Jack is still in danger. Sophie, still feeling the guilt, is still talking about suing the NHS, to Kevin's disgust. She verbally attacks Rana, who instead of defending herself, hugs Sophie and she ends up apologising to the nurse. The extended family finds out that Jack needs an amputation and Sophie persuades Kevin to sign the release forms. He later cries over Jack's bedside when the operation has taken place and then confesses to Gina that he should never have left Jack with Sophie, which she of course overhears.
Sally is too distracted by Jack's illness (and her new bathroom tiles) to concentrate on the Mayor's Fund, and says she will resign from the committee, something that chancer Duncan overhears. He persuades her against it, as he knows that he can manipulate Mayor Metcalfe into giving him the money. Tim, with his nose for a bad 'un, raises some objections to Duncan, which Sally rejects. Bet that decision isn't going to come back and bite her on the backside!
Sean has found a friend in Liz, or so it seems, as she offers him a cuppa and a sofa to sleep on. He confesses that he's left (or been sacked from) his job. Even though he's been asking around for some work, pride seems to be Sean's main enemy - anyone would put him up, and no doubt Alya would plug in his sewing machine again. That and Fiz, who despite the fact he's been working as an unpaid nanny, shopper and cook, has asked Sean to leave her (Tyrone's) house. Toyah offers him some shifts at the pub and, after ascertaining that Liz isn't allowed back to the Rovers (for now), he takes them and even finds his old nook (groove in the bar where he leans). Unfortunately, this enrages Liz (and her desire to beat Betty's record as oldest landlady in Weatherfield), and she kicks Sean out of her flat. He rings all of his Canal Street hook-ups to no avail and ends up in Kirk's old tent next to the bins. It's good that a) Sean has a storyline that isn't him being dumped by a boyfriend b) this highlights an ever-growing societal problem, but boy oh boy, am I getting a little fed up of issues.
Angie tries to hide the fact that Maria did her up-do, but Tracy finds out and persuades Maria to do some more moonlighting for a curly blow for £20. The irony is that Audrey keeps admiring Maria's secret do's, whilst refusing to let her have more responsibility in the salon.
Bethany goes 'round to apologise to Ryan and it seems to work as they kiss on his (Michelle's) sofa. Bethany invites him out for a date with Kayla and Craig (Crayla? Kaig?), but Kayla has other things on her mind, namely visiting nasty Neil, who instead of praising daddy's special girl for her undercover work, shouts at her and tells her she'll ruin his appeal. He makes her promise not to go anywhere near Craig or Bethany again and she lives up to her dad's word by dumping Craig and leaving Speed Daal. Poor Yasmeen! No head chef, no manager, no perky waitress. Sean should try his luck again there.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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Hopefully this means we'll see the last of Kayla and her vile father.
Why do so many soap characters end up sleeping on a mate's sofa?! Does nobody have a spare room? And where would Sean put his possessions? Surely a man in his 40s has more than the clothes he stands up in?
But I agree that Fiz has a cheeky demanding rent. I thought the cooking, cleaning and free childcare were in lieu of rent...
You nailed it on issues: yes, folks lose their homes in tough times but when given the choice of pride or a sofa, I’d take the sofa. It isnt as dramatic but someone is gonna notice either Sean living rough or his rough grooming. He isnt an addict nor does he have mental health issues so living rough just doesnt make sense. One kind soul with lotsa living space (Yasmeen!) could solve this, as could two selfish ones (Angie and Jude!).
Or Ches. Sean also has to speak up. No one is that heartless. Although Fiz is just awful. She is squatting in Ty's house, using Sean, when she should go live with her brother and Sean could stay with Ty.
I thought Chesney just wanted to be on his own with Joseph in the house so he could concentrate on quality time with Chesney
Why were Sally, Tim and Faye sitting at the hospital all day ? There was nothing they could do, they were probably just in the way, Sophie was there with Kevin for support. It got even more silly when Gina and Dev turned up. If Kevin or Sophie needed them for anything they could have texted them.
Ches did want to be on his own. How can Ches afford that, and wouldn't he be kind enough to let a friend sleep in the extra bedroom?
I didn't have a problem with the extended family being there to support Kevin. And also to support daughter and niece Sophie. I quite like the extended Webster-Metcalfe clan that has been built. :-)
So Liz said she was working part time at the medical centre. Why has she not been sacked? She has broken patient confidentiality more than once.Ridiculous.
Yeah, I thought Liz would be sacked from the medical centre.
Toyah has no right to sack her from the pub. As a pub employee, she didn't do anything wrong. You can't sack someone for offending your sister's sister, lol. But then again, Steve had no right to sack a good employee Mike just because he was his former teacher. The HR practices on Corrie are terrible, ha ha.
Yes, I thought the same about Liz and the medical centre. It is a really bad move and it shows the NHS in such a bad light, that they allow the broken patient confidentiality thing to go unpunished. Enough people know what she did - including Moira.
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