We've got a very special giveaway here on the Coronation Street Blog. Author Rosie Hendry has kindly offered a copy of two of her books, ast End Angels and Secerts of the East End Angels. No, don't worry, we haven't gone all EastEnders on you! But we are proud to offer such amazing books as a competition prize here on the Coronation Street Blog.
Rosie Hendry grew up listening to her father’s tales about life during the Second World War which sparked her interest in this period, especially about how women’s lives changed. The East End Angels series is set in a London Auxiliary Ambulance Station a short raven’s flight from the Tower of London, where crew members Winnie, Frankie and Bella form strong bonds of friendship while facing the horrors of the Blitz.
To be in with a chance to enter to win these books, all you have to do is visit Rosie's website to find the answer to the question below. Then, email your correct answer to me and one lucky winner will be drawn at random and announced here on the Coronation Street Blog.
Deadline for entries is Sunday 15 July 2018 at 5pm.
Sorry, overseas fans. This competition is open to UK entrants only.
The two books will be sent to one lucky winner, drawn at random from all of the correct entries received.
Entries from moneysavingsexpertforum, Loquax and all other competition entry websites will not be included.
Here is your question, good luck! Email the correct answer to me at glenda.sunderland@gmail.com with ANGELS in your email subject line.
Q: What is the title of the third book in Rosie Hendry's East End Angels series?
Follow Rosie on:
Facebook: Rosie Hendry BooksTwitter @hendry_rosieWebsite www.rosiehendry.com
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