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Friday 28 January 2022

Coronation Street Episode Review; Wednesday 26th January 7.30 & 8.30 pm

This week, Wednesday night’s Coronation Street gave us the downfall of Bernie Winter’s recent kidnap cash scam (of sorts), and devil-child, Hope, suitably sold her down the river. I’ve enjoyed this storyline. I don't think I’m on my own in saying that Bernie wasn't a favourite (to start with) and now I think she has longevity, in the vain of Janice Battersby, perhaps? I've been watching classic corrie (for blog research, obviously), and you can see the similarities. Evelyn's involvement (in pushing this plot strand to a conclusion) was a nice touch and gave it added depth. Any added Evelyn involvement makes it top-level Corrie, of course. More of that, please. However, Bernie is now in real trouble with Dev, her blended family, and the Weatherfield keystone cops. 

The best scene of tonight was the gathering outside Chez’s front door, and it was good to see Evelyn, Bernie, and Dev in serious confrontation, instead of the comedy corner shop stuff. The dawn/or dusk of natural lighting did give the scene a sense of dark foreboding and was a good direction. Tonight's plot also brought the 'Fiz always defending evil Hope' strand back into play. Will she finally see sense? Here’s hoping! 

Also tonight, and still seething from Maria’s political pee take, Sally (sidelined by Tim’s post-op heart problem) decides to hang up her power suit and clipboard, in aid of her husband's recovery. Have we seen the last of our favourite Coronation Street Mayor? (Sorry, Alf) I hope not. I would not have thought of throwing Sally and Maria together, and although the acorn was the climate change story, I think Corrie has done well with this (unexpected) comedy tree. I hope we see more from them both soon. Talking of bolshy women, dashing Daniel seems to have been caught in Lydia’s net, whilst his ex Daisy struggles with her true feelings. Lydia is going to be a bunny-boiler, isn't she?

Elsewhere,(or, things that don't float my boat) Jenny inadvertently meets Leo’s Dad, Teddy, and the relationship progresses anyway, and Craig’s crutch investigation deepens.  

I am @rybazoxo your self-styled cobbles connoisseur 

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Anonymous said...

I did have some sympathy for Bernie last night as unfortunately it's another case of a character being falsely accused and after she called out Grace for leaving Gloria alone,I seriously doubt that Bernie would exploit Joseph for money especially after seeing how upset Chesney was when the boy went missing.
Unfortunately Fiz has not learend her lesson after the fire whic led to Alina's miscarriage as she still believes Hope is telling the truth and when the truth does come out I hope that Fiz is the one who becomes the Street pariah as Bernie is now.

Humpty Dumpty said...

It is becoming a Corrie cliche that the character who falls furthest from grace will shortly be revealed as a saint. Bernie's not quite a saint but Dev's melodramatic 'You're a disgrace' tickled me. Is it my imagination or did Jade (Stape) leave the street without a clear explanation of where she fitted into John's life? John was a psychopath, Hope may be going that way. Did Jade have psychopathic tendencies?

Brett Thomson-Hunter said...

Bernie could've gotten herself out of this mess if she reported Clint to the Police instead of striking a deal with him and taking half the reward money.


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