DRUNKEN KYLIE STEALS THE SHOW Under pressure, Kylie reluctantly agrees to let David attend Max’s nativity play but upset that David is slowly worming his way back into his family, she goes on a bender. When she kicks off at Tina, she’s kicked out of the Rovers and makes her way to the nativity but when asked to leave because of her drunken behaviour, how will Kylie react?
ROY FACES A TESTING TIME Roy’s nervous about his driving test and Mary makes matters worse by regaling him with stories of her failed attempts. Hayley worries Roy has heaped too much pressure on himself and it’s her fault. as Roy braces himself - has he done enough to pass?
TINA GOES TO SIMONS NATIVITY Carla persuades Tina to attend Simon’s nativity in her place and Peter tells her he knows about her kiss with Rob
ELSEWHERE There’s clearly a spark as Dennis and Gloria help the band set up and Owen is intrigued to receive an invitation to a drinks party from Phelan.
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Can't wait, because no one has ever shown up drunk at the Nativity play. *sigh*
I would think that by now Bessie Street School would have little notes next to the names of any kids from Coronation Street, warning the staff to keep an eye on any of their friends, or especially relatives, who turn up at school functions. The misbehaviour makes for a long list.
Peter did the same thing a couple of years back - wrecked Simon's nativity play because of Leanne and Nick. Now it's Kylie's turn? Didn't Katie give birth at the nativity play as well? It's like the weddings on Corrie - train wrecks. Speaking of trains..why hasn't Mary ever been held accountable for almost destroying Haley and Roy's wedding - or maybe the writers have re-written her character (again) to be some sort of a Mary Poppins/Nanny McPhee sort of persona?
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