Despite Roy and Fiz hoping they’ve
seen the last of Christian, she unfortunately encounters him in the Rovers where
he is nasty and cruel. He changes his tune however when he arrives at
the café, speaking of a fresh start and apologising for his previous behaviour.
Roy, always with Hayley’s best interests at heart, is dismissive and skeptical but is
sent packing by Hayley who wants to be alone with her son. It’s a relief to
find her appropriately reserved and cautious at Christian’s reason for returning, and she isn’t long finding out that the niceties are an act and his
motivation is clearing debt to the tune of £5000. He uses emotional blackmail in
the form of his two children, Maisy and Sam to force Hayley’s hand, and she has
to decide if seeing her grandchildren before she dies is worth giving him the
money. Roy is shocked to hear this but Hayley assures him she won’t do anything
she doesn’t want to.
After the children arrive, Hayley is
ushered upstairs by Christian who tries wrongly to make her feel that she should make
amends. Despite his aggression, Hayley writes him a cheque, and the ink is barely
dry on the paper before he whisks the children away. It’s important to note
that Hayley shows no fear, and this money is not handed over under duress, or
from any misplaced guilt; it’s clearly something she wants to do. She explains
to a stunned Fiz and Chesney that while she can only hope that the money will
be used for good, she got to meet her grandchildren and considers the day a
success. The one thing that is hard to swallow about Hayley's actions is that Roy isn’t
consulted in the decision to give a large sum of their money to someone so
undeserving. They’re a couple whose capacity for sharing everything is a
cornerstone of their marriage, and yet Roy was excluded from this decision.
Perhaps it’s just more evidence of his unconditional love and respect for Hayley.

As Peter engages in a bit of soul
searching in the bridal suite mirror, Carla wakes. In a room with two sinks,
two mirrors and two baths, she must have felt like she was seeing double. But
no, looking gorgeous and hangover free, it was incredible to find that she was
completely unfazed by the fact that she had to be put to bed drunk on their
wedding night, and couldn’t remember half of it. Considering how much the
wedding meant to her, the effort she put into every detail, and her carefully
cultivated outward image and persona, it’s very hard to believe she wouldn't
be affected by this, even in some small way.

Carla may soon find herself having
one thing at least in common with Kylie, but for now the new bride is glowing.
The groom, however, has other things on his mind as he heads to the Rovers to
see Tina on the pretence of making childcare arrangements. Peter tells her their
kiss should never have happened and assures her that there won’t be a repeat
performance. Tina turns bunny-boiler, telling him “you’re scared I’ll tell
Carla, and you know what? You’re right to be”. It’s difficult to understand such behaviour on Tina’s
part. It doesn’t seem like she loves Peter, as no such motive has been set up
with this storyline; their tryst appears solely based on attraction. So why is
she so possessive over him? And what’s in it for her to tell Carla? She would surely lose Peter that way, and it’s not
like she regrets their actions, or cares about his wife of less than 24 hours; if she did she wouldn't be making a play for her husband.
Having to negotiate Beth angling
for wedding gossip is more than she can take and her sharp retort means a free
pint of Newton & Ridley’s finest for Ms. Tinker, and an early night for
Tina as Liz sends her home.
As the newlyweds depart on
honeymoon Tina walks up to Carla and begins to confess when Peter ushers his wife
into the taxi, leaving Tina speechless; now when have we ever known that to be
so easy? At last the happy couple set off for Bali, the location of which, despite
the best efforts of all at Underworld, remains a mystery to their staff.
By Emma Hynes
Twitter: @ELHynes
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Maisy was lovely. Would like to see another scene between her and Hayley, sans Christian.
Sally telling everyone within ear-shot that she's in charge while Carla and Petah are on honeymoon and nobody gives a monkey's.
I don't get the Platt's - none of them seem to know what a phone is for. Kylie walks to the salon to make an appointment - Nick walks to Gail's to ask Kylie to do a shift. I guess now Nick will walk over to Gail's just in time to catch David trying to be a father to his kid and once again they're be a flap about.
To be honest there doesn't seem to be alot of gaps that need filling in terms of the affair. In my opinion it seems rushed, it wasn't a monthly progression as other BETTER storylines have been. Some actions of the characters seem out of place and I am surprised that Audrey of all of the Platt gang hasn't reminded Kylie that regardless of David's wrongful actions, Nick & her were at fault for having the affair in the first place. She is normally the only one to put people in their place. I mean I love Corrie, but the reviews on this site of late have been making the episodes more appealing than it is. And that's really bad on Corrie's part and I worry that if Corrie continues as it is, their ratings lead will not persist into the new year and will be taken over by EE. When Corrie get it right, they get it RIGHT but I haven't seen anything in a while that has made me really enjoy Corrie apart from sadly the Halloween & Simon bullying eps.
And Tina is EVERYWHERE. They are really getting their moneys worth with her aren't they but where;s Maria, Jason & Eva, we're not seeing much of them and its annoying that she's in every other scene. It's too much. And it's not as if the storyline is that great anyway. Quite sad really...
I saw two Corrie characters live and they said something interesting. They said that the actors are paid per episode. They laughed because if an actor is in one scene in a show he/she gets paid the same amount as an actor who has several scenes in a show.
So Ty Stewz you are very accurate when you say they are getting their money's worth with Tina. lol
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