he's a sympathetic young character, which makes a change from David Splat, Rancid Rob, Worthless Ryan, Sour Sophie, FayE the Liar, etc. For every exasperating stinker in Corra, we need a Tommeh, Fiz and Tyrone. And as for the godlike genius Kirkeh...
I think he should stay especially if Kevin doesn't return. I think he would be a great match with Beth's neice.
He is just really a token Duckworth, just for a link back to Jack, despite the fact they hadn't been seen together for 11 years before Chris Fountain took the role. He could of had potential of being a lad, but he just hangs around Tina and spent his time moping about during the whole baby storyline.
Tyrone for me is a better link back to Jack, as they shared a sort of father son relationship for a good number of years.
I do worry for Chris. I'm hoping he is going to be staying on the show but the writers have not given him much to do, other than pine for Tina.
I'd like to see him interact with other characters, like Carla, Eva and perhaps the character, Kal?
If they keep him I hope the rumour that they are bringing back Rosie is wrong I would hate to see them pair him up with that whatever it is.
There is no rumour about a Rosie Webster return; it's a silly season non-story in the Daily Star.
I would miss him, I think he can be used really well with Tyrone and Co. if the writers try! I also agree with the above comment "I think he should stay especially if Kevin doesn't return. I think he would be a great match with Beth's niece." He and Sinead would be awesome.
I think it would be unlikely for Tommy not to leave with Tina, the love of his life, but if tptb decide to keep him I hope they will give him some decent storylines, I'm sure he's much more capable than the low background stuff he's had to do so far. And yes I too think he would go well with Sinaid, like her and hope she stays.
I sometimes hate how TV perpetuates ideas of mainstream beauty and attractiveness. Am I supposed to find Tommy attractive? All I can see is a 20 something who will be bald in his 30s and probably on the portly side. I guess it's the compact body types that look better on TV, because you don't often see people cast who are genuinely beautiful, IMO, the ones with more irregular features. That's why I like Peter, Roy, and the bloke who played Marcus's friend, Ben - their features are more extreme. They look like they'd be good on stage!
I actually would miss him, although agree they haven't done the character many favours. But as Stephen points out, he's one of the few thoroughly decent young blokes on the show. Anyone remember that episode when Tommy stayed for tea with Tyrone & Fizz, after Ty was acquitted of beating Kirstie; it was joyous seeing them all laugh together. Keep Tommy - Chris is a bloody good actor! - and give him more to laugh about. I've a feeling Tommy without Tina could be the making of him, just as we've seen a new and fun Dierdre in Ken's absence, and I do like the idea of him with Sinead.
I would miss him too, I like Tommy and I think there are enough characters leaving without adding him to the list.
Writers, just please give him a decent storyline. Chris Fountain is a good actor and you should be glad you've got him!
If Kevin does not return, I like the idea of Ty and Tommy at the garage. Ty was Jack's surrogate son and now Tommy could be Ty's surrogate little brother. On Corrie the surrogate bonds are always stronger than blood. Hayley and Becky. Rita and Tina. Anna and the Armstrongs, Janice and Leanne, Sean and Eileen.
Keep him! He is the salt of the earth kind of fellow, and works so well with Tyrone and Fiz.
Tommy was born on the street. He belongs there. The writers could have a field day with him if they want to....There is so much that the character of Tommy Duckworth can be and do on Corrie. The actor, Chris Fountain, is also impressive. Please keep Tommy Duckworth. Tina can go, life goes on ~ lot's of pretty people split up for different reasons (so don't be too upset Digger ;)
Also, when we finally do get back to Tyrone, Fiz and the kids, Tommy needs to be there too. He is a Duckworth and Jack and Vera's spirits will be much happier knowing he's on the cobbles too.
~ so glad 'Dozie Dweebster' is NOT coming back. Seriously, Helen Flannigan should consider becoming a comedian - she's darn funny out there in the real world /though I'm sure she's not trying to be.
..and on the note of Kevin, sure hope he makes it back to the street after all is said and done. There's always room for him and his moustache!! and besides that, Sally's becoming quite the loose woman without him around.. A downright Hussy I'd say. She did the 'hair toss' and laugh the other night, I saw it!
He is good eye candy but a poor show as a Duckworth!- Micky
He'd be a good match for Katy.
I like the idea of Ty and Tommy in the garage if Kevin does not return. I'd like to see him stay, but with some decent stories. it might be nice for Rita to take a young bloke under her wing for once!
Maybe Tina will flip out & kidnap the baby from Gary and Izzy. She'll leave town and Tommy, with a good moral conscience, won't go with her.
Then 18 years from now, we can have a young lad called Joe/Jake roll into the street looking for his real parents.
~JB in Canada
I think Eva and Tommy would be ideal. They're both 'clingy' types that wouldn't stray - and we could sure use some of that.
Three-quarters of The Street behaves as if it were raised in the back woods of Kentucky.
I really don't think the guy's been given a fair chance. They've paired him off with a character that's had a massive storyline which he was supposed to be part of for the for-seeable, but now that the actress is leaving, he's just there to mumble a few "I'm sorry's" and look wounded.
They might keep him on if not just for the relationship he has with Tyrone - they're really good together.
I like him!!! He's sassy and sweet with just the right amount of confidence. Also, often the calm voice of reason for his pals. He's always tried to 'do right' - well as much as any human anyway.. It will all be too sad if he leaves too (so many recent departures, I dare say)..so, can we keep him? Pretty Please???
Todd Grimshaw is coming back and there will be yet another character turning sexuality - this will be Tinas exit storyline and Todd and Tommy will live happily together until the end of their contracts. Mark my words! I'm rarely wrong
it would be sad to see him go but if they are forcing him to leave they should at least have him go with Tina
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