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Gemma, Chesney and Joseph are all set to go on holiday but Chesney’s car won’t start. Abi’s the one to diagnose and fix the fault while Kev reckons it’ll need a new starter thing, or something mechanical, what do I know? I don’t drive. Anyway, having proved that Abi’s right and Kev’s wrong, Abi wonders if she can get her job back at the garage but Kev says no. He does, though, offer her the chance of a job interview with a mate’s garage. When she returns from the interview upset that she didn't get the job because she doesn't have the right qualifications, Sally takes it on herself to ask Brian if he'll give English GCSE tuition to Abi.
But back to Gemma and Chesney’s holiday. It’s the holiday from hell in a caravan that’s been used as a cannabis farm. It’s raining, it’s wet, it’s miserable and Gemma and Chesney are fed up with each other. Gemma forgets to pack the raincoats and of course it pours non-stop. And then it got a bit silly with Corrie pushing Gemma down our throats (and I LOVE Gemma but it was even too much for me) in a daft storyline involving her getting carted off in the wrong caravan after getting drunk in a pub. What this all leads to is that Chesney has doubts about his future with Gemma.
Last week Carla jumped out of the window at the medical centre and hasn’t been seen since. Peter’s at his wits end looking for her and calls on the Connors to tell them what’s happened. You’d think, after Aidan’s mental health problems resulting in his suicide, that the Connors might be taking Carla’s breakdown a little more seriously. It’s up to Peter to convince them how paranoid Carla has become and that her disappearance isn’t down to Carla going on a red wine bender in the pub.
As the investigation into the Underworld roof collapse continues, Wayne leaves his health and safety report in Roy’s Rolls by accident. Imran finds it and has it in his hands just as Wayne returns to the café to collect it. Wayne assumes Imran is up to something with the report, and when Wayne’s car is broken into later and his report stolen, he puts the blame on Imran. But is it Imran who’s guilty of stealing the report? Nick seems awfully shifty this week and confesses to the cops (sort of) about the money he nicked from his gran, in case they think it suspicious that Underworld accounts show a large amount of money being paid in. But has Nick done himself more harm than good by telling a half-truth to the cops and piquing their interest in him as a possible suspect?
Meanwhile, Gary is drawn deeper into the shady world of Rick Neelan’s loan sharking. But he’s about to find out how evil Rick can be when Gary tells him that he’s not going to work for him anymore. Rick beats him up, slamming his face into the Tommy Orpington calendar on his office wall. Rick’s right-hand man, Sharon, threatens Gary too, after they visit one of Rick’s clients who owes him money and it turns out to be Vicky, Tyler’s mum. Gary refuses to demand the cash and lets Vicky flee with her belongings. Gary’s got more on his plate as Sarah has seen him heading to work in the builders’ yard dressed in a suit and tie as he goes to work for Rick instead. She jumps in her car and follows Gary. Now this, I’m finding hard to swallow. We’re to assume Sarah’s learned to drive and has bought a car even though she’s never had a lesson in her life and is so skint she’s sleeping on her mother’s parlour floor. But anyhoo, Gary is forced to sign over the builder’s yard materials, tools, office equipment and even the kettle to Rick. Is it even Gary’s to sign over, I wonder? Doesn’t Jason still own the place?
Over at the cab office, Steve, Tim and Dev are having a competition to see who can get lower their blood pressure the most. Dev takes to meditation and deep breathing while Steve and Tim wind him up something rotten to get his blood pressure up sky high. Tim, however, has more on his mind than heart problems when Sally changes his shower gel from the one that gives him a “tingly feeling down there”.
Finally this week, to end on a rather crude note, there’s dog poo wars when Ken and Beth go head to head in poo patrol. Not exactly what you want at the end of a working week.
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Alsadair Morrision and Owen Lloyd-Fox (Monday); Cameron McAllister and Simon Crowther (Wednesday), Chris Fewtrell (Friday). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at Coronation Street Blog: Exclusive: All Current Corrie writers online
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at Flaming Nora

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
Tingly bits? Cringy bits is more like it. Ridiculous Rick/Gary carry-on. I smell a murder (Ricks) and Gary going to jail again. Enough drunken Gemma trying to be cute and droll as dishwater Chesney!!
Corrie has reached a new low. It was like watching an am dram production last night, shockingly bad. I have watched Corrie since the initial episode and for the first time am seriously thinking of dumping it. New writers, producers please.
Utter utter rubbish. I stopped watching for nearly a year in the Phelan days, time for another break me thinks.
I'm definitely taking a break. It wasn't this bad under the last producer and I picked fault at Phelan and the ramped up drama. We were promised comedy and what do we get? Rubbish that CBBC wouldn't even dare commission.
Corrie was never built on slapstick, why is that so hard for the writers to get that? I'd happily strap them in and make them watch Classic Corrie over the bank holiday so they appreciate why we feel in love with the show in the first place. It wasn't the innuendos and constant references to sex.
The only good thing about last night was Sally and Abi.
ITV need to get real and make changes because the 60th is coming. The ship is sinking, start swimming!
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