EMMA AND FAYE’S DAY GOES FROM BAD TO WORSE As Faye drives a still tipsy Emma back from their New Year’s Eve party, they knock over Ted, an old man carrying his shopping. The girls are relieved when he opens his eyes and states he is fine and invites them into his flat for a brew. Emma is shaken when back on the street Imran spots Emma is worse for wear and says she shouldn't be in charge of a learner whilst under the influence and if they had an accident she would be in trouble. Emma and Faye decide to return to the flat to check up on Ted and apologise.
ABI AND IMRAN FEAR IT’S TIME TO FACE THE MUSIC At No.13, Abi is wondering what on earth she’s going to do if she is pregnant. When Toyah questions where he disappeared to last night, Imran lies that he was watching the fireworks. Abi meets up with Imran in Victoria
Garden and tells him she plans to do a pregnancy test and if it’s positive, Kevin deserves the truth. Neither of them spots Kevin approaching, what has he heard?
TIM GETS CAUGHT WITH HIS TROUSERS DOWN Tim and Sally kick off the new year with a smoothie as part of their new healthy regime. Tim tells Peter that he’s booked both he and Sally in for health checks with Dr Gaddas.
ELSEWHERE Adam offers to take Harry for a kickabout. Sarah agrees but remains frosty towards him. When Adam tears a strip off Lydia for bitching about him to Sarah, Daniel’s taken aback. Nick leaves Sam in the cafe watching Mary play a game of chess. Sam listens to Hope chatter away over the walkie-talkie but still doesn't talk.
EMMA AND FAYE MAKE A PACT The girls vow to keep the accident a secret. Craig is keen to make plans for moving in with Faye.
IS IT LOOKING POSITIVE FOR ABI? Abi lies convincingly to Kevin and makes out that she and Imran were rowing over Kelly. Abi calls at the builder’s yard flat. As Toyah buzzes her up, Imran’s heart is in his mouth.
TIM IS SHIFTY AFTER HIS MOT Having successfully passed their health checks, Sally reckons they deserve a treat, but Tim’s reluctant and it’s clear he’s hiding something. As a furtive Tim takes a call confirming an appointment, Sally’s none the wiser.
ELSEWHERE When Mary suggests Sam might like to come back tomorrow and have a lesson Sam smiles and nods. Sarah calls at Adam’s office. Adam assures her that he only cares about her and Harry and couldn’t care less about Lydia. Sarah thaws towards him.
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