Keystone Cops award (paired with Gormless Award): Tin star: Tyrone, Kirk and Tommy against the drug dealer. Going after a dealer with a very identifiable vehicle? (Well, I thought it was funny!)
Changed your tune award: Sylvia is actually defending Hayley now.
Circus award: Gail and Kylie's very public row was the best entertainment the neighbours have seen in months.
Selective hearing award: Whispering Star: Roy didn't hear Norris locked in the toilet below his own flat but could hear Mr. Druggie hollering from inside a meat locker INSIDE another building!
Overkill award: Two people do not need a 5 bedroom house.
Overreaction award: Gold Star: Did Audrey really think Kylie would take ALL her hair clients away from her?
Holier than Thou award: Gold Star: Gail and Audrey have reason to dislike and distrust Kylie but they really have gone over the top with disapproval. Show her a bit of support! They're no Roy and Hayley are they?
Business name of the week: "Kylie's Cutie Calls"
Stylista award: The wet look really isn't for you, David
Lines of the week:
Audrey to Kylie "Are you deaf as well as daft?"
Sylvia to Norris "Did you want anything or did you just come in to be spiteful"
Carla "I'll try not to screw up again"
Roy "Can you hear something?" Dennis "Unless it's the ghost of Martha Longhurst" Roy "Who?" Dennis "Before your time" (I LOVE it when they throw in little tid bits to the past like that!)
Becky "If you want someone that understands gobspeak, go hire a Dalek"
Mechanic of the Year: Tyrone. When his car did not start, he didn't even try fixing it.
Learn From Your Mistakes Award: Kirk. You'd think that having been sacked for misuse of the Underworld van, he would be a tiny bit reluctant to do it again.
Most Generous Employer Award: Carla. Kirk has so little to do that he can spend all day watching a drug dealer without being missed. Yet Carla employs Becky to help him pack the output of ...errr.. 7 staff.
Fastest Employees Award: The Faktry Girls. The 7 of them produce enough to keep 2 packers in full-time employment.
Voice of the Viewer Award: Tommy. Clearly, the character is so pointless that he's been made armchair critic. Him saying that going after a drug dealer etc is stupid does not make it any less stupid.
Most Amazing Coincidence Award: The Butcher's has lain empty for over 9 months. Someone shows an interest at exactly the same time that a drug dealer is imprisoned in the fridge. Amazing!
Amnesia Award(Gold): Gail has completely forgotten the heart-to-heart with Kylie about Max. Surprising since she lost the job at the Bistro because of it.
Amnesia Award (Silver): David and Kylie. David forgot his home 'phone number, because he couldn't ring it when he was unable to get a mobile signal. Kylie forgot David's mobile number, as she couldn't contact him at all.
Most amazing UK location: York. The weather must be brilliant there judging from David's tan when he returned. (Why did I know he would have good weather). Obviously they want to keep it a secret which is why it is impossible to communicate with anyone there, even in the digital age.
Optimist of the Year Award: Fiz. Thinking whining please leave me alone to Ruth would work.
Worst Social Services in the UK Award (1): David's imprisonment for assaulting Gail is no problem, but David and Kylie moving out of an overcrowded house is.
Worst Social Services in the UK Award (2): It's not surprising Max hardly recognises Kylie as Social Services have treated the case with all the urgency of a tortoise doing a marathon.
Pimps of the Year Award: ITV bosses for demanding sensational storylines to prop up the turkey that is Red and Black.
I loved Dennis' ment about Martha! Shows how rich Corrie's history is!
Yes, the mention of Martha was almost a double tribute to the past, first to Martha herself and second, to the later tradition that her ghost haunted the Rovers. Let's have MORE DENNIS, please!!!
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