Rob offers to wear Ken’s kimono but it’s not about kimonos – it’s more about Rob and Tracy behaving inappropriately and disrespectfully, but they would behave this way, of course they would, they are Rob and Tracy – each one the centre of his/her universe. Quite reasonably, Deirdre does not wish them to parade their sexuality in front of her while she is trying to eat her boiled egg.
Rob, (now fully clothed) who is clearly attracted to Tina,
bumps into her and ask her what’s up. Thinking it could only be something to do
with the kiss they shared a while ago, he mentions that and wonders if that is why she appears down in the dumps. Not
so, claims Tina but willingly accepts a lift into town from him. On their
return Peter, who happens to be in the right place at the right time, is furious
as he witnesses the peck on the cheek between Tina and Rob. Peter storms into
Barlow’s Bargains and claims he’s angry with Rob for his behaviour with Tina,
because he’s looking out for Tracy. As Rob points out Tracy is only Peter’s stepsister,
so the blood thicker than water case that Peter is pursuing, doesn't wash.
So Peter has Rob pinned up against the wall when Tracy enters
and immediately sides with Rob. Naturally, Peter persists in playing the part
of the defending brother but it is clearly his raging jealousy that is the
reason he is so ferocious towards Rob. It convinces those around him for now,
because Rob and Peter have never got on, so succeeds in shrouding the real reason. ‘You
have terrible taste in men,’ Peter tells Tracy.
Does the terrible taste in men include Steve? In The Rovers
the mother of Steve hears Tracy use the word bully. ‘Bully? Run in the family
does it?’ asks Liz. Tracy replies, rather oddly, ‘Oh Liz, if looks could kill
you’d be choking on your split ends.’ OK – an unpleasant comment in essence,
but it just seems odd. There’s more. Liz
accuses Tracy of milking the idea that Rob was attacked and oddly Liz says, ‘I’ll
send round a cow; you can milk that too.’ Tracy replies, ‘Cows, you’d know
about those.’
Clearly the purpose of this exchange is to show the viewer
the persistent and ongoing dislike between the ex-mother and daughter- in-law,
but both women are verbally sharper and wittier than that exchange shows them
to be, and it felt like a disservice to both. So, so important to get the
dialogue absolutely right.
Tracy and Rob, after having been overheard by Deirdre,
talking about how much cheaper it would be if they could move in with her, make
her a meal with all the marrow trimmings. Deidre uses this opportunity to tell
them just how much she would like a new plasma screen TV. Why not put the idea
into their selfish heads? She might as well get something out of them.
Deirdre’s great line tonight, after she had said that Rob
and Tracy were like her shadow, was in response to Tracy saying that most parents
would be glad of their offspring wanting to spend time with them. ‘Most parents
don’t have offspring like you!’ So good! All gone is the ‘Oh Tracy, love,’ of old.
And now, over to Sophie,
editor of The Times, if Sally could have her way. Sophie is going to write a
couple of pieces for the Weatherfield Soup Kitchen magazine, all proceeds to
charity, but Sally, ever the social climber, sees her younger daughter as the
new Janet Street Porter.
Maddie Heath, the handbag thief, ridicules and mocks the
idea of Sophie writing for the magazine, asking Sophie exactly what experience
she has of living on the streets. As we
know, and as Maddie knows, she has none. Taking on the character of Sophie,
Maddie says, ‘From the comfort of your own centrally heated home…’ Sophie
stands her ground and tells Maddie that she only wants to help. When Sophie
stands up, she asks Maddie if she would like some vinegar. ‘What for?’ asks
Maddie. ‘For that chip on your shoulder,’ comes the thought-provoking reply. ‘When you’re in your
big comfy bed tonight, think of me won’t you?’ says Maddie.
Kal is proving to be an excellent addition to the cobbles.
He appears as a ball of energy and eager for his clients to do their best, and
thus better their lives. He does ask rather a lot of questions though as Leanne
discovered, some of them perhaps a bit too personal, but Leanne has no problem
telling him to keep his nose out. He asks several probing questions but is very
circumspect when it comes to himself and his own personal life. Here’s hoping
for some revelations soon.
So Leanne has gone to live with Stella for a while and
Stella thinks this is a good idea. Gail is less sure though and maybe feels
Nick is being abandoned. Still, Gail has her Alpine Meadow shower gel as
consolation and must be pleased that Nick is cutting down his working hours.
Tonight’s star performance came from the brilliant Alison
King, playing Carla. When Hayley said that a few close friends would have to be told
just how close to death she is, she wanted Carla to be included. Dutifully Roy
calls at Carla’s, totally unprepared for Carla’s reaction. ‘She doesn’t want
any visitors,’ says a hapless Roy to which Carla replies, ‘Come on Roy,’and off
they go to see Hayley. At the upstairs door in the café, Roy becomes more
assertive, but he’s no match for Carla and into the bedroom she goes.
With such sincerity and genuine friendship, Carla tells Hayley
that though she cannot see them, all her friends are there with her. ‘If you
can’t see us, we’re there.’ It is an unexpected, unusual friendship in that on
the surface, at least, Hayley and Carla are two very different women. Each,
though, recognises the other’s worth and it is a scene so sweet to see Carla and
Hayley hugging each other and crying.
Hayley’s fear of death is evident and each of us must relate
to her in thinking of our own mortality. ‘You’ve touched so many lives,’ Carla
says, whereas she feels she has touched many pay packets. The fear Hayley
expresses is raw and terrifying and she hates that she cannot carry on, rather
like the time Hayley and her mum got stuck on a chairlift going down to the
beach and her mother was petrified.
What was so brilliant about the Carla, Roy and Hayley scene
was the writing got it just right. When asked by Roy if she took sugar, Carla,
jokingly affronted, asks him, ‘Do I look like I take sugar?’ Just the right amount
of levity, so deftly done.
Meanwhile Tina and Peter give in to their desire for each
other, and somehow, it seems all the more ‘wrong’ (trying to avoid moralizing)
that Carla is sobbing with her friend while her husband of just a few weeks,
decides to betray her.
‘What’ve we done?’ asks Tina. ‘Something rather beautiful,’
says Peter, plumbing the depths of the cliché.
Roy’s bag pulls them up sharp though. As Roy explained, life
without his notebook is tricky. He reclaims it, within its bag and Peter
virtually shoves him down the stairs.
The final scene of Tina, alone and crying and silent speaks more
eloquently than a thousand words.
All original work on the Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
I was surprised at how lardy Rob was, I thought he was more buff than that!
Great review as always. I enjoyed the Hayley/Carla/Roy scenes. Beautifully written and acted. Like you I felt the scene between Tracy and Liz was rather childish. More so on Liz's part, I felt the cow comment rather stupid and immature. Surely the writers could have come up with something better than that for the feisty, witty Liz.
The Tina & Peter affair I don't like. I would rather it had been between Rob & Tracy. And alot of people are turning off of Tina - the one kind, loyal, friendly sweet Tina. She's had a personality transplant for the sake of the storyline - that's how I feel. I feel for the near 7 years she's been on the street the build up to her exit could be better. Obviously we don't know the full extent of what's to come but still an affair with a man twice her age seems odd for the girl who once dated David Platt & Graeme. I laughed when Peter was hoovering Tina off the cushions, I found that a highlight.
But overall I feel the show is still lacking a certain spark. The Hayley storyline is carrying Corrie and rightly so but otherwise there's nothing else big or thrilling to contrast it - if you get what I mean. But I found Tina's crying a rather beautiful touch to the episode.
But yes Alison King was tonight's star performer.
I may be in the minority but I do not feel sorry for Tina. Much in the same way that I did not feel sorry for Carla in 2011 after she spotted Peter and Leanne heading to see Santa with Simon, after they (Carla and Peter) both declared their love for each other (prior to them sleeping together) and he promised he was going home to end it with Leanne.
Tina has been chasing Peter to the point of stalking him; resorting even to childish games by trying to make him jealous by kissing his arch enemy. He has told her numerous times that he's a screwed up conundrum, but he loves Carla. He didn't jilt Carla at the altar for Tina like she was hoping for, nor will he leave Carla for her in the upcoming weeks.
I have very little sympathy for Tina, and her tears at the end just made me roll my eyes in disgust. I have had enough of her character being thrust into every storyline simply because the actress has been voted sexiest female three years running and the powers that be want to keep catering to her voters.
Between her storylines, the fact that she consistently is treated like she can't do any wrong (Liz: "you get into trouble, and you're done" Cue: Tina scrapping with Kylie in the street; half an hour later, Liz: "why don't you go home and put your feet up love?") and how we as viewers are supposed to constantly feel sorry for her, I am just fed up instead!
The constant Tina driven storylines, along with the corrie publicity team constantly promoting Michelle Keegan ad nauseum, has turned me off the show. I don't think I'll be tuning in anymore once Hayley passes on. What really is a shame though is that Alison King and Julie Hes were so incredibly wonderful tonight. Absolute star performances from them both, and their performances will be placed on the backburner while the publicity team continue to shove 'poor tina' drivel down our throats.
I have to agree about Alison King. That was a superb performance. Carla actually made me cry and Julie Hes was absolutely brilliant too.
The Carla/Hayley/Roy scenes were poignant and beautiful but the Peter and Tina scenes really cheapened it all. Carla is informed that her closest friend has just weeks to live and rushes off to see her. Peter decides that would be the ideal time to drag Tina to Carla's bed, whilst she is breaking her heart at her dying friend's bedside. Very uncomfortable viewing.
I could go on about how disgusted and disappointed I am with both Peter and Tina but I can't be bothered. All I will say is that they look like father and daughter and the storyline is embarrassing to watch.
"lsrdy"? What is this British obsession with rail thin body types? Repulsive.
*"lardy" - stupid robot.
As you say the final scene with Tina crying tears of self pity for a situation she has created herself after the tacky bunk up with the Street's serial shagger against the tears of Hayley and Carla made a point for Frosty. And the inarticulate mumbler Sawphie has an "A" in English? Whaaaaa? - and they say the exams are dumbed down these days? Guffaws.
The tawdry Peter/Tina storyline is so ickily repulsive that, with the Carla crossover, it now risks debasing the beautifully poignant Hayley storyline. Please let it be over soon. Except that it will probably mean that Carla and Peter will also be over. And that is such a waste. Like wanton destructiveness. I feel quite angry about it.
On a more positive note, the three most recent additions (Kal, Andrea and Maddie) all seem to have a certain spark of energy that can only bode well for the future. So long as the writers can come up with some original ideas and meaty scripts.
What is it with Kal - he can't keep his hands off Dev, touching him in every scene they share together.
A new bromance in the offing?
I'd like to know what the writers expect viewers to feel about the Peter/Tina storyline. Surely it's not nausea; it's almost unwatchable. I realise it's the run-up to a whodunit story but, honestly, will anyone care at the end of it?
Grubby in the extreme a - like two dogs on heat, the middle aged Peter at it with the barmaid who looks after his kid who is young enough to be his daughter while the "love of his life" visits a dying friend. The scene just made me want to take a shower afterwards,
Tina's an idiot just like her father. Good riddance to an increasingly annoying character.
Are we really going to be subject to that awful Sophie and yet another attempt to pair her up with someone? The writers really had to think about this one. The homeless bird with a large chip on her shoulder and an even larger mouth has never been done before. (Fiz,Kylie,Becky etc
The story would have made more sense if Tina had an affair with Rob. After being dumped by Tommy the man she did so much for...it could have been a turning point. She could be on a path of self destruction which would have put her in Tracy's path. That would have been interesting. As it is I feel bad for Carla.....and I always thought I would look forward to Peter doing the dirty on her as he did poor Leanne. But instead I feel bad for Carla and this cannot be!
As posters above have said, it would have made a lot more sense if Tina and Rob had got together but then Peter wouldn't have a reason for leaving the Street. CG's departure has triggered a storyline that would never have seen the light of day if he'd been staying. So I'm not going to comment on it anymore (ha! some chance) because it dignifies a storyline that was slung together in the coffee break.
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