Evening Corrie fans, it’s Kelly here with your Friday review.
Tim has another hospital appointment accompanied by the ever-present Aggie. Meanwhile in the cafĂ©, Abi tells Sally that she’s changed her mind and now believes that Tim is having an affair. You know what they say about people in glass houses Abs. Checking her tracking app, Sally discovers that her husband is in Aggie’s house and marches round just as Tim collapses clutching his chest. So at least that implausible cat is finally out of its completely pointless bag!
At No. 5, Ches and Gemma are stressing out over having no money and a forthcoming social worker visit. Dev brings over a food parcel which delights Gemma. But Ches takes offence and rejects it saying they don’t need charity. Honestly mate, you’ve got five kids, the electric’s just gone off and that Prima Doner shirt that you’ve been wearing for two weeks must really need a wash…just take the flipping biscuits! The social worker of course turns up just as they’re having a big (‘ere look at us we’re poor) row in the street. He tells them that he’s interviewed Joseph who said he feels outside of the family unit. This seems like a genuine surprise to Ches, who clearly hasn’t learned any lessons from the time his son was mute and he just let someone else work out what the issue was, oh and the time his son got mugged and he just bundled him (shoeless) back into to his room for six months. I don’t suppose there’s any chance that Owen Armstrong stops sunning himself in Portugal and remembers he has a grandchild is there? Probably not. I think the best young Joseph can hope for at the moment is the workhouse. At least he might get a bowl of gruel to himself.
Meanwhile, PC Tinker is still boring everyone to death with crutch-gate. I did wonder if the reason he’s so attached to that thing is because it’s the only object on the street more wooden than he is. But no, apparently, he thinks finding the owner will prove he’s good at his job. This hope is immediately blown out of the water when he shows Roy the initials on the crutch which have been totally baffling him, only for Roy to solve the ‘mystery’ within seconds. TPS stands for Trafford Health Services. Face facts Craig, you’re a terrible policeman and given how many people get wrongly arrested in Weatherfield that’s up against some pretty stiff competition.
Over at the school, President Alma Coin Mrs Crawshaw decides to sit in on one of Daniel’s lessons. When none of the pupils turn up, he takes the opportunity to tell her he disagrees with her directive that all girls wear shorts to prevent up-skirting. She doesn’t take it well and suggests that he owes her his support after she made sure he didn’t lose his job over Summer. Wow. She could be a Chief Whip. When the pupils still fail to show they find Amy leading another protest. As the Head tries to remonstrate, Daniel sneaks off to call a local reporter who turns up within minutes (must be a slow news day). With the media spotlight on her, Mrs Crawshaw pledges to make every pupil attend consent workshops and revokes Amy’s suspension. One nil to Miss Barlow.
Elsewhere Jenny turns down lunch with Carla for a bit of afternoon delight with Leo (and why wouldn’t you). Later he introduces her to his house mates, who are expecting a baby and she’s reminded again of the age gap between them. Personally, I think Jenny’s been looking gorgeous since Leo came along so I doubt she’s got anything to worry about. Though he does then suggest she meet his parents which has got to be a bit of a passion killer.
Finally, with Tim in the hospital Sally questions him as to why he would keep something as serious as triple bypass surgery from her. Yes, we’ve all wondered that Sal! When she returns home to collect his pyjamas and long-johns, she meets Eileen and George who let slip that Tim has organised his funeral. Back at the hospital a furious Sally, tells his that if he doesn’t trust her then she can’t trust him. Jeez Sal talk about kick a man when he’s down.
And that's it for this week. See you in a fortnight or catch me on twitter @mskelstar

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I don't understand why Emma and Chesney haven't been offered a bigger council house and why they're not claiming child benefit. I'm sure they'd be entitled to it, and also working tax credits.
Maybe they didn't claim it because Chesney doesn't like receiving charity? Wake up Ches and think about what's best for your family!
I thought Daniel's boss wasn't the head, as she said 'the head and me.'
There was just about half a class there, taking part on the protest. I know there should have been more but with covid restrictions etc...
I agree with Sally. I don't understand why Tim kept it from her. The 'I didn't want you to worry' logic doesn't add up. It seems a bit silly, really.
The Craig crutch plot is getting tedious and silly, too!
How do you know they're not claiming child benefits? It's not an awful amount per child per month.
If your talking real life, there's a waiting list for larger houses, and if one came their way, they'd be paying more rent. Chesney should've taken the food of Dev though. Deb does know his situation, he's his boss
Craig is an intensely irritating
and boring characterfor me. He's seriously getting on my nerves at the moment. He and Faye are not exactly loves young dream are they? They are boring too. How would those two young girls tolerate him? Their lives are very small just hanging around the street
"TPS stands for Trafford Health Services" Eh, how?
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