I'm feeling quite sorry for our Gail at the moment. She's obviously struggling with the fact that the bloke who used to present Family Fortunes has been in her house uninvited. I think it will make for an interesting storyline as it progresses but it's made me wonder - when did Gail become the downtrodden victim?
Flashback now to August 1977, courtesy of Youtube. Gail Potter and Suzie Birchall, all glossy hair, cheeky grins and short shorts, peddling off under the viaduct on Stan and Hilda's tandem. I know 1977 is some time ago now but the Gail of today is almost unrecognisable.
Was it Ivy Tilsley's fault? Or her Brian's? It seemed that as soon as Gail moved from under Elsie's roof to Tilsley Towers, her youth evaporated. Within months she was pregnant, boasting the very best in hideous late 1970s maternity wear. Suzie Birchall was long gone and Brian's acting talents were soon to be phoned in from Qatar.

So the victim seeds were sown back in 1979. Look what followed. Gail and Brian get divorced. Gail and Brian remarry "for the sake of the kids": more doom and gloom. Brian gets stabbed. Gail's mother in law from hell becomes a martyr, then an alcoholic, then runs off to a convent with a new face and dies off screen.
Then along comes Martin, whos major achievement was giving the nation David Platt. Throw in a crazy Irish Cusack nanny and an affair with a Geordie nurse and Martin scarpers to Liverpool never to be mentioned again, despite the fact motorways have been invented.

Kylie summed up Gail's life in Monday night's episode to a fairly stunned Police Support Officer. I love it when Corrie references the plainly ludicrous tragedies that have plagued its characters. Where would Emily be without moist-eyed memories of Ernest? Up a tree probably, with Spider.
Is Gail's natural doom-laden state an accurate depiction then? Should we be rejoicing in the fact that Corrie still boasts characters with such a history behind them? Or do you, like me, yearn for a bit of lighthearted excitement for our Gail? No dodgy fellas, bonkers family members or Bistro tabards anymore...or at least not for a bit.
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I suspect time has worn Gail down a bit and she is much older now so her outlook on life is a bit different from those carefree early days.
What worries Frosty is that Gail is clearly frightened and upset but of course the burglar is to become her new love interest which is a bit of irresponsible writing - never mind if you get threatened or broken into - you could end up with the intruder as your lover - stupid stuff.
I liked Kylie listing all the troubles that Gail has been through. It's good to see the show acknowledging it's past. The scenes where Michelle and Carla talk about Carla becoming a mum were just weird as Michelle's baby-swap is never mentioned any more.
Too right Gilles. Especially since she speaks so much of loving her Ryan but sent the real one packing. lol
The old Gail would have chased him down the street with a cast-iron pan. I think Joe M's death must have addled her brain because she went into Nick's bog one day and came out an entirely different person.
We all get more nervous as we age, we just start to see things from a different perspective and that can bring a lot of vulnerability. However, Gail seems to be going OTT - she barely reacted to discovering her son tossed her down the stairs... happily living under the same roof (pushing for it, even).
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